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Everything posted by emin

  1. Hello, When I moved the application that I used as ISAPI module before to HyperServer ISAPI module, I started getting feedback from users that the documents were saved to the wrong directory. Errors usually occur in areas with the following codes. Do I need to change any part of my code. 1- To File upload I use below code AStream: TFileStream); var F: TFileStream; begin if not DirectoryExists(uniservermodule.FilesFolderPath + 'policeler' + pathdelim + policeliste.FieldByName('policeid').AsString) then ForceDirectories(uniservermodule.FilesFolderPath + 'policeler' + pathdelim + policeliste.FieldByName('policeid').AsString); F := TFileStream.Create(uniservermodule.FilesFolderPath + 'policeler' + pathdelim + policeliste.FieldByName('policeid').AsString + pathdelim + policeevrakiyuklebuton.FileName, fmCreate); TRY F.CopyFrom(AStream, AStream.Size); FINALLY F.Free; END; end; 2- Sending the file saved in the user cache file with send file UniSession.SessionId+pathdelim+'Test.pdf'; Thanks in advance
  2. emin

    Memory leak

    You are right. It works now. Thank you
  3. emin

    Memory leak

    Hi I use below script to get data from a webservice. Eventhough I make variables free at the end of the process, sometimes I face memory leak warning Thanks in advance for your help function ankarapoliceolustur(sigortali,sigortaettiren,boy,kilo,policebaslangic,indirimorani:string):String; var WS:uAnkaraSaglikDostuWS.ISaglikDostuWS; Police:uAnkaraSaglikDostuWS.SaglikDostu2; Sonuc: QuotationResult2; begin WS := (UniMainModule.HTTPRIOPolice as uAnkaraSaglikDostuWS.ISaglikDostuWS); Police:=uAnkaraSaglikDostuWS.SaglikDostu2.Create; Sonuc:=QuotationResult2.Create; try ...... try Sonuc:=WS.GetQuotation(Police); Result:=inttostr(sonuc.PolicyNumber)+'|'+inttostr(sonuc.EndorsNumber)+'|'+ sonuc.ProductNumber+ '|'+Sonuc.Premium.DecimalString+'|'+inttostr(sonuc.RenewalNumber); except Result:='Failed'; end; finally Police.Free; sonuc.Free; end; end;
  4. emin

    wait dialog

    I found the solution on the forum. However this time it show only loading message instead of my message
  5. emin

    wait dialog

    Hi I need to use showmask on a frame after a messagedlg dialog. However it doesn't show any mask.
  6. It works well when there is only a pagecontrol on form. However if I add another components it doesn't work. I added a new test case. Could you please check it. new_pagecontrolbordertest.rar
  7. I need to hide or remove borders. I've tried all the suggestions above. Unfortunately borders still exist I use win 10 theme. pagecontrolbordertest.rar
  8. I really thank you this valuable information. Because I had searched web for long hours and found nothing. System32 didn't work. SysWOW64 is OK
  9. In the application.dll folder
  10. Thank you. I am looking forward
  11. Hi I use below code to send an email. It works well on standalone mode, however on IIS does not send mails. I set SMTP email configuration on IIS server. The problem still exists
  12. It's possible and quite easy to implement. Here is an example which I copied from my code procedure Tfrmkrediislemleri.adsoyadGetText(Sender: TField; var Text: string; DisplayText: Boolean); begin Text := '<img height="16", width="16", src="files/images/' + 'user16.png" /> '+ krediislemleri.FieldByName('adsoyad').AsString; end; procedure Tfrmkrediislemleri.UniDBGrid2DrawColumnCell(Sender: TObject; ACol, ARow: Integer; Column: TUniDBGridColumn; Attribs: TUniCellAttribs); begin if Column.FieldName = 'adsoyad' then Column.Field.OnGetText := adsoyadGetText; end; It seems like this:
  13. Hi My app works on Standolone module very well and I've deployed it as ISAPI Module according to the manuel. My server is Windows Server 2016 and it uses IIS version 10.0.14 When I tried to run the application I can see only below error: HTTP Error 503. The service is unavailable. I tried every options. I need your help Thanks in advance
  14. Thank you Sherzod. It works
  15. I use accordion layout and need to hide collapse icon and show only toolbuttons.
  16. Finally I've solved the problem. I set unithreadtimer interval as 600000 and started unithreadtimer when server module create. It worked. On the other hand I'm not sure is it right to use two fdconnetcion one on mainmodule, onether on servermodule
  17. You are right. Actually there is no problem with running unithreadtimer. My problem is that I could not manage how to run a query on server to handle backup operation. I checked demos related to unithreadtimer, but non of them use query. I don't want to use unitimer instead of unithreadtimer and run the same query many times.
  18. Ok. I add a TFDConnection, TFDQuery and TUniThreadTimer on server module. And I created another connection which is independant from mainmodule connection But the result was the same. Nothing changed on the database.
  19. I added unithreadtimer on mainmodule but nothing changed
  20. I need to delete some record on a database on every 30 minutes. I added a unithreadtimer on servermodule and used below code. But when I check the database it seems that unithreadtimer doesn't work. My code: procedure TUniServerModule.UniGUIServerModuleServerStartup(Sender: TObject); begin unithreadtimer1.Enabled:=true; end; procedure TUniServerModule.UniThreadTimer1Timer(Sender: TObject); begin UniThreadTimer1.Lock; try with unimainmodule.servermodulesql do begin close; sql.Text:='DELETE from kilitlipoliceler where ROUND(TIME_TO_SEC(timediff(CURRENT_TIME,kilitlemesaati))/60)>30' execsql; end; finally UniThreadTimer1.Release; end; end;
  21. Hello Sherzod Memory leak warning disappeared when I used new script. Thanks your help, above and beyond your sincere help I think we need a documentation source to handle that kind of problem. To be honest it doesn't make sense for me why the memory leak has accured and why it's disappeared after replacing the script. I always try to understand logic instead of copy-paste script. But this time I couldn't Many thanks again
  22. I added a test caseunitreemenutest.rar unitreemenutest.rar
  23. I've used above script and it has worked. However a memory leak occurred. I have no idea how I fix the leak. I checked the script, it seemed Ok.
  24. Hi I need to change table layout column count runtime. However it doesn't display columns properly except the first column. Even though I tried many things including searching forum I couldn't find a solition for the problem. I've added a test case to show the problem. Thanks in advance for your advice slayouttest.zip
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