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Everything posted by Tokay

  1. You can look at the code, it can happens in the two places: if not (dgPersistentSelection in FOptions) then FBookmarks.Clear;
  2. Хммм. Я нашел дубли названия в menu.menutext. Попробую их обработать.
  3. Присваиваю Column.Title.Caption нужное значение
  4. Column.Title.Caption переводятся нормально. Но список включения/отключения столбцов остается старый, который был до изменения. Как я понял, он составляется где-то внутри компоненты до вызова Form.OnCreate и дальше он не меняется. Скажите, как можно это исправить
  5. Does TUniFileUploadButton supports folder upload?
  6. May be the server module is more suitable place for tIBSQLMONITOR?
  7. I want to disable (even don't bind) any http port. Bind any one port for https and that all. It definitely possible in the Indy library, our 'main' web works well in such mode.
  8. Unfortunatelly your solution doesn't works here. Software shows message [Window Title] Test [Content] Could not bind socket. [OK] And application closed.
  9. I've get a success here, all works fine. Thank you!
  10. You can find madExcept configuration maual here: http://help.madshi.net/madExceptSettings1.htm Just configure mE for work as with any other dll.
  11. I need only one listened port with https connection on it.
  12. Thanks all for reply. Does this option needs only one port? If no, then it's wrong solution for me. I need to open only one port, not both for http and https.
  13. Up. I want to do it on the UniGUI side, I don't want to set any dummy port for later disable it It has very simple solution (when sources is accessible, but we unfortunatelly has no sources, and have to bother support). Just bind one port and use same port for https connections and that's all: IdHTTPServer1.Bindings.Add.Port := HTTPPort; procedure TWebDataModule.IdHTTPServer1QuerySSLPort(APort: word; var VUseSSL: boolean); begin VUseSSL := APort = HTTPPort; end; That's all.
  14. Could you please share a sample here for my case?
  15. Hi Sherzod. How to add checkboxes only to one column? If I understand correctly your solution draws the checkboxes into all cells.
  16. Ошибки может какие IIS пишет? Про очевидную битность дллки не пишу )
  17. And please make the ReleaseCacheAllFiles method public to delete files when they really don't needed.
  18. Ok, I've found EraseCacheAfterCompleted property in the TUniFileUploadButton component. It state is False here. But why component deletes files? Bug? It happens when I try to upload files second time to the component. But I need all the flies stored, as the first as the second attempt.
  19. Why is nedded to unconidtional files deleting after upload process? TUniFileUploadHelper.HandleUpload > ReleaseCacheAllFiles(True); I think is very more usefull to upload files into folder, call OnCompleted, and that all.
  20. In the last 1550 version isssue does not fixed.
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