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Everything posted by irigsoft

  1. Hello, this is on mainForm.Script: Ext.onReady(function() { document.body.onresize = function() { var clW = document.body.scrollWidth; var clH = document.body.scrollHeight; var values = clW + 'px ' + clH + 'px'; document.body.style.backgroundSize = values; }; window.location.hash = "main"; window.location.hash = "again_main"; // again for chrome }); I think the problem is in the javascript rendering of the form (and components), but I'm not good with javascript and I'm looking for help. I'm not sure if SuspendLayout is enough I can't apply this: first create all components with nil and then set a parent. (I read this from some topics)
  2. Hello. I'm trying to optimize my uniGui project. I found that between MainForm.Create and MainForm.OnReady the time is 20 seconds. I MainForm has 50 elements (panels, buttons, group boxes, TuniDBGrids, label). Now I use: 1. After logging in, I create all the components from an ini file 2. When I start creating a component, I set the form to SuspenLayouts 3. When Mainform is created, set Visible: = False and start creating the components. 4. Once all components are created set the form ResumeLayouts and Visible: = True; When a form is first created (after starting the server), I get a time of 20 seconds between FormCreate and FormReady. After closing the session and creating a new one, the time (between FormCreate and OnReady) is 3 seconds. Can I optimize these 3 seconds in some way using javascript methods ? If there is any method to optimize the first 20 seconds I would also ask for help.
  3. One more question, how to delete Cookie ? UniApplication.Cookies.SetCookie('_loginname', '', 0,/); is it enough ?
  4. In my case I have many sessions, they all have a cookie: phoneID. Each session (client) will set its own phoneID = own phone number. When I request a cookie value from the server, what value will I get from the session, the one for the session I am asking for, or a list of all phoneID values? If I use this code for this purpose is it OK ?: UniSession.UniApplication.Cookies.GetCookie ('phoneID'),0,True,True,'/');
  5. Hello. 1. My problem is that: I have a dll on the server (external dll). In this dll I have a function in which I run addJS. I do this: When a client clicks a button, this button has an onClick event on the server side, this event performs functions from the dll. All the functionality is created in an external designer (I made my own designer of features and screen elements, so I can do many different designs just with the designer and they will all work without writing a single line of code additionally) Now in my new case. I need to save information from the client and I can save it in a cookie or localstorage. 1. So when the customer first loads my URL, I will ask him for the phone number 2. I save this number in a cookie 3. The next time the client loads a URL, I will check for this cookie and get this value and set it in my TGroupBox.Caption. 4. When the client works with my application on the server side, I need to be able to read this value of TGroupBox.Caption and use it when working with the functions in external dll. Once again the problem is that I am using a design application and this designer has an addJS function on it, so I can use many different javascript functions dynamically, but I can't do an onajax event for each component in the form. What about : how to get/change aria-label value from image ?
  6. Okay, is there a way to get the value of cookies for a session from the server? The new value of TGroupBox.Caption is read / write cookie, how do I read this cookie value from the server for this session? I know this : UniGUIApplication.UniApplication.Cookies.SetCookie('UNI_GUI_SESSION_ID',UniSession.UniApplication.Cookies.GetCookie ('UNI_GUI_SESSION_ID'),0,True,True,'/'); but is there a way to do this for different sessions. Some of them will not have this cookie, others will have different values ? I want to use this cookie to save user data as a "first name" and each time it loads my URL, the application will check for this cookie and say hello: "First name" and other things will be done on the server side.
  7. Hello everyone. I need to set a value to TGroupBox2.Caption on Client side and after that check it on Server Side without ajax events. I have : 1. TGroupBox2.jsID = "tform_clientservice_tgroupbox2_0" 2. On FormCreate I set TGroupBox2.Caption: = '.'; 2. I can change the caption on the client side with AddJS ("document.getElementById" ("tform_clientservice_tgroupbox2_0-legendTitle"). InnerHTML = "some new caption value";); 3. Now I have to check the value of the caption on the server side, but I always get the caption = '.'. How to change with javascript TGroupBox.Caption on the client side and get the correct (new) value on the server side without ajax events? In this picture are New value after addJS and old value (as I get it from the server)
  8. Hello. I try to keep security information in unigui on this page: Can you write more information or statistics from the tests. I will add this topics there.
  9. Hello. I have setting AutoLogin. 1. If AutoLogin = Enabled, then 2. Search for login parameter in URL (Login is cripted) 3. If Login is in URL, then check login data and 4. if the login is successful, then the login form is not displayed, we go directly to the form So I have parameter form - load specific form, and login - load specific login data, and Setting on server AutoLogin - Enabled use of login parameter in URL. Points from 1 to 3 can be maked without login parameter, but with default login settings on server side.
  10. In TUniServerModule.UniGUIServerModuleHTTPCommand I check if form is in parameters: If ARequestInfo.Params.Values ['form'] <> '' then ..... I hope this will help to You.
  11. Hello. I use something similar to your needs: http://YOURIP:PORT/?form=POS_Android this will load my specific designed form after successful user login. In Login button OnClick I use this to catch parameter: FormName := UniApplication.Parameters.Values ['Form']; If form is not in parameters then load default form : if (not FileExists (FormName)) OR (UniApplication.Parameters.Values ['Form'] = '') then begin If UniApplication.UniPlatform <> [upDesktop] then begin if FileExists (Path to file\mDefaultForm.ini') then FormName := Path to file\mDefaultForm.ini' end else FormName := Path to file\DefaultForm.ini'; end;
  12. Where you want to change the color ? On Form creation or on button click ? here is javascript code in button click: uniSession.AddJS (document.getElementById("YOUBUTTON_jsID").style.color = "red";); this change background: uniSession.AddJS (document.getElementById("YOUBUTTON_jsID").style.background = "green";);
  13. I am using Indy 10 and Delphi 2007. is it possible that this is the problem with SSL (libeay32.dll (v1.0.2.21) and ssleay32.dll (v1.0.2.21)
  14. Yes that is OK. I over 10 years use this files ssleay32.dll and libeay32.dll without installing Open SSL.
  15. I do not use HyperServer. I have not installed openSSL. Searching the web, I found only this: https://github.com/lexik/LexikJWTAuthenticationBundle/issues/842 https://stackoverflow.com/questions/52787456/openssl-config-failed-error02001003system-libraryfopenno-such-process-in-ap All they say: remove OPENSSL_CONF, but there is no such configuration in the system variables. Do I need to install certificates (root.PEM) on Windows?
  16. Yes, version is a 1524. On VCL application I have no problem using them, but I can't understand why unigui can't find DLLs or certificates?
  17. I have copied files ssleay32.dll and libeay32.dll on Windows\SysWOW64 and Windows\System32 My Windows is 64bit
  18. No, I just start SSL demo . This are settings: files:
  19. This is windows error , I cant get server to start. On my first try just enabled TLS_1_2 on my project and start but get erors. Now i try to start with SSL demo, but again errors ocurs. How do I try using SSL?
  20. I am sorry but even with SSL demo I have a problem starting SSL.
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