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Everything posted by eduardosuruagy

  1. Just look at the video at the beginning of this topic, I need to click on the option to mark all records, which is not working. When I put any function to sort the grid this option to mark all the records stops working since I can't remove the sorting grid option, except you have another option that works along with the selection of the records.
  2. There is a code in the forum and it changes to the number of grid pagination records, and that was a problem, so I just wanted the number of grid records.
  3. Can you put the number of grid records and which one? Example: 25/1000
  4. I'd like to mark all the records, like this one in the animation at the beginning of this post.
  5. When the text of the sweetalert message is too large it always skips a stranded line the text like this: Text 1 ..... Text 2 .....
  6. Worked, thank you!! As for the line selection, how can the line be selected without me having to register? Note that dbgrid only selects the line if the record is marked, I would like to know which line the cursor is positioned on without having to mark.
  7. When I select the dbgrid row it performs the first column click, see the video I show the problem. Can you avoid this? Another thing, I wanted to click on the line that it shows which line is selected, it only shows when I mark some dbgrid line.
  8. I would like to enlarge the question mark you have on sweetalert
  9. Even though I put this code below when I click the column to select all records the grid enters the procedure and orders the first column. procedure TMainForm.UniDBGrid1TitleClick (Column: TUniDBGridColumn); begin ClientDataSet1.IndexFieldNames: = Column.FieldName; end;
  10. Taking advantage of the forum, how do I increase the image?
  11. I just saw, the most error works. How can I adjust this?
  12. it works normal, server side is very slow, you even indicated this code to me. How did you find this error? because for me the mistake does not happen.
  13. I got this code here from the forum, this link: http://forums.unigui.com/index.php?/topic/6225-dbgrid-clientside-sorting/& How could you see these errors? Because for me it works normal and has no errors. What would be another alternative to this code?
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