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Everything posted by dkeene

  1. dkeene

    Form Shapes

    Is there a way with UniGui to place shapes onto a UniContainerPanel simply for visual grouping? Like a Line or Box? Something like TShape...
  2. I have the same problem. Is there any way to make the control behave as expected without using workarounds? Rows seem to overlap one another. Is there a way to set the lineheight?
  3. Sorry it's unclear, but i am executing the following code: function click(sender, e, eOpts) { var selText = ToolPaletteForm.uhLabelTextEditor.selectedText; ajaxRequest(sender, 'dougEvent', [ "uhHTMLLabelEditor="+selText ] ); } but i only get an "undefined" for the result of uhHTMLabelEditor, which is a parameter to try to get the result of selText into the delphi environment, based on code from this thread. When I execute, i get "undefined" for the result of selText.
  4. Hello I tried the following code function click(sender, e, eOpts) { var selText = ToolPaletteForm.uhLabelTextEditor.selectedText; ajaxRequest(sender, 'dougEvent', [ "uhHTMLLabelEditor="+selText ] ); } but i only get an "undefined" for the result of uhHTMLabelEditor. Any ideas? Thanks Doug
  5. When I execute the above code, the result of the parameter uhHTMLLabelEditor is 'undefined' so I am trying to read and eventually write a value representing the selected text of the uniHTMLMemo.
  6. Hello I tried the following code function click(sender, e, eOpts) { var selText = ToolPaletteForm.uhLabelTextEditor.selectedText; ajaxRequest(sender, 'dougEvent', [ "uhHTMLLabelEditor="+selText ] ); } but i only get an "undefined" for the result of uhHTMLabelEditor. Any ideas? Thanks Doug
  7. Thank you so much for these information. I was searching over the internet...
  8. HI I found a post from you function afterrender(sender, eOpts) { var me=sender; var lbtn; var ns; lbtn=me.toolbar.getComponent("createlink"); ns=lbtn.nextSibling(); lbtn.hide(); ns.hide(); } So I will try to find the names of the buttons Thanks Doug
  9. Hi For TuniHTMLMemo there is a ShowToolBox option. Is there any way to show/hide the individual tools? For example I want user to have access to Bold, Underline, Italic, but not Font/Size etc. I could write my own tool buttons, but getting and setting the selected html text seems difficult just using delphi as the getSelected is not exposed. Thank you Doug
  10. Hello, I am trying to understand form modal behavior. It seems that if I show a form modally, it works fin. However, if I click outside that form (by mistake, for example) the form is disabled and nothing seems to get it back. any way to deal with this? Thanks Doug
  11. Sorry, originally posted in wrong area. Hello. Probably many of us have designed desktop apps without "themes." Themes are nice yet they introduce some variability in how forms appear in the web app. So, is there a way for non-css people like myself to edit themes or create our own? If we rely on a theme and it changes, then the original app may not appear properly. For example, the default font size seems to vary from theme to theme.
  12. Hello. Probably many of us have designed desktop apps without "themes." Themes are nice yet they introduce some variability in how forms appear in the web app. So, is there a way for non-css people like myself to edit themes or create our own? If we rely on a theme and it changes, then the original app may not appear properly.
  13. ok, will i need to convert current project to Touch? or Mobile? it was not started that way.
  14. The latest release for a desktop application: Professional complete,
  15. Hello I know this question has been asked and there have been partial solutions, but I haven't found the answer yet to Draw on Unicanvas in Android. Mouse works great. Is there a workaround or something to bridge this gap? User should be able to sign on Unicanvas with finger like at the grocery store. Thank you Doug
  16. Anyone please? I am able to do this: var blob: TStream; begin Self.UniCanvas1.LoadFromFile('building_big.jpg'); blob := Self.FDQuery1.CreateBlobStream(Self.FDQuery1.FieldByName('facilitylogo'), bmWrite); UniCanvas1.SaveToStream(blob, tiBMP); blob.Free; but not this (on completion of an uploaded bitmap file.) //upload completed and verified procedure TfmTableEdit.UniFileUpload1Completed(Sender: TObject; AStream: TFileStream); var blob: TStream; aField: TField; begin Self.UniCanvas1.LoadFromFile(AStream.FileName); //places in canvas aField:=Self.FDQuery1.FieldByName('facilitylogo'); blob:=Self.FDQuery1.CreateBlobStream( aField , bmWrite); Self.UniCanvas1.SaveToStream(blob, tiBMP); blob.free; Doug
  17. I am trying to allow user to change the position of some controls by selecting them.
  18. Thanks, Frederick Is anyone experienced in selecting controls at RUNTIME (single or many)? that would involve making the controls look "selected" and drawing a rectangle that follows the mouse cursor... Doug
  19. Hi, All I have a mysql database with a table with a Blob field for storing images. If I place images in the control through DB workbench, I can view them nicely on the form. I am able to upload a file using TFileUpload, and when it completes, I successfully see it on a form UniImage. I would like to save this in the database. procedure TfmTableEdit.UniFileUpload1Completed(Sender: TObject; AStream: TFileStream); var aWinControl: TWinControl; blob: TStream; begin //check if a selected image aWinControl:=MFetchselectedControl(self.UniContainerPanel1); //FETCHES APPROPRIATE UNIDBImage CONTROL. if aWinControl=nil then begin ShowMessage('No Control Selected.'); end else if aWinControl.ClassName='TUniDBImage' then begin //SELECTED CONTROL is UniDBImage. Self.UniImage1.LoadFromStream(AStream); //places image on UniImage1 to confirm. blob:=Self.FDQuery1.CreateBlobStream(Self.FDQuery1.FieldByName(TUniDBImage(aWinControl).DataField), bmWrite); //creates BLOB to Datafield. blob.Position:=0; Self.UniImage1.Picture.Graphic.SaveToStream(blob); //Saves image from UniImage1 to Datafield. (??????) TUniDBImage(aWinControl).Refresh; end; While I can see the image on the UniImage1 control, and blob.Position after the SaveToStream(blob) is an appropriate number, I see no change in the Selected Control, nor is the field changed. Any suggestions? Thank you! Doug
  20. Hi, Frederick Would you mind sharing how you were able to achieve selecting a control (or many controls if you figured that out)? I am trying to do this myself, and it is an important feature. Please. Thank you very much Doug
  21. Hello GerhardV I would like to buy a theme pack!

    1. GerhardV


      Hi there:

      Sorry for the late reply, missed these messages somehow.

      Yes it is still available.



    2. dkeene


      how can i see it and buy it?

  22. dkeene


    Thank you Hayri I will try
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