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Everything posted by DonaldShimoda

  1. Ok, after all my test seems like the TuniImage objects dont works at all when Visible := False, or calling the Hide methof, or resizing via code, or anyelse. The only way to do is resize the navigator. Please let me know if is a bug or theres another way to fix this?
  2. Actually is a list of 10 images. Some of them need to be hiden, some updated. If dont touch anything the images are not refreshed on the navigator. If i resize just take update but the hidden images dont hide.
  3. Thanks! My only concern is i must resize firefox to get it refreshed. Only one time, next times it just refresh ok.
  4. I need to update an image with a base64 string at runtime. The code "works" but the image dont refesh. function DecodeImageBase64(aString: String; Imagen: TUniImage): Boolean; function TdmMainCode.DecodeImageBase64; var lStream : TMemoryStream; aPicture : TPicture; begin if (aString = '') then begin Imagen.Hide; end else begin try lStream := TMemoryStream.Create; MimeDecode(aString, lStream); lStream.Position := 0; aPicture := TPicture.create; aPicture.LoadFromStream(lStream); Imagen.Picture.Assign(aPicture); Imagen.Hide; <<<--- desesperate try Imagen.Invalidate; <<<--- desesperate try Imagen.Show; finally lStream.Free; aPicture.Free; end; end; end; Hope somebody can helps. Best regards
  5. Vesion 1462 takes from demo code i do on create GetThemes; ThemeComboBox.Text := UniMainModule.Theme; On the onchange event of the combobox UniMainModule.Theme := ThemeComboBox.Text; new theme is assigned but nothing happens. P.S. I have assigned st desing time the aria theme Best regards.
  6. Is there, the problem is dexvexpress add that unit... dxGDIPlusClasses and the image selector is one replaced by devexpress.. How to solve?
  7. Seems like the space s closed... The owner must move to another place please! Best regards.
  8. Have problems to make that work with mobile. Cant find why... Your mobile sample just work, i just add a unimgmap cmponent to main mobile form and dont. I check the source of the web site and is clear is not adding the google map code. Mine looks like <!DOCTYPE HTML> <html> <head> <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge"> <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="charset=utf-8" /> <meta http-equiv="cache-control" content="no-cache" /> <meta http-equiv="pragma" content="no-cache" /> <link REL="SHORTCUT ICON" HREF="/m/cache/peopletrackerwebserver_exe/sM7rw1pc26101918E33/favicon.ico"> <title>PeopleTracker Web Client</title> <link rel=stylesheet href="/m/touch-2.4.2-complete/resources/css/sencha-touch.css" /> <link rel=stylesheet href="/m/unim-" /> <script src="/m/touch-2.4.2-complete/sencha-touch-all.js"></script> <script src="/m/uni-"></script> <script src="/m/uni-"></script> <script src="/m/unim-"></script> <script src="/m/uni-"></script> <script src="/m/unim-"></script> An the source of your sample like: <!DOCTYPE HTML><html> <head> <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge"> <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="charset=utf-8" /> <meta http-equiv="cache-control" content="no-cache" /> <meta http-equiv="pragma" content="no-cache" /> <title>New Application</title> <link rel=stylesheet href="/m/touch-2.4.2-complete/resources/css/sencha-touch.css" /> <link rel=stylesheet href="/m/unim-" /> <script src="/m/touch-2.4.2-complete/sencha-touch-all.js"></script> <script src="/m/uni-"></script> <script src="/m/uni-"></script> <script src="/m/unim-"></script> <script src="/m/uni-"></script> <script src="/m/unim-"></script> <script src="http://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/js?key=&libraries=geometry,places,visualization&sensor=false"></script> <link rel=stylesheet href="/../files/uniGmap.css" /> <script src="/../files/markerwithlabel_packed.js"></script> <script src="/../files/markerclusterer.js"></script> Cant find WHY. The only details is mine app have both, mobile and desktop forms. Desktop works perfect, the only problem ios mobile. Im testing calling with m at end http://localhost:8077/m Hope somebod can help.
  9. My friend i can help you in the migration to lazarus/fpc, please let me know if i can be util in any way. I have BIG interest on have unigui servers running on arm devices (like RPI3, Beaglebone, Banan pi, etc) That will not happen with Delphi Linux compiler from several years ago if that even happens. Please, think in lazarus as a option or provide source code to professional sbscribers to allow to try it on lazarus/fpc. Just suggestions. Best regards.
  10. The correct answer is from Farshad, just registering the data modeul at unit initialization do the job.
  11. yes, i know. The idea is to be created in each new sesion. How to do?
  12. Yes, thanks , i do. As you can see theres no answers there to my question. Do you read the search results?
  13. because the big deal here is tryong to reuse stuff you already have for other vcl applications. We have many datamodules already defined.
  14. How can i reuse a vcl datamodule to be created one instance for session? Seems like now is running a unique isntance for all the server. Best regards.
  15. How you mix Jquery with Unigui components? Can please do a short explanation?
  16. Theres any way to do some like this? markers with numbers inside? The image is from devexpress library. Best regards.
  17. Hi Lema, great component, thank you for the work. Can i ask you afew question? 1) How can i pan to show all the items on the map? I believe panto polyline do that but only pan to the latest point. I test on your sampel and do the same. by Example if the zoom selected put some point soff the view and apply UniGMap1.PanToPolyline(1); It only pans to the last point of the polyline, Same for a polygon, Theres no way to show all the points in the map autoadjusting the zoom? 2) AddmarkerEX do nothing here, cant find why. Best regards.
  18. Don't work for ARM IOT. And we don't know how much will cover next linux delphi compiler. FPC does it now. And not any arm, it builds for any platform supported by FPC.
  19. You don't need to touch a single one of code to release for arm. If you have it running on linux 386 will work on arm also, if you use lazarus off course. Si your code very connected windows? I can't see why must be? Do you use INDY server components? They work excellent on lazarus/linux/arm
  20. I love UNIGUI, but cannot even think in use if dont works on Linux on ARM and win platforms. Lazarus do that job, i have several delphi app compiling ok on LAZARUS for ARM. Why can you migrate this? If you do i will by a PRO license. Theres any estimation, work in progress there?
  21. Fasrhad, while this seems to be big news is not likely to run a windows app under wine. The main problem is all the Iot i mentioned (raspberry PI, beagle bone, ..) run ARM processor and don't run WINE! You say the problem is you use some winapi to format image, lazarus have FULL support for this. If you want i can help you to convert that parts only, that will be very easy for me. Regarding to reports, you can offer pdf reports on lazarus, work perfects. Also the support of fast report works, why do you think this don't? Anyway, i hope you reveal this point. i Will buy a license if you deliver a REAL linux version /that need to be lazarus compilable, sorry)
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