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Everything posted by jahlxx

  1. Hi. how can I have a mobile simulation in my borwser? Could be very useful, to all the url http://myapp/m, and run like in the mobile (screen size). Thanks.
  2. Hi. How can I set a unimtoolbar allways visible. When scroll the form, the toolbar is no visible, and must go to the start of the form to view it again. And the form title? It happens trhe same. Thanks.
  3. Hi all. Is there any way, in a hybrid applicatios, to disable de "mobile mode". I need this for testing purposes. Thanks.
  4. jahlxx

    create apk

    Hi friend. The solucion was hybrid application. Thanks.
  5. Sorry. Works but don't with my custom css. Is there any workaround? Thanks.
  6. Hi. I have the same problem, but that solution dont'n work for me. I have been making some tests, but don´t work. Any idea? Thanks.
  7. Hi. My prublem is with unimnumberedit. Y do this: with FormatSettings do begin DateSeparator := '/'; DecimalSeparator := '.'; ThousandSeparator := ','; CurrencyFormat := 0; CurrencyString := '€'; shortdateformat := 'DD/MM/YYYY'; longdateformat := 'dd/mm/yyyy'; shorttimeformat := 'hh:mm'; longtimeformat := 'hh:mm:ss'; end; this work in desktop applications, but don`t work is mobile apps.
  8. Hi. How can I replicate this piece of code in mobile version? MessageDlg('ELIMINAR REGISTRO?', System.uitypes.TMsgDlgType.mtconfirmation, [System.uitypes.TMsgDlgBtn.mbOK, System.uitypes.TMsgDlgBtn.mbCancel], borrar_registro); Thanks.
  9. Hi. How can I set unimnumberedit DecimalSeparator to . (dot)? Thanks.
  10. jahlxx

    create apk

    Ok. I'll try. Thanks. And other question. I have 2 versions of an delphi + unigui application, one for desktop, and one for mobile (touch). Is there any way to run the correct one depending the client device? For example: When go to the url "www.mydomain.com/myapp" in the web browser, if the client is a computer, go to that url as it is, but if the client is a mobile, go to the url "www.mydomain.com/myapp/m". Is there any option to do that? In the server? in the application? ?? I hope I have been clear enough. Thanks.
  11. jahlxx

    create apk

    Hi. Some easy way to create an apk as a url of an unigui application? Any recommended tool? I need generate app for android and for ios if possible. Thanks.
  12. Hi. Where is unimdbgrid cell click event? and/or actioncolumns? Thanks.
  13. Hi. I'm trying to build my first mobille application. With desktop applications, inn uniservermodule before init event, I load a customcss file to custom css property. I'm trying to do the same in mobile applications, but the name of the elements are not the same. For example, x-window. Is the same as in desktop applications? Thanks.
  14. Ok. Perfect. Thanks friend.
  15. Ok. In the dblookupcombo demo, add this: procedure TMainForm.UniDBLookupComboBox5KeyPress(Sender: TObject; var Key: Char); begin if Key = chr(VK_F2) then showmessage('KEY PRESSED'); end; You will see that raises when press "q", not when press "F2"
  16. Ok. I'll try asap. Thanks.
  17. Hi. Build 1556. Assing onkeypressed to unidblookupcombobox. Thanks.
  18. Hi. In a unidblookupcombobox I define the onkeypress event, like this: x := (Sender as TUniDBLookupComboBox); if Key = chr(VK_F2) then x.OnTriggerEvent(x, 1); This should only work if F2 is pressed, but the event raises qhen pressing 'Q' key too. Someone knows why?. Can I disable this behaviour? Thanks.
  19. Still waiting. I need an urgent solution to FSD-4465 Thanks.
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