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Everything posted by BantuKumar

  1. Thank you form sharing this information. It will be helpful.
  2. Hi, I have my custom controls that I have derived from different classes like TComponent, TControls, TWinControl, TCustomPanel etc. Now I want to use them into UniGUI application. I do not want to rewrite the code of my control for UniGUI, what I want is to change/modify the implementation (wherever required) so that I can use the same control over UniGUI application. As of now I tried to change the hierarchy of my controls to corresponding UniGUI classes such as TUniControl, TUniComponent etc. and overridden few methods such as ConfigJSClasses, VCLControlClassName, WebCreate etc. but it is not working as I am expecting. Please suggest is this the right way to go? If Yes then what else is required to make is work? If NO then please suggest a solution for this? Thanks in Advance.
  3. Hi, Directly you would not find these events in uniTreeView however you can use following events of uniTreeView.ClientEvents - collapse - expand Best Regards,
  4. Hi, You can use ScrollBars property of TUniHTMLMemo to deal with scroll. There you can supply ssBoth, ssNone, ssHorizontal or ssVirtical. Best Regards,
  5. Hi How can we assign a custom CSS to a component where ClientEvents property is not available like for components TUniToolBar, TUniDBNavigator etc. TIA,
  6. Wow... I can control alignment from server! And what if I opt for uniAlignmentServer and tries to handle alignment at client side. Thanks.
  7. Hi Team UniGUI, What does following values of AlignmentControl property of a TUniForm signify? uniAlignmentClient uniAlignmentServer Thanks and advance.
  8. I am wondering why do we require such component? Thanks & Regards, Bantu Kumar
  9. Hi, Could you tell me about the uses of TUniGenericControl control. I mean what could be best possible use of this control an in an application? As far as I know this is a light weight form of TUniContainerPanel which can not contain child controls. But it will be great if you can tell me something more about this. Thanks & Regards,
  10. Ohh...! I mean to say. Do I need always need to fire the AjaxRequest manually (like you did in blur) or it automatically fires? For button_click event TUniButton was triggering AjaxRequest automatically. So I was wondering if you can tell me about the actions that can triggers AjaxRequest event for a control. Thanks & Regards,
  11. When does OnAjaxEvent of a control trigger? I tried this with button and I could only figured out it for mouse click in on button. Thanks
  12. Hi, I am wondering if it is possible to handle following events in TUniButton. OnExit - Occurs when the input focus shifts away from one control to another. Key Pressed, Key Down, Key Press, Key Up Thanks & Regards,
  13. Yes I was anticipating the same but was not very sure as I was unable to figure out the change of setting different value to it. Thank you for sharing this information.
  14. Hi, I have used split property from LayoutConfig to convert the button to a spin button. Now I am wondering how can I add menu items to it. If anyone can help on this topic. Thanks & Regards,
  15. Hi, I have seen CreateOrder property in various components of uniGUI. How can I see the effect of setting value of this property. What is actual use of this property? Thanks & Regards,
  16. Hi, What is the use of Scale and ScaleButton property of TUniButton. I tried applying all combinations but I didn't see any change is appearance or in behavior. Thanks & Regards,
  17. Good question. There are two aspects of this... How user will see if he/she wants How a programmer will do the image visible A user can double click on the control or press enter key to get the image where as a programmer can say loadImage (or any relevant method to load image on the control) to make graphic visible. Thanks & Regards,
  18. Hi uniGUI team, Can we stop auto loading of image TUniDBImage when we move to next record of associated dataset or underlying BLOB field changes.. Is there any property that can control this behavior of this component. If not then is there any workaround for the same? I have graphics with large data that take lot of time to load and auto loading of graphic is leading to performance delay. Thanks in advance. Regards,
  19. Hi, I am wondering about the uses of TUniCotainerPanel. We already have TUniPanel that I understand can be used in all places where we will be using tUniContainerPanel. So you guys can please tell me something more about this component and its uses. Thanks & Regards, Bantu Kumar
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