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Everything posted by lema

  1. New version 2012-12-15 v1.3.2 -- Marker Clusterer I used the markerclusterer library. Reference: http://google-maps-utility-library-v3.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/markerclusterer/docs/reference.html Examples: http://google-maps-utility-library-v3.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/markerclusterer/docs/examples.html Source: http://google-maps-utility-library-v3.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/markerclusterer/src/ Note: The file markerclusterer_compiled.js must be located in /files folder
  2. I made a very simple html page: It shows 150 markers and YES its slow. It seems that the markerwithlabel library it is not intended for heavy usage. When I 'll have some time , I will try to add some Marker Clusterer library
  3. Comment out the 1st line of your .dpr {$define UNIGUI_VCL} // Comment out this line to turn this project into an ISAPI module
  4. In the onClick call this: ajaxRequest( myForm.myUniHTMLFrame , "myEventName" , [ "myParameter01=01" , "myParameter02=02" ]); May I ask , why did you place the buttons and checkboxes in the HTMLFrame instead of creating them on the UniForm ?
  5. I'm not sure if the following is correct , but it works for me. .x-panel { border-radius: 10px; }
  6. Check that your MySQL table has created with CHARSET=utf8.
  7. Yes , there is a problem when we call InitializeMap in the OnCreate event of uniFrame. I really don't know what's going wrong , it seems that something is not set up at the time of frame creation. (calling InitializeMap , uniGMap gets its parent in order to set up its event handlers) AFAIK , Delphi Frames don't have an OnCreate event. Maybe Farshad can help here. As workaround you can use a runonce timer with 100ms interval. procedure TaFrame.UniFrameCreate(Sender: TObject); begin UniTimer1.Enabled := True; end; procedure TaFrame.UniTimer1Timer(Sender: TObject); begin UniGMap1.InitializeMap; end;
  8. Does this also happen when you run the unigmap demo?
  9. lema

    Unigui IIS ISAPI

    Hi. Yes , you have to forward port 80 (use NAT) in your router.
  10. I think it's the same like this: http://forums.unigui.com/index.php?/topic/1191-how-to-set-the-not-main-form-of-the-title-box-not-display/page__p__4058#entry4058
  11. lema

    Async to Sync

    Hi, Farshad. Thank you for your reply. OK , I (fully) understand that position. I know , I must change my WIN32 programming style and start thinking as a web developer. In the following post: http://forums.unigui.com/index.php?/topic/1977-performance-and-questions-in-production/page__p__8820#entry8820 you wrote that you can add a mode which UI is blocked after each Ajax request. Do we have any luck to see it in the near future??
  12. Does this strange behavior happen only with the ? For debug purposes , I suggest to temporarily replace the UniGMap with a simple UniHTMLFrame (showing some html).
  13. Post code to Street name? I think this not so much accurate because there are many streets with the same post code. The best you can get is an area having that code or an address name in center of this area. So , you can try with the current demo (tab "Geocoding" , form "Google Maps"). Fill the textbox with as much detail as you have . For example (Greece , 11524) or (11524 , GR). You will get the coordinates of the center of area having this post code. After that , use these coordinates in order to get a human-readable address.
  14. New version 2012-11-22 v1.3.1 ----------------------------------------- Added ability to show multiple maps on a form / page Fixed bugs in Directions My apologies for any inconvenience caused with those "everyday versions". The unigmap is part of a project I am working on and when we have a change affecting the component , I transfer it here.
  15. lema


    Its OK. I logged in.
  16. lema


    I can't login with sistemdemo:demo The message is : Bağlantı Sağlanamadı. Kullanıcı Adı veya Parola Yanlış Girilmiş . I saw the youtube videos, it looks very interesting, Congrats! PS. Is there any other available language?
  17. I am also running D2010 without any problem.
  18. New version 2012-11-21 v1.3.0 -- Improved cross browser compatibility Tested with : Firefox 17.0 Chrome 23.0.1271.64 IE 8.0.7601 Please , let me know if you have any problem with your browser.
  19. New version 2012-11-19 v1.2.9 -- Fixes some compatibility problems.
  20. I uploaded a new version which solves some compatibility problems. Please try again.
  21. lema

    Async to Sync

    I really do have a problem with that. I have already used any method I know off without any success. Could you please give me a hand? All I want is to execute a javascript snippet on the server and wait (block the program flow) until the response comes.
  22. The Google Maps API does not support a drag method for polygons. I will try to find a way of implementing such a feature. Of course, we can "move" the polygon programmatically, with just adding an offset on Lat,Lng of every vertex.
  23. lema

    error 404

    404 error page redirection has nothing to do with uniGui. Please use IIS Manager.
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