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Everything posted by ChenHaibin

  1. 'Server unavailable, please try later' dialog box prompt appears often in my program. 1.In fact, the server is running still running. 2.The client browser need to wait for a while...... 3.And then the error dialog box appears. 4.Click the OK button of the dialog box Or wait a few seconds, the program can continue to run and the dialog box disappears. 4.Users feel bad about this. Is there a way to minimize this error message, or is shielded, Or display a UniScreenMask for the process,Because the program of the server side of is in the running and after few seconds everything is fine......
  2. Thank you!Your solution is very good! However, the problem does not appear with Ttimer multiple initialization? Every timer every init?
  3. We encountered some problems in the application. One error Encountered in the oncreate event to write "UniGMap1.InitializeMap" uniframe . Could you provide a uniframe the example of this component?
  4. Some things have hindered the development of unigui.unigui updates slower than before......
  5. 我也赞成这个说法。也许是中国的网速还不尽人意......
  6. Great!But did not see a new demo. Could you upload it?Thank you!
  7. Always appear 'Server unavailable, please try later, we can continue to click OK.How do I resolve this?
  8. I think Raudus still some features can learn http://www.raudus.com/samples/
  9. Hello! Farshad! How to get the background-image property of unidbMemo such as this property of the textarea in the Html? Thank you!
  10. The property of wrap in Tunidmemo does not exist. In my project I need worldwrap=False just like the TMemo. Could someone help me? Thank you!
  11. If you can as soon as possible to complete the serial number of DBGrid is very well.
  12. Publish the application to the windows2003 server which unigui files need to bring?
  13. I writed a program using unigui,I want to release the program, what files need to releas?
  14. Happy New Year! Farshad and all UniGui users!
  15. I need add backgroud image to TUnidbMome, just like bellow: 11.bmp
  16. I need display a line in UniDBMemo...... How to add background images in TUniDBMemo's every line? THX!
  17. if a form windowsstate is wsMaximized and browser is not max then form is client in the browser,but if browser change to max then form's postion can not changer to max. how to do it? thx!
  18. Left:=(AWidth-Width) div 2; Top:=(AHeight-Height) div 2; is ok! thx!
  19. dhtmlx is worth to draw lessons from. the web site is http://dhtmlx.com/index.shtml
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