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  1. Hi rsanford; thanks for your answer. UniGUI is best. It is easier creating web apllication for object pascal programmers, but it is very similar to Windows desktop applications. I want to make windowless and formless real world web interfaces with UniGui. I asked this question for my this idea. regards.
  2. Hi; I want to create a form embedded in the panel runtime. I created a default unigui VCL Application / Standalone server application, I added a Unibutton and UniPanel to MainUnit-MainForm. Subsequently add a free-form to application. and than I tried to create the Unit1-Form1 on UnitMain-MainForm-Panel1 with MainForm-Button1 onclick event. uses uniGUIVars, MainModule, uniGUIApplication, Unit1; function MainForm: TMainForm; begin Result := TMainForm(UniMainModule.GetFormInstance(TMainForm)); end; procedure TMainForm.UniButton1Click(Sender: TObject); var Xform : TUniForm1; begin Xform := TUniForm1.Create(uniApplication); Xform.Parent:= Unipanel2; xform.Show(); Xform.Align := alClient; end; initialization RegisterMainFormClass(TMainForm); end. but I got the following errors. First run; click button1 got Access violation error ; click "Tamam" button; click "Tamam" button again Form2 not embed to MainForm.Panel2; How can I solve this problem or anyway to create runtime panel embeded form. Best regards.
  3. Hi I having same problem. Installation error message below; "cannot load package uIndy17 it contains unit uIdHeaderCoderPlain which is also contained in package uIndy15"
  4. Hi Mohammad; thank you for your reply again. I understand now, you set every column width to some percentage of Dbgird. But not it need for me. Thanks for everything. Regards.
  5. Hi Mohamed; thanks for your reply I tried your codes but can not take effect. regards.
  6. Hi anyone having solution yet?
  7. Hi how can I set Ext.grid.Panel.forcefit property to true for autofit of UniDBGrid columns. quotation from http://docs.sencha.com/ext-js/3-4/#!/api/Ext.grid.GridPanel below; " forceFit : Boolean★2 Ttrue to force the columns to fit into the available width. Headers are first sized according to configuration, whether that be a specific width, or flex. Then they are all proportionally changed in width so that the entire content width is used. Available since: Ext 4 " regards.
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