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Everything posted by Frederick

  1. I feel that it would not be possible to block a user from a different country once they use a VPN because you are trying to block them by their IP address, which can be spoofed.
  2. You have a VPN server that users must connect to?
  3. Let's say that I am from ABC country and you are located in XYZ country. Using a VPN, I can set it such that I am from XYZ country. How do you block me since my IP address would show that I am from your home country?
  4. How do you handle users who use a VPN to access the Internet?
  5. Not quite. Please see attached video and testcase. minwidth.mp4 minwidth.7z
  6. I am attempting to prevent a user from resizing the browser below a set minimum width and height for the main form but the MainForm.Constraints.MinWidth and MainForm.Constraints.MinHeight do not seem to be working. How to I stop the browser from being resized below the minimum dimensions? -- Frederick (UniGUI Complete - Professional Edition
  7. Thanks. I did see this page but was not sure how to add it in the following JS code:- procedure TMainForm.UniButton1Click(Sender: TObject); begin UniSession.AddJS( 'var f = document.createElement("form"); '+ 'f.action="http://localhost:8077/"; '+ // the second app url 'f.method="POST"; f.setAttribute("target", "view");'+ 'var i=document.createElement("input"); '+ // Param1 'i.type="hidden"; '+ 'i.name="param1"; '+ 'i.value="Test"; '+ 'f.appendChild(i); '+ 'document.body.appendChild(f); '+ 'window.open("", "view"); f.submit(); ' ); end;
  8. When I open a web site in Firefox (using the following code) and its popup windows blocker is enabled, the site cannot be reached. UniSession.AddJS('open("www.google.com", "_blank")'); Is there a way to disable the popup blocker by code so that the site can be called? I tried the following code in the MainForm.UniFormShow event but there is no effect:- procedure TMainForm.UniFormShow(Sender: TObject); begin Caption := UniApplication.Parameters.Values['param1']; end; -- Frederick (UniGUI Complete - Professional Edition
  9. The problem is because I am using the Uni_Flat_Black theme and the dropdown arrow is there but not displayed. Even the messagedlg() procedure does not display the Close button. If I change the theme to Classic, both the dropdown arrow for the TUniComboBox and the Close icon for the messagedlg() procedure are displayed. I have checked the server and the theme for Uni_Flat_Black is installed. It could be the runtime installation files for themes are not the same as the development install.
  10. I have a TuniComboBox which is populated via a query at runtime. When the application is run locally, the dropdown arrow is visible and I can select the available items. However, when the same application is run over the Internet, the dropdown arrow is missing and I cannot perform a selection. The number of items in the TuniComboBox, as seen in the screenshot, is the same at 26 whether run locally or remotely. What am I missing here? -- Frederick (UniGUI Complete - Professional Edition
  11. I do have the JS code to pass hidden variables as provided by Sherzod and it works fine. It is just that, the URL it calls is shown in a separate tab. I think that it is not doable since Sherzod has not provided a solution.
  12. How do I implement the above in a button click with parameter passing of hidden variables?
  13. The problem is not specified to any payment gateway. If I call a URL address like https://www.somedomain.com/?userID=fred&password=mypass, I want the parameters to be hidden (this is achieved by Sherzod's JS code) and I want this URL address to appear in place of my application.
  14. The Google URL address is just an example only. The main objective is to load any web site in the same tab as my application. The real target URL is a payment gateway. Essentially, when I click the button, my application closes and the new URL address appears in the same tab. I thought more of this and if the JS code is meant to do a POST of parameters to a URL address, it may not be possible to have it appear in the same tab as my application.
  15. This is weird. When I create a testcase, I do not see the borders when the BorderStyle property is ubsNone. I need to check why in my live project, the borders are seen. This leaves the background colour issue outstanding.
  16. That's alright. Thank you for your help.
  17. Surprisingly, Sherzod's example does not cause any problems and works fine except that I want the new URL to appear in my application's tab.
  18. It could be localhost:8087 crossing to www.google.com that is throwing up the error.
  19. I set the TUniHTMLMemo's properties of BorderStyle to ubsNone and the Color to clMoneyGreen but at runtime, the border is still shown and the Color is clWhite. How can I get this to work? -- Frederick (UniGUI Complete - Professional Edition
  20. I am not sure myself but I get Ajax errors on both Edge and Firefox browsers. Thanks anyway.
  21. I tried this but the web browser throws an Ajax error and says that "the operation is insecure".
  22. How do I pass parameters with the new URL?
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