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Everything posted by herculanojs

  1. After a spyware scan and cleanup, the problem has been fixed. Since yesterday monitoring the customer, the problem has not occurred. Thank you all
  2. Taking advantage of the topic. I need to drag between the nodes of the treeview, so that I could take the whole set of child nodes together to the drag position. Placing one node inside another, etc.
  3. What do you mean, I do not understand. Can you explain better?
  4. We are facing a difficulty without being able to identify the cause. The application running on standalone, and being accessed on the application server itself, constantly presenting connection loss error. And it takes almost 2 minutes to return. Looking at the error log we noticed that there is always mention of: Failed Sequence Recovery What causes it? If we were not accessing the application server itself, we could even take network issues into account. But on the application server there should be no loss of connectivity. Version:
  5. Dê uma olhada na documentação que explica como você faz isso. http://forums.unigui.com/index.php?/topic/3048-guide-to-deployment/
  6. Such features could be added natively in the unigui
  7. Such features could be added natively in the unigui
  8. Okay, I'll soon be testing. thank you
  9. Unfortunately I did not get any satisfactory tests. For some reason, I still could not concentrate on that. Even following some examples of pax, nothing seems to happen. I have not tested it yet in the desktop environment, to check if it is something related to the web environment.
  10. Ok, I'll prepare an example here and already put it for you
  11. I think I could try something like this: Procedure TUniLoginForm1.CreateBtnClick(Sender: TObject); Begin ModalResult := mrNone; If (Email.Text <> '') And (Password.Text <> '') And (FName.Text <> '') And (LName.Text <> '') Then Begin Try UniMainModule.Account := CreateAccount(Email.Text, Password.Text, FName.Text, LName.Text, 0); ModalResult := mrOK; Close; Except messagedlg('That account already exists',mtWarning,[mbOK]); End; End else messagedlg('...',mtWarning,[mbOK]); End; Procedure TUniLoginForm1.LoginBtnClick(Sender: TObject); Begin Try ModalResult := mrNone; UniMainModule.Account := LoadAccount(EmailEntry.Text, PassEntry.Text); ModalResult := mrOK; Close; Except messagedlg('The account or the password is in error',mtWarning,[mbOK]); End; End;
  12. Can you post the code or part of the code that is trying to do this? Have already taken a look at the examples, specifically Dialogs
  13. It would be a very interesting resource if the user has already placed the grid in edition, that could go through the fields only by applying an enter, and in the next column the field is already in edition. This is widely used in desktop versions
  14. I did exactly like this in your code, but the error occurs.
  15. O42=new Ext.window.Window({id:"O42_id",retfalse:{},onEsc:Ext.emptyFn,layout:"fit",title:"UniForm2",maximizable:true,minimizable:true,resizable:true,icon:"/cache/project1_exe/sjmBOsGMhM100411986/favicon.ico",uniFMask:{beforeclose:true},width:539,height:274,x:530,y:248});O42.nm="O42";_cdo_("UniForm2");UniForm2.ajxS=AjaxSuccess;UniForm2.ajxF=AjaxFailure;O42.rootObj=true;UniForm2.appRoot="/";_cdo_(null,O42,"window",UniForm2);_coe_(UniForm2,null,"viewport","beforerender",function(sender, eOpts) { sender.setBodyStyle("background","transparent"); }); O4A=new Ext.form.Panel({id:"O4A_id",border:false,tabItems:new Ext.util.MixedCollection(),layout:"absolute"});O4A.nm="O4A";_cdo_(null,O4A,"form",UniForm2);O42.add(O4A); O52= (function(P0){return Ext.Ajax.request({url:"/HandleEvent",params:"Ajax=1&IsEvent=1&Obj=O42&Evt=beforeclose&this="+P0.nm+""+_gv_(O4A),success:AjaxSuccess,failure:AjaxFailure,obj:O42,e:"beforeclose"});});O52.nm="O52";O42.on("beforeclose",O52); O53= (function(P0){_saf_(P0);return Ext.Ajax.request({url:"/HandleEvent",params:"Ajax=1&IsEvent=1&Obj=O42&Evt=activate&this="+P0.nm+""+_gv_(O4A),success:AjaxSuccess,failure:AjaxFailure,obj:O42,e:"activate"});});O53.nm="O53";O42.on("activate",O53); O54= (function(P0){return Ext.Ajax.request({url:"/HandleEvent",params:"Ajax=1&IsEvent=1&Obj=O42&Evt=deactivate&this="+P0.nm+""+_gv_(O4A),success:AjaxSuccess,failure:AjaxFailure,obj:O42,e:"deactivate"});});O54.nm="O54";O42.on("deactivate",O54);O42.on("deactivate",function(f){_sdf_(f)}); O55= (function(P0,P1,P2){return Ext.Ajax.request({url:"/HandleEvent",params:"Ajax=1&IsEvent=1&Obj=O42&Evt=resize&this="+P0.nm+"&w="+P1+"&h="+P2+""+_gv_(O4A),success:AjaxSuccess,failure:AjaxFailure,obj:O42,e:"resize"});});O55.nm="O55";O42.on("resize",O55); O56= (function(P0,P1,P2){return Ext.Ajax.request({url:"/HandleEvent",params:"Ajax=1&IsEvent=1&Obj=O42&Evt=move&this="+P0.nm+"&x="+P1+"&y="+P2+""+_gv_(O4A),success:AjaxSuccess,failure:AjaxFailure,obj:O42,e:"move"});});O56.nm="O56";O42.on("move",O56); O57= (function(P0){return Ext.Ajax.request({url:"/HandleEvent",params:"Ajax=1&IsEvent=1&Obj=O42&Evt=maximize&this="+P0.nm+""+_gv_(O4A),success:AjaxSuccess,failure:AjaxFailure,obj:O42,e:"maximize"});});O57.nm="O57";O42.on("maximize",O57); O58= (function(P0){return Ext.Ajax.request({url:"/HandleEvent",params:"Ajax=1&IsEvent=1&Obj=O42&Evt=minimize&this="+P0.nm+""+_gv_(O4A),success:AjaxSuccess,failure:AjaxFailure,obj:O42,e:"minimize"});});O58.nm="O58";O42.on("minimize",O58); O59= (function(P0){return Ext.Ajax.request({url:"/HandleEvent",params:"Ajax=1&IsEvent=1&Obj=O42&Evt=restore&this="+P0.nm+""+_gv_(O4A),success:AjaxSuccess,failure:AjaxFailure,obj:O42,e:"restore"});});O59.nm="O59";O42.on("restore",O59);O42.show("");O42.retfalse.beforeclose=1;_axy_(O42);O42.uniMask={ldMask:false,maskWaitData:false,maskUseMsg:true};O42.uniMask.targetObj=null;
  16. Did not quite understand. What code should I put in the viewport.beforerender
  17. I'll take a look at these engines.
  18. Is anyone successfully using TMS Scripter with Unigui? I have approximately 80% of codes working properly, and some things still have problems. Conform a previous post, it would be very interesting if we got a satisfactory interaction with TMS Scripter or some other pascal code interpreter, so we could have a more dynamic application possible. Good the problems that I face: a) In form creation, if it contains the property freeonclose as true, I get exception when closing the form: "There is no Default JavaScript Object " In the clientEvents assignment: the added codes are not executed Someone would know or could tell me some solution to these cases, or know some pascal code interpreter that works perfectly with unigui. scRelacaoPessoa_Produto.txt
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