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Everything posted by eduardosuruagy

  1. Can you remove the filter at run time?
  2. I'm using ADO, do you have any settings I need to make in it?
  3. I used this example of unigui folder C:\Program Files (x86)\FMSoft\Framework\uniGUI\Demos\Desktop\ScrollBox
  4. I had already tried these options yesterday, but they all make mistakes. The errors are these: Cannot read property 'scrollTo' of undefined procedure TMainForm.UniFormCreate(Sender: TObject); begin UniSession.AddJS(UniScrollbox1.JSName+'.body.scrollTo(''Top'', 0, true);'); end; --- Cannot set property 'scrollTop' of null procedure TMainForm.UniFormCreate(Sender: TObject); begin UniSession.AddJS('document.getElementById("'+UniScrollBox1.JSName+'_id-body").scrollTop = 0;'); end;
  5. How do I leave the UniScrollBox always with the top in the beginning?
  6. I'm sending another example so you can see what happens. When you edit the Address column onwards, it says exactly what you did, but when it arrives in the Cep column and gives an Enter, even without making any changes to the registry, the system cancels the changes that were made in the previous columns. Another problem I noticed was when I am in the last line and in the last field and I click on enter and the system does not execute any view of ClientDataSet. When I'm in the last column I give the enter in the ClientDataSet in the AfterPost event I give an ApplyUpdates (0). Grid - DbGrid Editavel.rar
  7. It worked perfect, congratulations for the great work of you, that's why I bought the tool, besides being great, also has a great support. Thank you!!
  8. It worked perfect, congratulations for the great work of you, that's why I bought the tool, besides being great, also has a great support. Thank you!!
  9. Open the C: \ Program Files (x86) \ FMSoft \ Framework \ uniGUI \ Demos \ Desktop \ GridFiltering project then open the database and add a new record and leave that field blank, then see that it is not shown On the grid when it runs.
  10. The following example Grid - DbGrid Editavel.rar
  11. If I am editing the first line of the grid it does nothing, I give enter but nothing happens. If it's the second line it edits and jumps to the next field. When I am in the last field and press enter it jumps down the line being that it is in the last column, it should go to the first column.
  12. Open the C: \ Program Files (x86) \ FMSoft \ Framework \ uniGUI \ Demos \ Desktop \ GridFiltering project then open the database and add a new record and leave that field blank, then see that it is not shown On the grid when it runs.
  13. This is similar to the other when it goes to the next field it is already in the editing state. Do a test on a grid with no record and try to include a new record using this function you showed, see that when it arrives in the last column it does nothing, neither the tab nor the enter work...
  14. I wanted this method as it was made to jump from the line in line and jump from column to column and when it reached the last column jumped to the next line, understood? function reconfigure(sender, store, columns, oldStore, the, eOpts) { var grid = sender; for (var i = 0; i < columns.length; i++) { if (columns.getEditor()) { columns.getEditor().on('specialkey', function(field, e) { if (e.getKey() == 13) { var store = grid.getStore(); var selModel = grid.getSelectionModel(); var selectedRecord = selModel.getLastSelected(); var recordIndex = store.indexOf(selectedRecord); var nextRecord = store.getAt(recordIndex + 1); if (nextRecord) { selModel.select(nextRecord); if (grid.editingPlugin && grid.uniRow && grid.uniCol){ var _row = grid.uniRow; var _col = grid.uniCol; setTimeout(function(){ grid.editingPlugin.startEdit(_row, _col); }, 10); } } } }) } } }
  15. I just found out and saw that if I have a column with the Null value the filter does not return anything on the grid
  16. Good afternoon, can anyone help me? I would like my grid to click on the Enter it jumps between the columns and not between the lines as shown here. Has as?
  17. Can you connect between two tables and do the dbgrid filter?
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