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uniGUI Subscriber
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Everything posted by Phxtecno

  1. Hi, can you tell me the usage of "Images" property and "imageIndex" in DbGrid ? I have a table column with integers representing the index of the icon I want show from a UniImageList (Info,Warning,Error); can you explain how-to ? Regards
  2. Hi, in mobile application I am not able to change the Color property at runtime... panelArea1.color := clLime; // has not effect... Adding Repaint and Refresh do not change the result. Is it fixed by design ? Regards
  3. Thank you very much ! incredibly easy... :-)
  4. Thanks Hayri, but what does it means ? In which folder can I publish my files ?
  5. Phxtecno

    file download

    Hi, is it possible publish in a UniGui application one or more files which are downloadable from browser with a normal http url ? ie: Regards
  6. Yes, this works now ! About change of primary member name, we got the mails from Ewa rejected by FMsoft as spam... but received also a confirm from FMsoft which seems acknowledge our request...
  7. Hi, using [Add a Product], I select Option Type as UPGRADE, but nothing is displayed, so nothing I can order... Only renewal of my current Professional edition is available.
  8. Hi, I have an active Prof edition licence and need to upgrade to Complete. Can you give me the price and instructions to proceed ? I need also change current primary member name (email address) Thank you.
  9. No, it's the last I purchased, and supposed it were functional... I think it's not a problem of the release itself; I guess it were tested before release it.
  10. Hello, first time doing tests with unigui mobile components, I found that any chart is not drawn... All other mobile components work fine, except unimChart... Even compiling and running the main Demo give the same result, without any errors. I am working with Plus_Professional , which I have reinstalled to cleanup, but no changes... Any advice ? Best regards
  11. Thank you !!! I haven't seen the TabBarVisible property...
  12. Hello, any way to hide the TABs ? I means Tabs only, not the relative panel. To make possible change of ActivePanel by program only. Regards
  13. Thanks, it works now ! was necessary use ShowMask() and Hide only, without initial MainForm. does it means use the ShowMask function of the TFrame instead of the main TForm ?
  14. Hello, I have no success trying to show a screen mask during a PromptCallBack. After reading a value with the Prompt dialog, I need do some "heavy" work on DB, so the necessity of a showmask. I used the model: MainForm.ShowMask('Processing...'); UniSession.Synchronize(); // in MainModule is EnableSynchronousOperations := True ... "do long job"... MainForm.HideMask; But nothing happens... The prompt and callback are used in a TUniFrame, not a form, but automatic screen mask on other objects (as Buttons) works fine... Can you help ? Best regards, Marc
  15. Phxtecno

    A mini-guide

    Wiki no more available... ?
  16. Hi, cannot see a working demo and component list.... Where I find ? Regards
  17. Hi, this forum is a big source of useful informations for the developer, that can substitute a user manual and a wiki too. But it lack an important feature which is the possibility for users to BOOKMARK the Topics of more interest ! In this way each user can build his own "wiki" with important arguments in which is interested, without waste time for almost the same search. I found this feature in RemObjects forum and it's very useful. Thanks, Marc
  18. About feature request, I'd like have the possibility to Bookmark the most interesting/useful forum topics in my profile so I have my personal Wiki to look at when I need remember how problems can be solved. It's a forum feature I have seen very useful on other products (RemObjects). Thanks
  19. Hi, I was trying to attach some more details to my nodes but found that TUniTreeview.items.addObject() is unavailable (!) but it's very useful to store other informations together with the nodes... Is it available in newer releases ? Marc
  20. Thank you ! it works, but seems a "dirty" solution detach the event in this way... Is there a cleaner way to deal with this kind of situations ? Regards, Marc
  21. Hello, I have a DbNavigator with Delete button enabled and Confirm Delete disabled, because I need a custom message on Delete. So I have put this code in the onBeforeDelete event of the DataSet: procedure TformCustomers.tabCompositionBeforeDelete(DataSet: TDataSet); begin // Ask confirm MessageDlg('Confirm Delete of item: '+ tabComposition.FieldByName('TABLECODE').AsString +' ?', mtConfirmation, mbYesNo, procedure(Sender: TComponent; Res: Integer) begin if Res <> mrYes then // Annulla delete Abort; end//procedure );//MessageDlg end; But the records get deleted before my answer... Can you help ?
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