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Everything posted by Frederick

  1. Thanks for the link. Seems better than my previous two encounters.
  2. What do you use for database administration with Firebird? I tried RedExpert and FlameRobin and the experiences are rather underwhelming! RedExpert's interface is rather old-fashioned and not particularly user-friendly while FlameRobin crashes a lot.
  3. The CheckListBox is listed in the roadmap as available in the first quarter of 2020. Was this component released as I cannot find it among the UniGUI tool palletes? -- Frederick (UniGUI Complete - Professional Edition
  4. The extra sheet appears only if you direct the printout to a printer instead of saving to a PDF
  5. It seems that this has not been fixed in version
  6. Yes, it seems that your latest version of UniSF will resolve the problem because when I compile your demo from my existing version, the same problem occurs.
  7. I am not sure why the icons do not display in my app. Simply adding one unit of UniSF is enough to cause the failure. Thanks anyway.
  8. Why does including the UniSFButton unit cause UniGUI's Uni_Flat_Black (and some other) themes to not show icons? UniGUI version is
  9. I have found out where the problem lies. In my actual app, I set the TUniPanel's Caption's Font.Color and Color properties in addition to changing the caption. If I set these two properties after your JS code, the angled brackets are not shown correctly. It works if the properties are set before the JS code. So, UniPanel1.Caption:='Debit <> Credit'; UniPanel1.JSInterface.JSCode('Ext.get('#1'.id+"_td").setHtml("'+UniPanel1.Caption+'");'); UniPanel1.Font.Color:=clWhite; UniPanel1.Color:=clRed; Wrong! Angled brackets not shown correctly. UniPanel1.Caption:='Debit <> Credit'; UniPanel1.Font.Color:=clWhite; UniPanel1.Color:=clRed; UniPanel1.JSInterface.JSCode('Ext.get('#1'.id+"_td").setHtml("'+UniPanel1.Caption+'");'); Correct! Angled brackets shown correctly. Thanks for your assistance.
  10. In Procedure TForm.MyProc; begin TUniPanel1.Caption:='Debit <> Credit'; TUniPanel1.JSInterface.JSCode('Ext.get('#1'.id+"_td").setHtml("'+TUniPanel1.Caption+'");'); end;
  11. I used the following code in a procedure and not in the OnFormReady event since the caption changes according to some validation process. TUniPanel1.Caption:='Debit <> Credit'; TUniPanel1.JSInterface.JSCode('Ext.get('#1'.id+"_td").setHtml("'+TUniPanel1.Caption+'");'); Unfortunately, the result is still the same.
  12. When I set the caption of a TUniPanel to 'Debit <> Credit', UniGUI shows the caption as 'Debit \x3C\x3E Credit'. How do I get the caption to show the angled brackets? Note: I don't see a property of TextConversion in the TUniPanel. Why should it assume that the text I enter is HTML? -- Frederick (UniGUI Complete - Professional Edition
  13. Thanks for the post. I solved the problem as follows:- 1. Set the field's DisplayFormat to '#,0.00;-#,0.00; ' (There is a space after the second semi colon) and 2. Add the following code in the field's OnGetText event procedure TUniMainModule.qryObcreditGetText(Sender: TField; var Text: string; DisplayText: Boolean); begin Text := FormatFloat( TNumericField( sender ).DisplayFormat , Sender.Value ); end; The setting of the DisplayFormat property is the same as I would use in a Delphi Windows program but for some reason in UniGUI, the setting is not recognized and rubbish characters are shown in TUniDBGrid if the OnGetText event is blank.
  14. In a TUniDBGrid, I want a cell to show a blank value when the field of the data source linked to it is 0.00. I am using the following event of the grid but the cell still shows the zero. procedure TForm.grdGridSetCellValue(Sender: TObject; ACol, ARow: Integer; AField: TField; var Value: Variant); begin if Afield.FieldName='debit' then begin if Value='0.00' then Value:=''; end; end; What am I missing here or is this the correct event to use? -- Frederick (UniGUI Complete - Professional Edition
  15. Before updating to the latest version, I was using version and I could see the menu drop down icons when using the Uni_Flat_Black theme. However, after installing the update, all I can see are little square boxes in place of the icons. The square icons are also in the top right corners of forms. The same problem also happens with the Uni_Flat_Black_Triton theme. I tried the Classic, Uni_Classic, Uni_Emerald and Uni_KDE themes and the icons are showing up correctly. Am I missing an installation step here? -- Frederick (UniGUI Complete - Professional Edition
  16. Farshad, When you fix the problem, don't forget to correct the misspelled word of "compatibale" in UniGUI's error message box.
  17. TUniToolbar is not selecting UniGUI compatible controls for its container. 1. Create a new container for TUniToolbar. 2. Right click the container and select Add Controls. 3. Pick any control and UniGUI complains that the visual control selected is not compatible with UniGUI. Shouldn't TUniToolbar present UniGUI compatible controls for selection? -- Frederick (UniGUI Complete - Professional Edition
  18. Great! Is there a forum post I can refer to or are there examples available in the demo?
  19. Is it possible to build a web service using UniGUI? I would like a Windows software to call it and the web service will query a database and then return a string value to the calling Windows software. -- Frederick (UniGUI Complete - Professional Edition
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