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Invalid self-signed certificate

Fernando Silva

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Hello everyone, I use a self-signed certificate for the development environment created through openssl following unigui's own post (here). However, when running the application, any browser considers it insecure and in my case it makes the application slow. For now I disable ssl as it is only in the laboratory.


Is there any way around this?

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Hello @Abaksoft, your tip was of great help, however, in my case I don't need other devices to access the "server", just the computer itself that is compiling. So, I made a summary of the manual.

1 - Create the san.cnf file in the OpenSSL bin folder (C:\Program Files\OpenSSL-Win64\bin). The content of the file looks like this:
default_bits  = 2048
distinguished_name = req_distinguished_name
req_extensions = req_ext
x509_extensions = v3_req
prompt = no
countryName = XX
stateOrProvinceName = XX
localityName = XXXX
organizationName = XXXX
commonName = Self-signed certificate
subjectAltName = @alt_names
subjectAltName = @alt_names
IP.1 =

Replace the "X" with your parameters


2 - Open cmd as admin
2.1 - cd C:\Program Files\OpenSSL-Win64\bin

3 - Run command
openssl genrsa -out root.key 2048
openssl req -x509 -days 3650 -new -nodes -key root.key -out root.pem -config san.cnf
openssl req -x509 -nodes -days 3650 -newkey rsa:2048 -keyout key.pem -out cert.pem -config san.cnf

4 - You created the three files (root.pem, cert.pem, Key.pem) inside the bin folder.
Copy these three files to the root directory where the .exe of your unigui project is located.

5 - Finally, open the Windows certificate manager (certmgr.msc), navigate to the "trusted root certificate authorities" folder and import the cert.pem file

Close browser e run project.



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