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Everything posted by rasaliad

  1. Hi Mohammad Thanks for your help to the unigui community, I prefer a PDF guide (and attach example projects file) because it can be read over and over. Thanks for advanced PD: I'm able to pay for it if it's necessary.
  2. Hi En Project Options -> Build Events -> Pre-Build Events -> Cancel on Error = False.
  3. Well... I just want to say Thank you, Thanks for your help, there is a power behind the layout, to make beauty and flex GUI, but not all of us know about it, or how to use it. Your tutorials are very useful and appreciate. Thanks again. Regards,
  4. Thanks for your help, it works!! Regards
  5. Hi Folks, I have a Mobile Form and on it, there is a TUnimDBListGrid, every 5 seconds, I want to refresh the query (Close and open a qrQuery1), then when the close and open happened, appeared the screen mask over the ListGrid, how can I avoid it to show?, I mean, I want to refresh but no with the screen mask, I have not set any screen mask property. Thanks and Regards, Liriano
  6. Hi Mohammad, thanks for sharing... I notice an error, look the image, sorry i can't attach image here. https://www.dropbox.com/s/516322ebr919135/Screen%20Shot%202017-08-09%20at%2011.19.27%20PM.png?dl=0
  7. Hi Bertifox Have you seen this http://forums.unigui.com/index.php?/topic/4666-unispecial-component/?p=23362
  8. Thanks Ronny and Ricardolb, for your feed back. No problem with linux, it will be used with Windows, and delphi 10.2 Tokyo Professional! Liriano
  9. Hi, could someone help me? I have a customer that is going to buy Delphi 10.2 Tokyo Professional with FireDac and UniGui, my question is: Does UniGui install without problem with Delphi 10.2 Tokyo Professional. Please give me a help as soon as possible, we need to buy it. Thanks in Advanced Liriano
  10. Hi, perjanbr Can you please, give a sample with generics.collections, to create/destroy components at runtime. Thanks, Liriano
  11. Thank you, a very good and productive example!!!!
  12. rasaliad


    Hi etwoss, from 2011 I have never go to Sencha forum, and I have several project in UniGUI. It its Rock!!!!. Here in this forum you can find and ask what you need.
  13. Hi Mike Take a look a this: http://forums.unigui.com/index.php?/topic/6225-dbgrid-clientside-sorting/?hl=sort Liriano
  14. Hi, Here some helps with curl, but sorry is in spanish, maybe google translate can help. http://delphiaccess.com/foros/index.php/topic/10397-uso-de-tcurl-para-enviar-comando-a-parsecom/?p=82648 I hope this can give you some idea or help
  15. Sorry DD, But now I see there is allway display time 0:00 (date format dd/MM/yyyy H:i), Why?, what I am doing wrong?. Thanks for your help.
  16. Hi DD!!!! Thank you, very, very much. Now All is working
  17. Hello Delphi Developer My Application is a Hybrid one, then after add the files Datetime.js and DateTImePicker.js to the files folder, now the desktop App is not running because the following files is not found: From the log file: [HandleFileRequest[]]:File not found: C:\Program Files\FMSoft\Framework\unigui\ext-\src\DateExtras.js [HandleFileRequest[]]:File not found: C:\Program Files\FMSoft\Framework\unigui\ext-\src\field\Text.js [HandleFileRequest[]]:File not found: C:\Program Files\FMSoft\Framework\unigui\ext-\src\ux\picker\DateTime.js My question is, there is not problem if I copy this file to the corresponden folders? or What do you suggest to me? Thanks in advanced
  18. Hi Folks How is the bet way to pick the time in a mobile form, there is a DbDatePicker, but i not find a DBTimePicker. How have you done it. Thanks for the help. Liriano
  19. rasaliad

    Version 1.0

    I bought Unigui and have 3 system in production without problems. Liriano
  20. Hi folks, Is it possible to call a uniGui form from a html href, I want that when the user click de hiperlink the show a uniGUI form. If yes, how can I do it? Thanks in advanced, Liriano
  21. Hi md9projetos Is not another way to download your demo project, for example here in the forum, because 4 shared, is a problem here for me. thanks
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