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Everything posted by tappatappa

  1. I am experimenting with TUniCalendarPanel. I have a few questions: 1) I see that the current day is always highlighted. Is it possible to set the current day by code? In my application I use the time stored in the server, which I trust to be more accurate than the one of the client. 2) How can I highlight the day the user selects? 3) Is it possible to change the view (Month, Week, Day) by code?
  2. Query and grid initialization _query->FetchAll = false; _query->FetchRows = _pagesize; _grid->WebOptions->Paged = true; _grid->WebOptions->PageSize = _pagesize; _grid->WebOptions->FetchAll = false; // hide uniGUI pagebar _grid->ClientEvents->ExtEvents->Values[L"afterrender"] = L" function(sender,eOpts)\ {\ if (sender.dockedItems.items[1])\ {sender.dockedItems.items[1].hide();}\ }"; After this, you need to manually implement all the buttons to go to next page, previous page, first page....
  3. TDataSet paging is implementation-specific. For instance, if you are using ODAC TOraQuery (like I do) you set TOraQuery::FetchAll = false TOraQuery::FetchRows= <desired number or rows> Still, the uniGUI paging does NOT work well with paged queries, because it "pages" only the rows actually fetched (otherwise how can it tell you the total number of pages in advance?), and for what I have seen, once you reach the end of the page it doesn't fetch the next page. So, I'd suggest you to implement your own implementation-specific PageBar Frame.
  4. Try to move Query and Session in the form, and see what happens
  5. related topic? http://forums.unigui.com/index.php?/topic/5247-unidbgrid-autosize-column/
  6. I need to show a screenmask on a grid when the user double-clicks on a grid row. I use a TUniScreenMask with AttachedControl=Gird and TargetControl = Grid, but this is not optimal because the screenmask is shown also after single clicks and Grid resizes. Any solution?
  7. Is JSName granted to be unique? Or is it safer to use FormName[ GridName ] ?
  8. Have you tried to move all those objects in the form?
  9. uniGUI projects are web only. In order to develop the "same" application in both web and VCL you will have to do it by hand. The only thing I can suggest is to keep the TForms and TUniForms code to a minimum, move all the actual code in TDataModules shared between the VCL and web projects. Or maybe you should look for some other solutions (remote desktop-like?)
  10. With the current implementation of Grid Column Editors you can only edit the value of the field the column is showing. In my opinion this is a mayor limitation in two cases: 1) Lookup fields/calculated fields Suppose you are showing a list of people, each row has a TYPE_ID integer column, that is a foreign key for a lookup table. You do not want to show the number, which is meaningless. So in the grid you show the "translation" (as a calculated/lookup field, for instance), you edit the value using a DBLookupComboBox, but the actual value has to be inserted in the TYPE_ID (hidden) field 2) Formatted fields (In the above scenario) each row has a TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE column. This column would be shown in the grid using the default format (for instance dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss tzh:tzm), which can be weird for a untrained user. Instead, what I'd love to do is to show a string column, containing a formatted string, pairing it with a DBDateTimePicker that edits the "real" timestamp. Bottom line If a grid column Editor is a DB control, let the DB control do the work.
  11. +1! I think a TUniDBCtrlGrid would be awesome! I was wondering how to simulate it using existing components: a set of dynamically created frames, inside a scrollbox. The tricky part would be all the behind-the-scenes work necessary to select/update/insert/delete from the dataset: you cannot use DBEdits, since you are not tied to the dataset cursor, instead you pre-fetch a set of records....
  12. What's with all the rush to release new versions of Rad Studio? Couldn't they wait for Windows 10, at least? RAD Studio XE8 Introduces Over 20 New Serious Productivity Features... New! Clipboard History WOW never heard of this one before. New! Parenthesis Matching I am pretty sure my XE4 does that already. And my Notepad++ too. ... Is XE8 a late April Fool Prank?
  13. I have KeySubmit = 13 (enter key) If a button is focused, when the user presses enter the form fires BOTH OnClick() and OnSubmit() events, in this order. How do you work around this issue? (Not sure if is a bug)
  14. If you set the label caption to "line1<br>line2" the label displays multiline text (at run time) only if the label parent is a Form, a Frame, or a UniScrollBox. If the label parent is a Panel or a ContainerPanel the label is not multiline. Edit: actually, it works. You just need to set TextConversion property := txtHTML
  15. It happens to me during installation if I hit "clean" instead of "build". Then I have to reinstall uniGUI because uniTools won't compile since \uniTools\Dcu\Delphi2014\uniStrUtils.dcu is gone.
  16. Never tried that, I thought it was some kind of DBMemo. My bad.
  17. From time to time I need this kind of component. I imagine it would not be super-difficult to implement. When I need it I have to use LiveBindings, which are powerful but a bit overkilling for my needs.
  18. Ok I think I have found a solution: http://www.sencha.com/forum/showthread.php?240460-How-to-Load-mask-to-a-window-store-before-loading Form1.window.getEl().mask('Loading'); ... you can call mask several times to change its message (10%...20%...100%) ... Form1.window.getEl().unmask();
  19. Is it possible to implement such behaviour in general? For instance: you start TUniTimer and display a screenmask on a form until the time is over.
  20. ODAC->Oracle DB. We develop using Oracle and Delphi, so Devart ODAC seemed the obvious choice. Is not perfect but is specifically developed for Oracle and uses all the advanced features of the DBMS, plus comes with full sources.
  21. I found that in some cases delphi name doesn't work. Maybe I am not using the Delphi name correctly, but here is my experience: recently I had to call some functions of the main form when as soon comes up, and I had to use its JSName, which I have found to be (unsurprisingly ) "O0" Here is an example Form1.toFront(); //doesn't work O0.toFront(); //its JSName, WORKS Also, you need to use the JSName when firing (client side) the Ajax events. Ajax=1&IsEvent=1&Obj=O0&Evt=activate&this=O0&_S_ID=zX4rfeDert67Gbe&_seq_=0
  22. I can't find any method/property with this name. What is it?
  23. Hi adragan, thanks for you prompt reply. What do you mean by "service"? You mean a windows service, a separate application? I really need to execute my code inside the ServerModule, because the timer must send a keep-alive signal to a separate watchdog.
  24. This does work only for .exe application. Any ideas for IIS dll applications?
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