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Farshad Mohajeri

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Everything posted by Farshad Mohajeri

  1. Mine is not the same. Please note that first line is commented.
  2. // {$define UNIGUI_VCL} // Comment out this line to turn this project into an ISAPI module' <-------------------------------------------------------------------- {$ifndef UNIGUI_VCL} library {$else} program {$endif} web; uses uniGUIISAPI, Forms, ServerModule in 'ServerModule.pas' {UniServerModule: TUniGUIServerModule}, MainModule in 'MainModule.pas' {UniMainModule: TUniGUIMainModule}, Main in 'Main.pas' {MainForm: TUniForm}; {$R *.res} {$ifndef UNIGUI_VCL} exports GetExtensionVersion, HttpExtensionProc, TerminateExtension; {$endif} begin {$ifdef UNIGUI_VCL} Application.Initialize; TUniServerModule.Create(Application); Application.Run; {$endif} end.
  3. OK. In XE2 you may need close and re-open the project after you comment the first line. If it didn't help then create an ISAPI Module project directly. See attached pic:
  4. It didn't what? Couldn't you get the DLL file in output folder? Delphi version?
  5. Create a new uniGUI VCL STANDALONE + ISAPI project. In project source file comment the first line. Build the project. Now we have Projectx.dll file in the output folder. Now distribute DLL file to your server using instructions in online documentation.
  6. You can install latest build which is compiled with XE2 Update 4.
  7. Well, if you need a display rate above 2 FPS you must prefer live image streaming.
  8. Files->New->Other->uniGUI For Delphi->Application Wizard->ISAPI Module
  9. Are you deploying to another server? What type of server is it?
  10. See web deployment section for ISAPI DLL deployment. http://www.unigui.com/doc/online_help/index.html You need to create a uniGUI ISAPI module project in Delphi first.
  11. You need to install uniGUI first. http://www.unigui.com/downloads/90 That's how to run demos. http://www.unigui.com/downloads/91
  12. As I said. uniGUI doesn't produce HTML file. http://prime.fmsoft.net/demo/ucdemo.dll see above demo. All content is dynamically generated and no HTML file is involved. uniGUI is not a static HTML server, it is a dynamic content generator. There is a big difference between two.
  13. Could you run sample projects provided with uniGUI package? Those located under ...\FMSoft\Framework\uniGUI\Demos folder.
  14. uniGUI doesn't create any HTML file directly. Web output is dynamically generated. What do you want to achieve by creating HTML file?
  15. You can use Comma in display format with no problem. When entering float data in cell we need to use DOT as decimal separator and no comma. It is same for all Delphi versions.
  16. This a Delphi error. While editing comma should not be used because uniGUI doesn't support EditFormat yet.
  17. I can't reproduce in any of my PCs. Please re-check your uniGUI version.
  18. My PC's local setting is same as yours. I'll test with build 943 in another PC to see the results.
  19. Can anyone else reproduce this problem?
  20. Interesting. Here it works as expected!
  21. Make sure you have the latest build installed. You can use GridEditors demo.
  22. In my PC it behaves like this: DecimalSeparator = , ThousandSeparator= . DisplayFormat = Empty , Value diplayed as 1.23 (expected behavior) DisplayFormat = 0.00 , Value diplayed as 1,23 FieldType = TFloatField Can you send a simple test?
  23. I can't reproduce. Finally what is your Delphi version and browser type ?
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