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Muhammad Idris

uniGUI Subscriber
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Everything posted by Muhammad Idris

  1. The application using Hyper Server becomes slow when the session reaches 220, is there a way to set it in the panel? and these are my settings in the panel
  2. I can combine several reports in FastReport, but How do I combine the report with a PDF file in a file/folder in FastReport ? my code : procedure TFLap_SBPK.PrepareAndShow(Report: TfrxReport; Exp: TfrxPDFExport); var AUrl : string; begin Report.PrintOptions.ShowDialog := False; Report.ShowProgress := false; Report.EngineOptions.SilentMode := True; Report.EngineOptions.EnableThreadSafe := True; Report.EngineOptions.DestroyForms := False; Report.EngineOptions.UseGlobalDataSetList := False; Exp.Background := True; Exp.ShowProgress := False; Exp.ShowDialog := False; Exp.FileName := UniServerModule.NewCacheFileUrl(False, 'pdf', '', '', AUrl, True); Exp.DefaultPath := ''; Report.PreviewOptions.AllowEdit := False; Report.PrepareReport; if Billing = '1' then begin frxRekapBPJS.PrepareReport; Report.PreviewPages.AddFrom(frxRekapBPJS); end; if Resume = '1' then begin frxRadiologi.PrepareReport; Report.PreviewPages.AddFrom(frxRadiologi); end; if Konsul = '1' then begin frxKonsul.PrepareReport; Report.PreviewPages.AddFrom(frxKonsul); end; if Jawab = '1' then begin frxJawab.PrepareReport; Report.PreviewPages.AddFrom(frxJawab); end; if Terapi = '1' then begin frxTerapi.PrepareReport; Report.PreviewPages.AddFrom(frxTerapi); end; if Fisik = '1' then begin frxFisik.PrepareReport; Report.PreviewPages.AddFrom(frxFisik); end; if PermintaanTerapi = '1' then begin frxPermintaanTerapi.PrepareReport; Report.PreviewPages.AddFrom(frxPermintaanTerapi); end; if Kematian = '1' then begin frxKematian.PrepareReport; Report.PreviewPages.AddFrom(frxKematian); end; if RujukKeluarRS = '1' then begin frxRujuk.PrepareReport; Report.PreviewPages.AddFrom(frxRujuk); end; if Lain = '1' then begin FUrl := UniServerModule.FilesFolderURL + 'eKlaim_PDF/'; frxReport1.LoadFromFile(FUrl+QBiayaNama_File.AsString); frxReport1.PrepareReport; Report.PreviewPages.AddFrom(frxReport1); end; Report.Export(Exp); UniPDFFrame1.PdfURL := AUrl + '#page=1&zoom=100'; end;
  3. thank you very much for problem

    UniDbGrid enable text Selection property

    I want to ask how to make a search in treemenu like the one in treeview ?


  4. how to make text in memo dbgrid appear without <br> sign when column is clicked to edit
  5. like this treeview when typed in "ope" it will display the appropriate one
  6. I mean, for example, if you type Labora, the other items will automatically disappear because there are many items in the treemenu. Thank You Treemenu_Search_1.zip
  7. but the other items are not lost or hidden. Thank You
  8. sorry sir, is there any solution for searching in treemenu ?

    Treemenu_Search (1).zip

  9. how do you make the unidbgrid view match the panel or container layout ?
  10. congratulations sir, can you share the sample program. thank you
  11. this is an example program that I took from the unigui demo PivotGrid.zip
  12. this is an example program PivotGrid.zip
  13. why when running unidbpivotgrid there is an error like this? I'm using version 1554
  14. I mean a modal form like this that can be scrolled 2022-12-01 03-34-15.mkv
  15. what do you mean ? is it like server side rendering in next.js
  16. this is an example program Dashboard_Responsive.zip
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