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Everything posted by ChenHaibin

  1. What I mean is: 1.A unidbgrid and a unipanel in Frame inside.Several buttons the unipanel. 2.According to the value in the unidbgrid set unipanel to be displayed or hidden, and at the same time we need to decide those buttons in the unipanel to be visibled or hidden. 3.Can be used the Extjs ClientEvents achieved then I do not have access to the server.This can improve efficiency
  2. If using the clientEvents do it would be better. How can I do that?
  3. Thank you! If I would like to set a unipanel hidden or displayed in clientevent by the value of unidbgrid cell How to do it? As you said and I think as bellow: for ajax event get clicked cell if UniDBGrid1.Columns[strToInt(Params.Values['colindex'])-1].Field.AsString>0 then UniPanel1.Visibale:=False else UniPanel1.Visibale:=False ??
  4. Could make unigui to be able to generate extjs template in the first runing, so that program do not need generated dynamically in each visit,this can make the speed greatly improve......
  5. How to get unidbgrid value of a cell ?do not need to access the dataset......
  6. The new version is great! But still a little less than. When I put a TunixTreeview in the UniXPanel4 and set TunixTreeview's align is alClient then run in IE8,the position of the TunixTreeview is not correct. Development Environment: Windows XP - Chinese Delphi 2010 XViewPort5.2 Browser IE version: 8.06 Steps to reproduce: 1.Open the XViewPort project; 2.put a TunixTreeview in the UniXPanel4; 3.set TunixTreeview's align is alClient; 4.Run in IE8; 5.Found the position of the scrollbar is not correct. 6.The title of UniXPanel can not been changed in runtime. Test case: XViewPort.rar Thank you a lot! XViewPort.rar
  7. Some additional in attachments Project1.rar
  8. The compatibility of Xcmponents and unigui ......
  9. ChenHaibin

    0.91 ?

    I suggest Xcomponents also be incorporated into the new version
  10. We feel that these controls are very good, but there are some problems, and We are eager to be able to solve as soon as possible...... 1.Why two pictures show only one do? 2.The following is the source files and runing picture. 3.We also found that running in ie8 browser is slower. XViewPort.rar
  11. The TuniXTreeView: I set the align property of TUniXTreeView as Client,but a problem as follow:
  12. Please upload again the components.... We can not download the file.
  13. Some people told me that they re-installed windows and delphi, But I can not do that. My TeamViewer ID is 372 059 833. Thank you! Many people in China are using the qq. this tool similar to MSN. We many people in China set up unigui qq group,the group Id is 233618674 or 241140802. Farshad ,We also hope you can use qq communicate with us. Everyday in our qq group,There are a lot of problems in discussion. we are all welcome you.
  14. Installation issues.Help!Help! when I upgraded from 0.89 to 0.976 ,I uninstall 0.89 and delete the complete directory of unigui than I intall 0.976, At compile time,Errors have occurred in the unit of UniChart.
  15. I have tested,Wonderful...... But there are some compatibility issues in different versions of the unigui. If Mr. Frashad able to integrate these controls to unigui that will better solve the the delphi and unigui version compatibility issues
  16. Thank you! Very nice idea! In application, I think the object should be created in ServerModule.....Right? If someone can make a example, it would be better.
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