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Everything posted by Sherzod

  1. Dear estrify. I think that this is not a bug (since this post is located in the Bug Reports), sometimes useful such event. I think just have to add in the future is another event onChangeXXX (onChangeXXX is fired when the input looses focus). Sincerely duser.
  2. Hi Farshad. I think it is difficult to say, what is it a bug, but it needs to be solved (maybe a property as Default Value) ... This nasty error comes out every time you use the Number Fields (when the value becomes empty), of course, when used DataSet controls: UniDBEdit, UniDBNumberEdit, UniDBGrid etc. Thanks...
  3. The code in Delphi: procedure TMainForm.UniDBEdit1KeyUp(Sender: TObject; var Key: Word; Shift: TShiftState); function ToMixCase(InString: String): String; var i: Integer; begin if InString = '' then Exit; Result := LowerCase(InString); Result[1] := UpCase(Result[1]); For i := 1 to Length(InString) - 1 do begin if (Result[i] = ' ') //or (Result[i] = '''') //or (Result[i] = '"') //or (Result[i] = '-') //or (Result[i] = '.') //or (Result[i] = '(') Then Result[i + 1] := UpCase(Result[i + 1]); end; end; begin (Sender as TUniDBEdit).Text := ToMixCase((Sender as TUniDBEdit).Text) end; but this code does not work for unicode ... This code may not be optimal, but it is also one solution... http://www.esanu.name/delphi/Object%20Pascal/Strings/Capitalize%20the%20first%20letter%20of%20each%20word%20in%20a%20string.html
  4. Hi Peter. Try use CSS Text - text-transform. http://www.codertools.com/css_help_guide/css_text-transform.aspx http://www.w3schools.com/cssref/playit.asp?filename=playcss_text-transform&preval=capitalize Or Capitalize the first letter of all words in a string: function ucFirstAllWords( str ) { var pieces = str.split(" "); for ( var i = 0; i < pieces.length; i++ ) { var j = pieces[i].charAt(0).toUpperCase(); pieces[i] = j + pieces[i].substr(1); } return pieces.join(" "); } http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1026069/capitalize-the-first-letter-of-string-in-javascript
  5. Ok, Thanks... http://forums.unigui.com/index.php?/topic/3145-error-using-multi-header-in-unidbgrid/
  6. Hi Farshad. Please help in solving this problem! 1. Please open the project: ... \ Program Files \ FMSoft \ Framework \ uniGUI \ Demos \ GridHeaderMutipleLevelGrouping 2. Insert a button on the form UniBitBtn1, in which the handler to write the code: procedure TMainForm.UniBitBtn1Click (Sender: TObject); begin ClientDataSet2.Close end; 3. Edit any cell. 4. Click on the button. Error! This error comes when it is multi-level header. Please give the solution! Thank you ...
  7. Hi Farshad. How to make grouping with a plugin like this: http://dev.sencha.com/deploy/ext-3.3.1/examples/grid/ColumnHeaderGroup.html ? Possible to implement it? Thanks.
  8. Да нет, под учетными данными я имел в виду тестовое имя пользователя и пароль... ОК, Все нормально, зашел, посмотрел... Спасибо...
  9. Здравствуйте. Есть тестовые учетные данные?
  10. Embarcadero® Delphi® XE2 Version 16.0.4504.48759 Windows 7 Ultimate If I get the error again, then I'll write. The fact is that after reopen IDE, the error disappears...
  11. Resolving Internal Errors http://docwiki.embarcadero.com/RADStudio/XE3/en/Resolving_Internal_Errors_%28Delphi%29
  12. Yes of course I understand, but the problem is, sometimes the same code compiles fine, sometimes gives an error, I think this bug compiler. Maybe I'm wrong. Likely need to carefully write the code. Thanks ...
  13. Internal Error: in ExtPascal.pas in other modules too ... Members please tell me is it just me, or do you also received this error? If so, how do you solve the problem? After error, you need every time reopen IDE.
  14. Hi Farshad. The problem with commit or rollback in transaction, when UniDBGrid use multilevel column??? Please can help in this problem, after commit or rollback, leaves an empty blue box and the application hangs. Me would urgently, if possible. If I do not use multilevel headers, then everything is fine. FF19.0.2 Embarcadero® Delphi® XE2 Version 16.0.4504.48759 Windows 7 Ultimate DataBase Server: FireBird 1.5 Thank you ...
  15. Impossible to lock a column, if the column is part of the grouped columns? Or so it should be?
  16. How to remove only the refresh button in UniDBGrid?
  17. Dear, Farshad Mohajeri. Sorry, I did not write a report on the Bug Reports and on the other branches of the forum. I have one implementation. If you agree to include this implementation, I think it would extend the functionality UniDBGrid. (Sorry for my bad English.) 1. Add properties UseMultiTitle (boolean) in UniDBGrid (By the way this property is implemented in DBGridEh (Ehlib)). 2. And Columns Title fully specify MultiTitle, removing property GroupHeader. 3. Add an internal method for the analysis and generation MultiTitle (hereinafter cite the source code for this problem) 4. There's still a need to analyze the correctness of the input MultiTitle (for example, where possible, indicate the share at the beginning or at the end, or more separators are consecutive. 5. Analyze the list of visible columns to correctly generate columns (perhaps it has already been implemented). I think it will give a lot of advantages: 1. Create MultiTitle. 2. You can immediately see how it will look designtime column model. ...
  18. Hi, Mr. Farshad. I have here a problem: in the grid should be like a multi Header: Schools Schools №1 School enrollment Including those in the region Boys Girls Boys Girls 1 2 3 4 in designtime I do so: TVCLDBColumns[0] GroupHeader = ‘schools;school N1;school enrollment;boys’ Title.Caption = ‘1’ TVCLDBColumns[1] GroupHeader = ‘schools;school N1;school enrollment;girls’ Title.Caption = ‘2’ TVCLDBColumns[2] GroupHeader = ‘schools;school N1;including those in the region;boys’ Title.Caption = ‘3’ TVCLDBColumns[3] GroupHeader = ‘schools;school N1;including those in the region;girls’ Title.Caption = ‘4’ Result: Schools Schools №1 School enrollment Including those in the region Boys Girls 1 3 2 4 please, what I'm doing wrong? thanks...
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