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Everything posted by sobakava

  1. Thanks. I have just realized that, form_dm.MyTable8.Active := true; takes a lot of time. If I active the dataset at startup, of the application, the graph appears fast. But the startup of the application takes time. I'm using a server on Contabo running MySQL and MyDAC. What can cause this?
  2. I'm trying to plot some data (real number) from my MySQL database using Highchart. This is how the database read routine looks like. I'm interested in showing last 100 data points. So, I'm activating the table, apply a filter to select only some specific data, then get the number of records found matching to the filter. Then, I'm moving database pointer to record number (total_records - 100) And in a loop, I'm reading the values. Then I'm passing this mydata[] serie to chart plot function. This loop runs for only 100 records but it is incredibly slow. (Loop itself takes ~10 seconds) How can I optimize this? ( I tried to fill the mydata with random numbers in a loop instead of reading them from database, it is almost instantaneous.) form_dm.MyTable8.Active := true; form_dm.MyTable8.Filtered := false; form_dm.MyTable8.Filter := '(flt_ddt_id = 22)'; form_dm.MyTable8.Filtered := true; form_dm.MyTable8.First; hm1_cnt := form_dm.MyTable8.RecordCount; if hm1_cnt > 100 then form_dm.MyTable8.RecNo := hm1_cnt - 100; if hm1_cnt > 0 then begin tx := 0; while ( not form_dm.MyTable8.Eof ) do begin tx := tx + 1; mydata[ tx ] := form_dm.MyTable8.FieldByName('flt_data').AsFloat; form_dm.MyTable8.Next; end; end;
  3. Selamlar. Kızdığım yok, eğer öyle anlaşıldıysa özür dilerim. Ben de Javascript'e halim değilim. Ama yolladığım linklere bakarsanız, bir Win32 makinede servis çalıştıracak yetenekte birinin, biraz inceleyip okuyarak kolayca altından kalkabileceği bir iş gibi gözüktü bana. Projenizde başarılar dilerim.
  4. Daha önce de yazdım, bu işin unigui veya Delphi'de kullandığınız seri port bileşenleri ile zerre alakası yok. Hatta bunlar dünyada hiç yokmuş gibi düşünün. Sadece JavaScript ve Notepad var. Javascript kullanmanız gerekli veya Java applet'i kullanabilirsiniz. Javascript için bunu incelemenizi öneririm. https://github.com/garrows/browser-serialport Java için: https://code.google.com/p/java-simple-serial-connector/ Javascript ile yapılmış kütüphaneyi kullanarak bir HTML yapıp, browser'ı çalıştıran bilgisayarın seri portuna erişim sağlayabilirsiniz. Tekrar ediyorum bunun UniGui ile alakası yok. HTML dosyasını, kullanıcı ister flash diskten dosyaya çift tıklarayarak açsın ister bir TUNIHTMLFrame içinden erişsin... İşi yapan Javascript ve "yerel" browser.
  5. do you try to do this "before" the form2 is actually created? if you do this it is quite normal.
  6. there you go: http://forums.unigui.com/index.php?/topic/5982-tutorial-creating-custom-compound-components-for-unigui/
  7. I have created some UniGUI components for my project, in that way I can re-use the visual objects that I have implemented at ease. I just wanted to share my way of doing this with you guys. Any comments, technical critiques are welcome. 1. Creating the Component Package Since I have more than one custom components, I prefer to keep them in a Deplhi Package instead of individual self registering Delphi units. So we start with creating a component package in Delphi. File > New > Other > Delphi Projects > Package 2. Adding a TUNIFrame to The Package As the base of the components, I'm using TUNIFrame. We are going to add a TUNIFrame first. File > New > Other > Delphi Projects > uniGUI for Delphi > Frame 3. Adding Child Components Decorate your new TUNIFrame with existing UniGUI components as you wish. In this example, my frame looks like the picture below. I'm also renaming the frame. In this case the name is 'frame_myunipanel'. Don't forget to save unit files to disk. I named the files as unit_myunipanel. The visual object tree is shown below: And this is how the project tree looks like. I saved package with the name 'package_myunipanel'. I have only one unit; unit_myunipanel in the project tree. Our package has some dependencies: Right click on package_myunipanel.bpl > View Source from the pop-up menu. requires rtl, vcl, vclimg, dbrtl, soaprtl, vcldb, uIndy22, uniTools22, uniGUI22Core, uniGUI22, designide, uniGUI22Chart; contains unit_reg in 'unit_reg.pas', unit_myunipanel in 'unit_myunipanel.pas' {frame_myunipanel: TUniFrame}; 4. Adding The Registrar Unit To The Project At some point, we should tell Delphi to register our new component. We can do this in a plain Delphi unit. File > New > Other > Delphi Projects > Delphi Files > Unit Now we have a new unit in the package. I'm saving this unit as 'unit_reg.pas'. This is the final appearance of our package tree: Here is the tricky part, the registration. This is the unit_reg.pas. unit unit_reg; interface uses uniGUIFrame; procedure Register; implementation uses Classes, TreeIntf, unit_myunipanel; type TFrameClass = class of TUniFrame; procedure RegisterFramesAsComponents(const Page: string; const FrameClasses: array of TFrameClass); var FrameClass: TFrameClass; begin for FrameClass in FrameClasses do begin RegisterComponents(Page, [FrameClass]); RegisterSprigType(FrameClass, TComponentSprig); end; end; procedure Register; begin RegisterFramesAsComponents('UniGUI 3rd Party', [Tframe_myunipanel]); end; end. I did not add any published properties or methods to my panel yet. This is how the unit_myunipanel looks like. You can add properties and methods to your component just like you do with VCL units. unit unit_myunipanel; interface uses Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Variants, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs, uniGUITypes, uniGUIAbstractClasses, uniGUIClasses, uniGUIFrame, uniTrackBar, uniLabel, uniEdit, uniGUIBaseClasses, uniPanel; type Tframe_myunipanel = class(TUniFrame) UniContainerPanel1: TUniContainerPanel; UniEdit1: TUniEdit; UniLabel1: TUniLabel; UniTrackBar1: TUniTrackBar; private { Private declarations } public { Public declarations } end; implementation {$R *.dfm} end. 4. Installing the Component Right click on package_myunipanel.bpl > Install Voila! We are good to go. Now you can add this component to your UniGUI projects. PS: TreeIntf.pas is located in here: "c:\Program Files (x86)\Embarcadero\Studio\16.0\source\ToolsAPI\TreeIntf.pas" If your IDE can't find it, you might need to add it to your search path.
  8. I already tried it. Unfortunately it didn't help. Please let me know if you can get there.
  9. Now my drop shadow works perfectly. Thanks for the new version Farshad. (
  10. I think we are trying to do something similar. My posts here might help but it is not completely solved. I can show the custom tooltip but it is clipped by the parent divs (Tunipanel) if you place it in a Tunicontainerpanel on a form, it works. http://forums.unigui.com/index.php?/topic/5915-how-to-add-css-attributes-to-the-unigui-components/
  11. I have done it recently. I have created custom TUniFrame based compound components. I'll upload a tutorial about it soon.
  12. Well, my problem is turned into "How to make tooltips appear top of every other element in the page?" I decided that I can place my TUnipanels into TuniContainerPanels and add Javascript to TuniContainerPanel to activate this kind of fancy looking tooltips. But if the TUniContainerpanel is a child of another one, the tooltip becomes clipped by the surrounding panel.
  13. PS: This works with TUnicontainerPanel perfecly, but not with TUniPanel. function added(sender, container, pos, eOpts) { var html=sender.id; Ext.Function.defer(function(){ document.getElementById(html).setAttribute('data-hint', 'hello'); document.getElementById(html).classList.add('hint--bottom'); }, 100, this, []);
  14. I have manually deleted following during the runtime: (using Chrome's inspect elements feature) top parent div, (013_id) body div (013_id-body) inner div (013_id-innerCt) and left the outerCt with the hint attributers and class. Then the hint started to appear as below. How to do it properly with Unigui / Extjs?
  15. Thanks Erich, Actually it did work. Thanks But I still can't see the tooltip: This is the Extevents / added of my panel that I want to add tooltip. function added(sender, container, pos, eOpts) { var html=sender.id; Ext.Function.defer(function(){ document.getElementById(html).setAttribute('data-hint', 'hello'); document.getElementById(html).classList.add('hint--bottom'); }, 100, this, []); this is how the result looks like: The result seems like I wanted it to be: <div class="x-panel x-abs-layout-item x-panel-default hint--bottom" style="left:96px;top:56px;width:256px;height:128px;" id="O13_id" data-hint="hello"> <div id="O13_id-body" class="x-panel-body x-panel-body-default x-abs-layout-ct x-panel-body-default" role="presentation" style="width: 256px; height: 128px; left: 0px; top: 0px;"> <span id="O13_id-outerCt" style="display: table; width: 100%; table-layout: fixed; height: 100%;" role="presentation"> <div id="O13_id-innerCt" style="display:table-cell;height:100%;vertical-align:top;" class="" role="presentation"> <table border="0" width="100%" height="100%"><tbody><tr> <td id="O13_id_td" style="font:11px Tahoma;color:#000000;text-align:center">UniPanel1</td></tr></tbody> </table> </div> </span> </div> but only a small piece of arrow appears for a fraction of time and disappears. I have also tried to add this class and attribute to body div instead of the top level parent. The visual result is the same. function added(sender, container, pos, eOpts) { var html=sender.id; html=html+'-body'; Ext.Function.defer(function(){ document.getElementById(html).setAttribute('data-hint', 'hello'); document.getElementById(html).classList.add('hint--bottom'); }, 100, this, []); }
  16. hello mohammad. if you can take a look to my last post above, you can see I'm already using your code snippet for TUniHTMLFrame. It's really useful. Thanks but; I was asking for TUniFrame's transparency.
  17. I'm not sure what Stressman asks for but with "transparent", I mean a TUniframe with background is not filled but it acts like fully transparent rectange that holds child component.s It's like bodyStyle: 'background:transparent;". The reason I started to think I need this kind of feature, I've a TUniHTMLFrame placed in a TUniFrame. I have added Drop-shadow effect using CSS to TUniHTMLframe. So it works, I can see the shadow effect on the TuniHtmlFrame but the components behind(?) them looks strange since the frame itself is also solid. This is the topic: http://forums.unigui.com/index.php?/topic/5948-how-to-create-drop-shadow-for-a-panel-or-htmlframe/ I just thought, if the TUniFrame was transparent, I could see the drop-shadow effect on the components of main from. (light blue area) This is the how the components look like.
  18. thanks mohammad. but it is not about htmlframe. It's about TUNIFRAME.
  19. thanks mohammad but the problem is; Frames does not have Client events. Your soluiton is nice but works for Panels. What we need to do is making transparent frames. .
  20. UniGui ile veya Delphi altından bir component ile ComPort'a erişim ile ilgisi yok. Bu şekilde olması mümkün değil. Sizin client tarafında cihazın fiziksel seri portuna erişebiliyor olmanız gerekli. Eğer chrome browser kullanıyorsa cllient bilgisayar (isletme), Chrome Serial API'yi kullanabilirsiniz. Java... https://developer.chrome.com/apps/serial
  21. I have accidentally(!) fixed this: For UniHTMLFrame: function added(sender, container, pos, eOpts) { sender.addBodyCls('filter-drop-shadow'); sender.addCls('myUnselectable'); var html=sender.id; html=html+'-body'; Ext.Function.defer(function(){ document.getElementById(html).setAttribute('style', 'background-color:transparent !important'); }, 100, this, []); } This is the CSS : '.filter-drop-shadow { ' + ' padding: 8px !important; ' + '-webkit-filter: drop-shadow(1px 1px 6px rgba(0,0,0,.5))!important;'+ '-moz-filter: drop-shadow(1px 1px 6px rgba(0,0,0,.5))!important; ' + '-ms-filter: drop-shadow(1px 1px 6px rgba(0,0,0,.5))!important; ' + '-o-filter: drop-shadow(1px 1px 6px rgba(0,0,0,.5))!important; ' + 'filter: drop-shadow(1px 1px 6px rgba(0,0,0,.5))!important; ' + '} ' + My problem is the transparency now. This graph actually lays in a TUniFrame. Uniframe >> UniContainerPanel >> UniHTMLFrame The Drop Shadow drops on Uniframe which is NOT transparent. How can I make UniFrame transparent? ( It has been asked in the forum but not answered) Actually in general, how can I access UniFrame's HTML/CSS properties? There is no UniEvents for the Frame.
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