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Everything posted by mhmda

  1. I didn't understand your question? If your dbgrid connected to datasourse you may know the specific record by using the table properties.
  2. Hi, I use this code to load image to html frame but I want the backgound of the htmlframe to be trnsparent: <img src="myimg.png"/> How can I make the htmlframe with Transparent background
  3. Hi, for now i'm working in something that I have to finish till friday, after that i'll put an example project here.
  4. I have managed to create the chart,using htmlframe and extjs code, see image: Also with animation when moving from one record to another.
  5. Hi, It's working greate ! 1. the 'OnResize' is an event for the DBGRID in Client Side Events, please follow me: Don't forget this line (it's very important): //validate if(sender.columns.length==0) return;
  6. I hate activeX it's limeted ONLY for IE.... and ie is sucks:-(
  7. Yes I like, but I want advanced option to display % of completing upload, if there is any possiblity :-)
  8. Hi, UniGui using Extjs 4.1.1 and this method has been changed, so I use this to auto resize columns at Client Side:  function OnResize(sender, adjWidth, adjHeight, rawWidth, rawHeight) { //get grid new width var grd_w=sender.getWidth(); //validate if(sender.columns.length==0) return; //auto resize columns crnt_w=0.073*grd_w; //Calc width in 7.3% crnt_w=Math.floor(crnt_w); //change column width: strat from 1 for first column (when indecator is true) otherwize start from 0 sender.columns[1].setWidth(crnt_w);//first column (0: is the indecator) }   
  9. This how you can do it, it's working !!!! clinet events-->extjs-->Onadded: Ext.apply(sender, {frame: 'true'}); sender.setUI(sender.ui + '-framed'); it's working also in ie !!!!
  10. This how you can do it, it's working !!!! clinet events-->extjs-->Onadded: Ext.apply(sender, {frame: 'true'}); sender.setUI(sender.ui + '-framed'); it's working also in ie !!!!
  11. Hi, In extjs when creating a panel with [frame=true] the panel created with rounded corners. How can I add/change this property in unigui panel? even using js code.
  12. Hi, How can I display a pogress bar with percents of uploading file progress... thanx
  13. How can I change "SMOOTHLY" image when mouse over? in web mode Thanx,
  14. I follow this link: http://forums.unigui.com/index.php?/topic/2552-unipanel-with-rounded-corners/page__p__11710__hl__rounded+corner__fromsearch__1#entry11710 But it doesn't work in IE (I have ie8)?? is there any solution for IE?
  15. Hi, How can I create a gauge chart? 1. If unigui doesn't support guage chart then how can I insert extjs code (for guage chart) to my application? 2. How can I attach an event (let's say button_click) to object I have created using extjs pure code? I put this code into htmlframe: <script language="js"> generateData = function(n, floor){ var data = [], p = (Math.random() * 11) + 1, i; floor = (!floor && floor !== 0)? 20 : floor; for (i = 0; i < (n || 12); i++) { data.push({ name: Ext.Date.monthNames[i % 12], data1: Math.floor(Math.max((Math.random() * 50), floor)) }); } return data; }; store1 = Ext.create('Ext.data.JsonStore', { fields: ['name', 'data1'], data: generateData() }); store1.loadData(generateData(1)); var enroll = Ext.create('Ext.chart.Chart', { width: 400, height: 140, renderTo: 'O20_id-body', store: store1, axes: [{ type: 'gauge', position: 'gauge', minimum: 0, maximum: 50, steps: 15, margin: -10 }], series: [{ type: 'gauge', donut: true, field: 'data1', colorSet: ['#FD02EB', '#ddd'] }] }); </script>
  16. mhmda

    Send file (PDF)

    You can use this: * I put the fastreport components in my DataModule. * I use this code 'Onclick' button. procedure TfrmMenu.MyFrxShowExp(); var fn:String; FormUrlView1:TURLFrame; begin fn:= 'R-' +FormatDateTime('hhmmss.zzz', Now()) +'.pdf'; // Create a unique name for report. DataModule1.frxReport5.PrintOptions.ShowDialog := False; DataModule1.frxReport5.ShowProgress:=false; DataModule1.frxReport5.PrintOptions.ShowDialog:=false; DataModule1.frxReport5.EngineOptions.SilentMode:=True; DataModule1.frxPDFExport1.Background:=True; DataModule1.frxPDFExport1.ShowProgress:=False; DataModule1.frxPDFExport1.ShowDialog:=False; DataModule1.frxPDFExport1.FileName := UniServerModule.LocalCachePath + fn; DataModule1.frxPDFExport1.DefaultPath := ''; if Mainform.WebMode then begin DataModule1.frxReport5.PrepareReport(); // Create Report DataModule1.frxReport5.Export(DataModule1.frxPDFExport1); // Export Report FormUrlView1:=TURLFrame.Create(UniApplication); FormUrlView1.URLFrm.URL := UniServerModule.LocalCacheURL + fn; // Displayed on UniURLFrame FormUrlView1.Show; end else begin DataModule1.frxReport5.ShowReport(); end; end;
  17. Hello, How can I change the title font size and series.label font size ? also how can control bar width?
  18. Where I put this code to change bar's color: var colors = ['rgb(47, 162, 223)','rgb(60, 133, 46)']; Ext.chart.theme.fancy = Ext.extend(Ext.chart.theme.Base, { constructor: function(config) { Ext.chart.theme.Base.prototype.constructor.call(this, Ext.apply({ colors: colors }, config)); } }); and How I link this theme 'fancy' to the chart ?
  19. Hi, How can I change bar's color (in web mode). How can I change ONE bar color, see this image: thanx,
  20. Thanks, and last question how can I customize bars (colors) in the web display.
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