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Farshad Mohajeri

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Everything posted by Farshad Mohajeri

  1. Hi all, We will try to support client side scripting as much as we can,but we shouldn't forget that there are almost infinite possibilities when you combine JS/HTML/CSS and similar technologies. In order to exchange values between Delphi and JS we need to construct the proper infrastructure which will handle all these tasks in a reliable and automatic way. Currently you can achieve this, but for this you need to use some dirty hacks which may work only for a particular problem. After version 0.90.0 or maybe earlier we will start to focus on client side scripting and event handling. Until then I will try to answer simple cases regarding scripting, but for more complex cases, especially those which need implementing a two way communication between server and client, I may not be able to solve your issue. Thanks
  2. You can't put html inside JSCode(). Put "dhtmlwindow.js" inside ServerModule.CustomFiles Then put your html/js code inside a uniHTMLFrame
  3. JSCode is a protected method: Use a hack to access it: type TUniControlHack = class(TUniControl); procedure TMainForm.UniFormCreate(Sender: TObject); begin if WebMode then TUniControlHack(WebForm).JSCode('alert("blalalala");'); end;
  4. Can you give a specific example?
  5. Hi, You can only get design time height of TUniHTMLFrame. Its variable HTML height can not retrieved.
  6. Maybe there are issues related to installing uniGUI after a fresh installation of Delphi. One known issue is that you need to run Delphi at least once before you install uniGUI.
  7. Please check your Delphi Library path: $(fmsoft)\unitools; $(fmsoft)\unigui; $(fmsoft)\unigui\uIndy; $(fmsoft)\unigui\CSSParser; $(fmsoft)\unigui\synedit\Source; $(fmsoft)\unigui\extpascal; Above paths should be there.
  8. Doesn't Zeoslib has a XE version?
  9. In a uniHTMLFrame control you may have JS code. You can use JS code to talk with Flash object.
  10. I will try to implement it in one of the 0.85 sub-releases.
  11. Easier method: Put a UniPanel in center of your Form. In Object inspector Set Panel.Anchors to [ ]. Regardless of screen size Panel will always remain in the center.
  12. See ScreenSize Demo: procedure TMainForm.UniFormScreenResize(Sender: TObject; AWidth, AHeight: Integer); begin UniLabel1.Caption:='Screen Size is = '+Format('%d x %d', [AWidth, AHeight]); end; Screen center = (Width / 2 , Height / 2)
  13. Great. I will make a separate package for UniChart components.
  14. It seems that XE Starter does not include the Chart components. Is this the only problem with XE Starter? Can you install other uniGUI components in uniGUI15dcl.dpk?
  15. I haven't tried installing uniGUI on Starter. I think it should be no different than standard XE. Has anyone tried installing uniGUI on Delphi starter?
  16. UniForm.OnShow event is when all web controls are created. Some controls may be rendered some may not. UniForm.OnActivate event occurs after Form is fully shown and all web controls are rendered.
  17. Setting Char parameter has no effect in web mode. Such a control should be implemented as a new Component. It is in issue list.
  18. JSCode is a protected method. You need to use a hack to access it: type TUniControlHack = class(TUniControl); procedure TMainForm.UniFormCreate(Sender: TObject); begin if WebMode then TUniControlHack(WebForm).JSCode('alert("blalalala");'); end;
  19. It is related to the way Ext JS embeds HTML. Also IE has a non-standard way of handling Active-X objects. I'm not sure if it can be resolved. Why don't you use embedded objects instead of OCX? ActiveX only works on Windows and IE and is not a cross browser solution.
  20. JS code is not blocked. There is no way to block JS code as JS has no Sleep or Wait function. Screen mask is displayed when an AJAX call is initiated and will be displayed until there is a response from server or a timeout occurs.
  21. That's what I meant too. For reporting/exporting you need to use 3rd party tools such as Fast Reports and Flexcel.
  22. Hello, None of the above will be implemented as those features are completely out of scope of uniGUI framework. You need to perform import/export tasks as you would do them in any regular Delphi app.
  23. Currently no. ScreenMask component will be deprecated in one of the next releases (0.86.0). Each Control will have its own mask control property.
  24. What properties are those? Do you want to change Font of whole Tree or Font of individual nodes?
  25. Release date for 0.85.0 revised to 16th-17th May 2011. Sorry for the delay.
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