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uniGUI Subscriber
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Everything posted by Kattes

  1. Hi, I tried following without any success: procedure TuSeatingDesignerFrame.UniPanel2Click(Sender: TObject); var s : string; begin // s := ' document.getElementById("' + UniSpeedButtonUndo.JSName + '_id").disabled = true; '; s := '$(''#'+UniSpeedButtonUndo.JSId + ''').disabled=true'; MessageDlg('JS: '+s, mtInformation, [mbOk], nil); UniSession.AddJS(s); end;
  2. This looks really cool! Are there any updates on this project - seems to be very quiet within the last month?
  3. By crawling through the uniGUI sources I found another nice one for me: .x-treelist-nav .x-treelist-item-selected>.x-treelist-row:before { background-color: #c0d4ed } For own experiments i recommend a closer look into the file "theme-classic-all_1.css".
  4. I think real responsive Design can only be achieved on client side. Using the server side is much easier, but will users not give due to loading times real responsive feelings.
  5. Hi Wicket, I am also very interested in your Fabric component. Can you please give some more details about its planned functions and when you plan to release it?
  6. Here is an example I just created using ChartJS showing random data in two line charts: http://kattes.bplaced.net/download/ChartJS-Demo.zip Have fun !
  7. Yes ! This is exactly what I was looking for!! Thank you!!! Best regards, Carsten
  8. Can you please tell me how? Will this solution also work with the latest uniGui / ext JS versions which are available now?
  9. Yes, that is correct! I tested already uniGui two years ago, but at this stage it was beta version, so I had no chance to buy it - my boss denied to pay for something which is not official. Now things have changed and I wanted to give uniGui a second chance. Currently I am working on a big project and need to evaluate, which way is the fastest to reach my target. UniGui or Simfony are both options.
  10. Hi, At the moment I am using the Personal Edition, but will go to buy the Complete Edition next week (if I can convince my boss ;)).
  11. I want to build a Dashboard which looks like the one you can find at the current Sencha Ext JS demo page. My focus is on the main menu at left hand side. I found already an example here: .. but for some reasons I cannot get the full example to start - I always get an empty web page in Chrome browser. After deleting all other panels next to the main menu panel, I at least got the remaining items correctly opened in the browser, but unfortunately everything looks static in the menu. My first attempt was to get some hover effects with this trick: procedure TMainForm.UniFormShow(Sender: TObject); var i: Integer; UniPanelMenue : TUniPanel; begin for i := 1 to 7 do begin UniPanelMenue := TUniPanel(FindComponent('UniPanelMenue'+IntToStr(i))); UniPanelMenue.ClientEvents.ExtEvents.Add('OnMouseover=function OnMouseover(sender)' + ' { sender.setBodyStyle("background-color","#303030"); }'); UniPanelMenue.ClientEvents.ExtEvents.Add('OnMouseout=function OnMouseout(sender)' + ' { sender.setBodyStyle("background-color","#414141"); }'); end; end; This works fine, but before investing more time in that direction I want to ask you guys, how you would solve this task.
  12. I tried this trick with current Unigui version, but without any success. Could it be that something was changed in Sencha engine syntax? thx
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