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Farshad Mohajeri

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Everything posted by Farshad Mohajeri

  1. Requests come from client not server. I need more info. You can start with a basic project with a blank form and adding features until problem starts. Most of ISAPI issues come from access to system resources which are not accessible from IIS built-in account.
  2. I can't say much with this limited information, but perhaps your session crashes before it can send anything to the client. See Log file for any error log.
  3. Project file and MainModule are missing.
  4. DPR and some of the PAS files are missing.
  5. Hi Please only send source file and required extra files if there are any. There is no need to send extjs files. The first attachment didn't contain complete project. Please re-send source files only. Thanks
  6. VCL app must be redesigned and adopted to a multi-session multi-threaded environment. It is one of the ways to achieve this. Yes, you can use all non-visual Delphi components which support working in a multithreaded environment. Native Linux is not supported. Not yet.
  7. Thanks. Yes, but I will wait a bit more before I share the complete receipt to create a new control. Framework may undergo some minor/major architectural changes which will be completed until version 0.90.0. Problem here is that once we publish the document for creating a new control there will be no turning back and won't be able to make any change in framework core. You can override a new component from TUniHTMLFrame, but if you want to dynamically interact with HTML content it can be a difficult task.
  8. Thanks for info. Can you specify your uniGUI version?
  9. There is no up limit to number of sessions. The upper limit is determined by systems resources. Memory and OS handles are two important system resources which should never be overrun. In version 0.89.0 will we introduce options and tools to closely monitor and limit number of sessions, resource and memory usage. We will also redesign some of the controls to limit or reduce usage of OS handles which are a limited resource.
  10. It is not a bug. It is not implemented.
  11. Please see CharEOL demo.
  12. You can use OnDrawCellEvent for this.
  13. ConformDelete is implemented in uniGUI. At which line you fail to compile? Please paste your code here.
  14. Apache 2.2 web server for Windows allows running ISAPI modules. For this, a plugin called mod_isapi must be enabled. Apache doesn't have a visual interface for configuration. You must do some modifications to httpd.conf file. First of all, uncomment the following line: LoadModule isapi_module modules/mod_isapi.so Next you must associate .dll files with ISAPI module. Add the following line AddHandler isapi-handler .dll Next step is add your module directory to Apache directory entries. <Directory "C:/webapps"> Options Indexes FollowSymLinks ExecCGI AllowOverride None Order allow,deny Allow from all </Directory> Finally create a new Alias for your directory. Alias /mywebapps "C:/webapps" Be sure to restart your Apache server after making the necessary modifications to httpd.conf file.
  15. I have no experience with xampplite. Have you read the section about Apache 2.2 deployment? http://www.unigui.com/resources/online-documentation
  16. You want to validate cells in OnKeyDown event?
  17. Simply saying it failed gives me zero clue about the issue. It failed but how? When? Code sample? Please send to: info@fmsoft.net
  18. Farshad Mohajeri


    You can see Indy demos for this purpose.
  19. http://www.unigui.com/wpblog/2012/01/25/version-0-88-is-available/
  20. Well, please answer this question first. Does your app function normally if you don't navigate to an external page?
  21. It doesn't close the session. Session will be closed when it is timed out.
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