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Fernando Silva

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Everything posted by Fernando Silva

  1. Hello @Abaksoft, your tip was of great help, however, in my case I don't need other devices to access the "server", just the computer itself that is compiling. So, I made a summary of the manual. 1 - Create the san.cnf file in the OpenSSL bin folder (C:\Program Files\OpenSSL-Win64\bin). The content of the file looks like this: [req] default_bits = 2048 distinguished_name = req_distinguished_name req_extensions = req_ext x509_extensions = v3_req prompt = no [req_distinguished_name] countryName = XX stateOrProvinceName = XX localityName = XXXX organizationName = XXXX commonName = Self-signed certificate [req_ext] subjectAltName = @alt_names [v3_req] subjectAltName = @alt_names [alt_names] IP.1 = Replace the "X" with your parameters 2 - Open cmd as admin 2.1 - cd C:\Program Files\OpenSSL-Win64\bin 3 - Run command openssl genrsa -out root.key 2048 openssl req -x509 -days 3650 -new -nodes -key root.key -out root.pem -config san.cnf openssl req -x509 -nodes -days 3650 -newkey rsa:2048 -keyout key.pem -out cert.pem -config san.cnf 4 - You created the three files (root.pem, cert.pem, Key.pem) inside the bin folder. Copy these three files to the root directory where the .exe of your unigui project is located. 5 - Finally, open the Windows certificate manager (certmgr.msc), navigate to the "trusted root certificate authorities" folder and import the cert.pem file Close browser e run project.
  2. Hello everyone, I use a self-signed certificate for the development environment created through openssl following unigui's own post (here). However, when running the application, any browser considers it insecure and in my case it makes the application slow. For now I disable ssl as it is only in the laboratory. Is there any way around this?
  3. Hello my friends. I'm new to using SSL with hyperserver. From what I read in other posts, standalone unigui or hyperserver applications with ssl only work with openssl dlls up to 1.0.2u, is that correct? I ask because I was informed that this version of dll was discontinued by the openssl project, only the most current ones ( or higher) are supported. This concerns me about data security. Is there any way to run standalone or hyperserver applications with the latest openssl dlls? PS: I am already aware that unigui applications with IIS and apache run on newer versions of the openssl dlls.
  4. Hi @Farshad Mohajeri, thanks for the clarification. Sorted out.
  5. Hello @Farshad Mohajeri, Thanks for the answer. I tested using the files (hyper_server.cfg and hyper_server.dll) and it worked, that is, I used the hyperserver recommended for IIS and Apache, is that correct? In which case should I use (hyper_server_apache.dll)? I was confused by the name hyper_server_apache. Thanks.
  6. Hello everyone, I am unable to deploy the hyperserver with apache (xampp). My file configuration: Error accessing the application: Apache error log file: [Mon Mar 18 13:57:24.770038 2024] [isapi:error] [pid 8204:tid 1844] (OS 127)Não foi possível encontrar o procedimento especificado. : AH02108: missing GetExtensionVersion() in C:/sites/franquias/hyper_server_apache.dll Does not generate error log in unigui. Note: Standalone + Apache applications are working normally. Has anyone experienced a similar problem? Unigui Version:
  7. Hi @mikromundo, it worked using i *PnP.width; I was intrigued by the solution, thank you very much for the tip, it solved my problem. Congratulations on the Radcore project, I didn't know it, I was delighted with its practicality. I'll study a little more. Congratulations indeed!!
  8. Hello @mikromundo. I don't understand your suggestion, if I comment on the alignment the panels will overlap. If I leave just the left one the problem is the same. Have you tried the example I shared? I know it seems like a simple problem, but it's not, I spent a lot of time testing the properties. A desktop Delphi project with the same code behaves correctly, it's some detail in unigui. Thanks.
  9. I have a simple case of creating panels at runtime. The creation of the components works perfectly, the problem is in the ordering in which the unigui leaves them. Code: procedure TMainForm.UniButton1Click(Sender: TObject); var PnP: TUniPanel; I: integer; begin for I := 0 to 10 do begin PnP := TUniPanel.Create(self); PnP.Name := 'PnProg_' + I.ToString; PnP.Parent := SBPrincipal; PnP.Width := 232; PnP.Caption := 'Panel_' + I.ToString; PnP.CreateOrder := I; PnP.Align := alRight; PnP.Align := alLeft; end; end; Result: I've already tried to reorder them after they were created but I wasn't successful. Has anyone experienced this problem? PS: I tried the topic below and it didn't work: Attached the unigui project. The same code in a desktop application works normally. PanelsRT_Unigui.rar
  10. Hi, log does not log any errors: Log: Project1.dll: 00001A98: 09:07:26 []:>--------------------------------------------------------------< Project1.dll: 00001A98: 09:07:26 []:Starting Server. Module Handle: 0000000000400000 Project1.dll: 00001A98: 09:07:26 [TUniServerModule]:Server First Init. Project1.dll: 00001A98: 09:07:26 [TUniServerModule]:Start Path = C:\sites\teste\ Project1.dll: 00001A98: 09:07:26 []:Server Started. Module Handle: 0000000000400000 ConnectionLog: Project1.dll: 000020F4: 09:07:44 [189.55.xxxx]:Processing: Id: -1, Evt: data Project1.dll: 000020F4: 09:07:44 [189.55.xxxx]:Processed: Id: -1, Evt: data, [KcwVr2ISBs10CEEB5E1] Project1.dll: 000003A4: 09:07:44 [189.55.xxxx]:Processing: Id: -1, Evt: data Project1.dll: 000003A4: 09:07:44 [189.55.xxxx]:Processed: Id: -1, Evt: data, [KcwVr2ISBs10CEEB5E1] Project1.dll: 00001A98: 09:07:44 [189.55.xxxx]:Processing: Id: -1, Evt: data Project1.dll: 00001A98: 09:07:44 [189.55.xxxx]:Processed: Id: -1, Evt: data, [KcwVr2ISBs10CEEB5E1] Project1.dll: 000010A8: 09:07:44 [189.55.xxxx]:Processing: Id: -1, Evt: data Project1.dll: 000010A8: 09:07:44 [189.55.xxxx]:Processed: Id: -1, Evt: data, [KcwVr2ISBs10CEEB5E1] Thanks.
  11. Hi Farshad, follows the console image at the time of the error, I don't know if it helps. Thanks.
  12. Hello Abaksoft, thanks again for the help but I already tested anti-virus too. I published on different servers (2019, 2016, 2008, windows 10)... With and without anti-virus and it still doesn't work, the problem only occurs with the TUniCalendarPanel component with IIS + SSL Thanks
  13. Hello Abaksoft, thanks for the help. Unfortunately, I've tried to approach with: Timer, Sleep and refresh but it didn't work. I believe that IIS (with certificate) for some reason does not support operations with this TUniCalendarPanel component or something like that. It is registered here for other developers who have the same problem to understand that until now there is no solution. Already start another approach using native TUniPanel to serve the project. Thanks.
  14. Hello, I have an atypical problem using TUniCalendarPanel. The strangest thing is that it only occurs when the application is using SSL, as follows: 26.06.2023_18.05.03_REC.mp4 The problem only occurs with IIS + SSL. If running by .exe, hyperserver or IIS without SSL the problem does not occur. Has anyone gone through something similar? Important: I have already changed the certificate for different CAs and the problem persists. Project attached. UniguiProjectsForum.rar
  15. Hi Sherzod, I used a new grid and it worked, sorry for the mistake. Thanks.
  16. Hi, I tried this simple approach but it didn't work. Grid.Columns[0].Title.Caption := 'Test'; Thanks.
  17. Hello Sherzod, I agree with you, however the client uses a Blue visual identity with White font. Even with a dark font, there is a problem with the label coming out of the small bars, below: I believe that via JS there must be a way, but it's not my specialty. Thank you very much in advance.
  18. Hello, I'm having trouble positioning the label on the chart. Display: insideEnd I noticed that only the labels belonging to the smaller bars are left out. Does anyone know how to position the labes a little lower? Observation: I've tried other displays and similar problems occur. I would like to keep the white font in the SeriesLabel. Thanks.
  19. I would like to leave only the Bold, Italic and Underline functions of HtmlMemo. Thanks.
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