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Farshad Mohajeri

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Everything posted by Farshad Mohajeri

  1. Of course, be sure that you are using latest version of uniGUI.
  2. It works here in IE8 and other browsers.
  3. It does work here. I use UniLabel OnClick event. If it doesn't work there please send a simple test case.
  4. If you think current beta can meet your project's specs you can use it right now.
  5. You can use OnClick event, but there is no guarantee that event handler will be executed first.
  6. To resolve this you need to explicitly assign a format to the TFloatField. I will add a DefaultFloatFormat property to TUniDBGrid
  7. You should be able to send them same as regular non-Unicode characters. Please see UrlParameters demo.
  8. The ExtPascal version we use in uniGUI has been slightly modified and some of the bugs important for us are fixed. It does not limit us, as Extpascal has a flexible architecture which allow us to import components that doesn't exit in standard Extpascal pack. Yes, we have created some new components like uniCanvas which doesn't exist in Ext JS. It is possible to create new components from scratch and use them in uniGUI. OTOH, uniGUI allows client side scripting which enables to have direct control on client side behavior of Ext JS controls. For example see Google Maps demo. IE6/7/8 doesn't support HTML 5 so canvas will not work. We will try to support IE6+ but our main focus will be IE8+, FF, Chrome, Opera and Safari. I believe that it's a futile effort to try to support and fix all issues and aspects related to IE6/7 which are really old browsers. JS engine of those browsers are really slow and not good for complex UI. Not to mention the severe memory leak issues in those browsers.
  9. A simple demo attached. HTML5 Audio.rar
  10. Planned for version 0.90.0
  11. Are you testing in Chrome? Chrome doesn't support WAV files. You can only play sound in an event triggered from client side.
  12. Currently button images are set through TImageList which doesn't have support for PNG transparency. However we support transparency via TUniToolButton.Transparency option. In future we may add support for a property which you can directly assign PNG images.
  13. Cache images are internally generated when needed.
  14. Imagelist doesn't save images in PNG format. For each button set proper Transparency option: toAuto = The border color of image is used as transparent color toFuchsia = Transparency color is fuchsia.
  15. On web side your app already runs inside a browser window. Do you want to open a new browser window or ?
  16. In version 0.88.1 we have new tab in server monitor called resources. http://prime.fmsoft.net/demo/ucdemo.dll/server You can precisely monitor the amount of memory used by your app.
  17. Same app pool can't be used for both 32-bit and 64-bit apps. You need to create a separate app pool for 64-bit apps. In this new pool do not enable 32-bit support.
  18. http://www.unigui.co...r-version-0-88/ +---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - 0001282: Form's values aren't synced when deactivated. - 0001281: UniTreeView: MainForm.Close in OnClick event. - 0001203: UniTabSheet: PageIndex bug. - 0001261: OnDropDown event for ComboBox. - 0000640: UniSession SendFile() method - 0001284: UniSession SendStream() method. - 0001268: UniDateTimePicker: ShowBlankDate property. - 0001270: UniDBGrid: Float/number field ignores decimal/thousand separators. - 0001042: Grid Cell font changes when editing cell. - 0001274: UniDBGrid: Embedded editor's Font doesn't match Grid's Font. - 0001278: TUniToolButton: Transparency Property. - 0001279: Bug when received string contains a "&". - 0001280: Critical bug in Form parameter setting logic. - New Demo: DownloadDemo-2
  19. I also replied to this issue in another thread. As far as I investigated there is no way to avoid this in the web.
  20. You can use below code to disable col lines but there is no handy solution for row lines. function OnBeforeInit(sender) { sender.columnLines=false; }
  21. not yet yes. personally I haven't used this tool
  22. This may help: http://forums.unigui.com/index.php?/topic/959-play-mp3/page__view__findpost__p__2585
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