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Posts posted by epos4u

  1. Hi Sherzod ,

    when i try to add image to uniMainModule.background , say my jpg image, the background is always the default colour.

    when i tested someones else code that uses the background image it works, as long as i don't change image, if i load my own image it defaults to default colour.

    not show what else i need to change lol


  2. 7 minutes ago, davidizadar said:

    Hi everyone,

    This post has two parts:

    1. A complaint about the development speed of uniGUI (and about the transparency about its progress)
    2. Alternative solutions like TMS Web Core

    Your complaint is valid because the progress in uniGUI development slowed down this year (good reasons or bad reasons, it doesn't matter). Also, the Roadmap 2019 was very ambitious and it was affected by the slower speed. You are right on this point.

    The second point is not right for most of the developers using uniGUI. Let me explain why (before I get lynched without jury or trial).

    The main goal of uniGUI is to bring the power of a Delphi desktop application to the web and doing so while preserving what makes Delphi one of the best RAD tools ever created.

    Some people could be smiling now but let me mention a few things we take for granted in Delphi:

    • Visual form designer with property editors and under-the-hook links to data modules containing datasets, action lists, and all kinds of events (no need for pesky MVC,/MVVC, or any other over-complicated and over-engineered tools except pure and clean Delphi).
    • Data grids that get linked at design time and just work.
    • Clear separation of the user interface and the business logic using forms and data modules.

    Any common application requires a database and if you need a scalable application, you will need a good middle tier for connecting to it and managing the connections from multiple clients. This scenario was always a problem for client/server applications written in Delphi because each one of them used a data module for its connection, but so did every other client. Products like RemObjects DataAbstract were created for solving this issue. With uniGUI, you get your server which holds that data module and DataAbstract becomes a luxury you don't really need. As soon as HyperServer runs as a Server Farm, you will be able to handle as many clients as your server infrastructure can handle.

    On the other hand, you can have all your code in JavaScript and that doesn't mean that your application can scale, it is just that you will need to create your own server and manage your connections.

    I could expand my answer, but it should be enough.

    My last comment is that TMS Web Core is not the only "alternative". Even the old IntraWeb is trying to create a "revolution" by over-promising, under-delivering, and trying to reinvent the wheel. All these products are years behind what uniGUI currently offers.

    We want more, we want everything! But just try any of the alternatives and you will see the difference.

    As a parting gift.

    Last year I was requested to develop a relatively simple application but using IntraWeb plus CGDevTools.

    After a few days, I finally discovered that they didn't have modal forms and the tricky solution they offered only worked for simple pop up messages.

    It took me a couple of weeks to create a generic solution that worked "almost" like a modal form. Another week to discover that none of the dataset events were really supported by their grids and that my assumptions were wrong about being capable of working Delphi-style. In the end, I learned a lot of idiosyncrasies about the product, deliver my project, and became convinced that IW + CGDevTools (including jQuery) was a waste of time.

    Anyone is welcomed to repeat the experience...

    Sorry for the rant.

    David Izada Rodriguez

    (old, very old Delphi developer)

    very well put together :)

  3. 17 hours ago, SayeyeZohor said:

    Installation of Unigui 1509 at Embarcadero Rio stopped with error

    Embarcadero RAD Studio 10.3.2 Rio Architect 26.0.34749.6593 Final



    i have installed 1509 with Embarcadero RAD Studio 10.3.2 Rio Architect 26.0.34749.6593 Final with no problems at all

    all working here 100%

  4. 3 minutes ago, Sherzod said:

    But as you "remember", UnimFileUpload1 is used here instead of UnimFileUploadButton1

    can you change it to UnimFileUploadButton1 to get the same results please

    if possible

  5. 1 minute ago, Sherzod said:

    Exactly in what sequence?

    1. click upload media

    2. click on image

    3. browse image and start upload

    4. click on show media

    depending how the image was taken , that's why i need to able to rotate to view correctly


  6. Hi Sherzod,

    4. MainmForm -> OnCreate:

    procedure TMainmForm.UnimFormCreate(Sender: TObject);
      UnimFileUploadButton1.JSInterface.JSAddListener('change', 'function(sender){getOrientation(sender.getFiles()[0], function(orientation) {ajaxRequest(sender, "getOrientation", ["orientation="+orientation])})}');

    does not trigger on complete , not sure why

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