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Everything posted by MOGSY

  1. MOGSY

    UniMap Marker

    Hi UniMap at times not displaying the icon, at times works fine and other times can't display the icons correctly this happens even with the demo program. Following is the result of displaying custom marker with title "8" Regards
  2. MOGSY


    Hi Changing the icon URl is ignored and the default icon is displayed regardless of the icon URL. Regards
  3. MOGSY


    Hi Hayri Thank you for the demo, will be a new build soon? I think some of the properties are missing from the current build like "CustomIconText". Regards
  4. MOGSY


    Hi Hayri sorry for chasing, but any update? Regards
  5. MOGSY


    Hi I have re installed the latest version "", but I don't have "UniMap - Custom Marker" Demo. What I am not doing? regards
  6. MOGSY


    Hi Using TUniMap, how can we display different icons. I have tried even changing a working icon, TUnimap stop displaying the new icon. I have attached two icons one working "marker-icon" and the second I have just altered the icon colour and the new icon won’t show "marker-red". Another question is I would like to display a label inside the icon for example a number "1", "2" etc. Regards
  7. Hi Sherzod Unfortunatly that solution crashes the system, I did send a simple test case which showed what happens and nothing is shown on the consol. this code works for the stringgrid, however I have not been able to change the text on dynamically. regards function afterrender(sender, eOpts) { Ext.QuickTips.register({ target: sender.getEl(), text: 'toolTip text...' }); }
  8. Hi What changes needed to make the above to work for TUniStringGrid? Regards
  9. Hi Can this code be used for DBGrid? "Is not working" Regards
  10. Hi Please see attached zip file. Regards StringGridTooTip.zip
  11. Hi Sorry about the previous message, in the actual test it was in afterrender. The problem is the same. Regards
  12. Hi Sherzod Please find attached a test project. I could not send the subfolders since the file size is too large for upload. Regards StringGridTooTip.zip
  13. Hi I have made a test project with just one TUniStringGrid and added the JS code. The message is this site can't be reached and there is nothing in the console. regards
  14. Hi I have made a test project with just one TUniStringGrid and added the JS code. The message is this site can't be reached and there is nothing in the console. regards
  15. Hi Following is what displays. If the the js code is removed then it works normal. regards
  16. Hi For some reason when I tried this code, the system crasshes and displays a blue screen window. Does it work at your side? I have upgraded mu UniGui to the latest realease "". Regards
  17. Hi Sherzod It is very usful if possible to pass the text to be displayed to tool tip dynamically. regards
  18. Hi How can it display the hiden columns? If the column is hiden is showing undefined. Regards
  19. MOGSY

    UniMap Markers

    Hi Hayri If possible please share the unimap.pas. Thank you.
  20. MOGSY

    UniMap Markers

    Hi Hayri Please share the unimap.pas. Thanking you in advance.
  21. MOGSY

    UniMap Markers

    Hi Hayri I am sorry to chase, it is very helpful if you could give an indication of when is possible to have a solution. Thank you.
  22. Hi sender.hasRowWidget is undefined. What may be the issue? Regards
  23. Hi Sherzod Works, Thank you for your help.
  24. Hi I have the following code in a UniHTMLFrame. I tried the following code from delphi to run the function. How should the call be made. HTMLFrame.JSInterface.JSCode(#1'.testFunction();'); Thank you. <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <title>Test</title> </head> <body> <b>TEST PAGE</b> <p>function name: testFunction</p> </body> <script type="text/javascript"> function testFunction() { alert('THE TEST FUNCTION HAS BEEN RAN!'); } </script> </html>
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