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Everything posted by Abaksoft

  1. Hi, I have many heavy images in the mainForm. 1. What is the best choice : insert them at DedignTime and having a heavy dll or Load them at RunTime (storing pictures on the "files" folder) ? 2. What optimal format are you using (png, jpg, gif, ...) ? I know the new stress tool could be helpful here, but i want your expertise. Thx.
  2. Hi Farshad, Any news from contabo team ?
  3. Hi all, I want to use an UniFrame with controls, and write its business logic on a seaparate unit (add a standard Delphi Unit) let's say Ucode.pas This technic allows to write code ones (same base code) for desktop and mobile (just add an other UniFrame for mobile and use the same Unit Ucode.pas) 1- Is it a good way ? 2- In other word is a standard Unit thread safe ? 3- Can i use instead an UniDataModule ? 4- Is it a plane to integate an UniUnit (thread safe) ? Thx.
  4. Hi Farshad, Why, in an UniGui Project, my Delphi XE3 Pro 64 can't understand some classical properties and methods ? There are always red subline in editor (as picture below). Even if I compile and all is OK there still. THX.
  5. Abaksoft

    A mini-guide

    Here, we are in the stratosphere. It is this kind of articles that I love !
  6. Abaksoft

    A mini-guide

    Thanks a lot ZigZig. Your expertise and experience brings its fruit. _____ "C'est dans la subtilité que les esprits aiguillés, émergent !"
  7. Abaksoft

    A mini-guide

    Hi ZigZig, Thank you very much for this indispensable complement. You are doing a good job ! Oh...maybe a little more clarity : I saw : - in section : Where can I place Data access components ? "...only the database connection component itself has to placed on the UniMainModule or UniMainmodule controlled Datamodule." In Section : The three layers of UNIGUI / DataModule "...On the other way, a DB Connection (i.e. TADOConnection or TFDConnection) can be put on the ServerModule, so it is instanced only one time and shared for all users. Setting a Connection on the ServerModule will be useful if the DB server can manage a connection pool (as MS SQL Server does natively)." So, both of them are possible : the dbConnexion could be in ServerModule and in MainModule. Is it true ? Thank you again
  8. Thank you Farshad. I did'nt see that ! Totally agree. +1
  9. Farshad said : >> uniGUI modal will not block thread execution. use Callbacks instead. Today, I discovered this. If I understand, we don't use code after ShowModal ========================================== The code just after a showModal is executed and don't wait ! ========================================== procedure TMainForm.UniButton1Click(Sender: TObject); begin //1. unit3.UniForm3.ShowModal(NextCode); //2. NEVER write code after ShowModal : it not stoped by showModal !!! ??? // Showmessage('I am Here '); // if I understand, always write code after showModal in a procedure exemple : NextCode // is it True ? end; procedure TMainForm.NextCode(Sender: TComponent; AResult: Integer); begin if AResult=1 then showMessage('Do this .... ') else showMessage('Canceled'); end; ShowModal_Behavior.zip
  10. Hi all, As promised, I contacted contabo team, asking them to offer, for all Unigui community a coupon discount for there excellent VPS. ------------------------------------------------- Here is what Katharina Knör said : "Thank you for your interest in your VPS plans. At the moment we do not offer any coupon codes in combination with our VPS plans on public forums. But I can imagine that we perhaps offer a coupon code privately to each forum member via a private message. The message includes a few words to our company and VPS and the coupon code. As our VPS are already very cheap I have to think about an appropriate amount of the coupon code..." Best regards, Katharina Knör Marketing Manager ---------------------------------------------- I followed this mail to Farshad and I am expecting result. Regards.
  11. Abaksoft

    A mini-guide

    Excellent...Bravo ! Ladies and gentlemen, fasten your seat belts ! Unigui, imminent takeoff...
  12. Abaksoft

    A mini-guide

    ZigZig, Very nice idea, hoping to see this happen and not remained in oblivion since Topics 2013 ! I am sure many of us (like me), are developing blindly, groping. That simply works but ??? what about the true rules ? You understand me ! OK, let's go for an official wiki. Merci ZigZig. "Au fait, même en français, je suis preneur. Il me semble qu'il existe des membres francophones dans le site." Salutations les meilleures...
  13. Abaksoft

    A mini-guide

    Hi Farshad, I know you are very busy and i praye for you, but we really need a FAQ. Related Topic http://forums.unigui.com/index.php?/topic/2727-cant-we-create-a-best-practice-guide-for-unigui/?hl=practice A short summary will be very helpful : 1. What are the good practices 2. What avoid to do (for example declaring global variable having regard to client instances) 3. How do we take care in server side and client side 4. What is the difference between UniDataModule and ServerModule Etc... Regards.
  14. Thank you Ronny. Let's go with contabo. I will ask them to offer a discount price for all unigui community. Have a good day...
  15. Hi All, sorry ! Don't use : http://gratisvps.net/ it's a scam. I am disappointed. http://www.spam404.com/gratisvpsnet.html I found this list "cheap VPS" : http://vpsheaven.com/ Regards.
  16. Hi, There are now some free vps servers (windows 2003 - 2008 - 2012) 4 Go RAM for 6 months. Just enough for testing your first unigui application. Regards.
  17. +1 You can do it also with objects to avoid pointer's records. TUniTreeNode.Data accept any object : Type TmyData=Class Private fMyString:string; fMyinteger:integer; ... published Property MyString : string read fMyString write fMyString; Property: integer read fMyinteger write fmyinteger; end; Then declare an instance of your object : Var Obj: TmyData; Begin Obj:=TmyData.Create; Try Obj.Mystring:='Hello i am Node 1'; Obj.Myinteger:=1001; // then use Data methode to get it : -------------------------------------- MyUniTreeView.Selected.Data := Obj; -------------------------------------- Finally Obj.free; End; _________________________________ After you can retreive your fields like : UniEdit1.Text := TmyData(MyUniTreeView.Selected.Data).fMyString; UniEdit2.Text := intToStr( TmyData(MyUniTreeView.Selected.Data).fMyInteger ); Thx to FreeMan35 Regards.
  18. السلام عليكم و رحمة الله و بركاته محمد ياسين من الجزائر - وهران تحياتي للجميع
  19. Wa Alaykoum Essalam... Ahmed, Sincere greetings brothers
  20. Why Marlon ? What is the purpose ? If you want to store a textField for each node, look at the new demo 0.99. Farshad used a very nice technic for that : Just create a TStringList and store on it this syntaxe : L:=TStringList.Create L.add('myNode1=myText1') L.add('myNode2=myText2') ... Then L.Values['myNode2'] gives you myText2 Could this be your Field additional ? For more details see AllFeaturesDemo project on the mainForm.onCreate (FileName : TStrings) Regards.
  21. Thx Farshad, answered in : http://forums.unigui.com/index.php?/topic/5027-each-unitreeview-node-uniframe/
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