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Everything posted by mikromundo

  1. @rencarnacion Radcore 3 was released
  2. I wish as much as you that unigui continues to evolve. I have been using unigui since 2019. When I started (and until today) I also miss more documentation but, instead of waiting, I tried to create something for myself but when I realized that many wanted the same as me, I decided to offer Radcore to those who wanted to acquire it. So... here's another video showing the evolution of Radcore thanks to unigui. I'm proud to say that many people have returned to using unigui (and bought its licenses) because of Radcore. I do my part to spread unigui. Anyone who wants to criticize me is free (as they say here in Brazil: speak badly but speak of me). Whoever wants to know radcore just talk to me in private. Long live the delphi. Long live unigui.
  3. Solved !!! MonitoredKeys.Keys.Add; MonitoredKeys.Keys.Items[0].HandleBrowser := false; MonitoredKeys.Keys.Items[0].KeyStart := 123; MonitoredKeys.Keys.Items[0].KeyEnd := 123; MonitoredKeys.Enabled := True; MonitoredKeys.KeyHandleAll := True; MonitoredKeys.KeyEnableAll := False;
  4. Hi.. It´s possible to create Monitored Keys in runtime ?
  5. Hi @rencarnacion Not yet... I am making final tests and recreating ALL documentation
  6. @Sherzod Apologies for the delay... I solved the problem (it was something very specific). Thanks in advance !!!
  7. In Delphi we have FINDCOMPONENT but in this situation I can't find: MainForm | -----> UniFrame( Ex: frmCustomer ) | ---> uniEdit( Ex: edpassword ) I can't do a search by name ("edPassword" ) and find it even using "frmCustomer" and/or "MainForm" as a reference. Is there any "unigui-specific" feature that helps in searching for components (uniEdit, Form, Frame or component inside a form or inside a frame)? I saw that there is "uniSession.FindObject" but I didn't have success with it either. Thank you in advance for any help.
  8. Sorted out. I left an instance of the grid "hidden" with the same datasource but with Paged = false and used it as a reference to export the data. Note: In HTML export with large amount (13k records) some information was lost and the same export to Excel worked 100%. Thanks @Hayri ASLAN, @Pep and @Farshad Mohajeri
  9. That's what I was thinking... I was trying an alternative to be able to export ALL PAGES from the grid and not just 1.
  10. Thanks @Farshad Mohajeri Grid - Exporter - TestCase.rar
  11. Thanks @Pep but do not work too.
  12. Thanks @Hayri ASLAN But I would just like to use the feature that exists in unigui.
  13. Hi... I hope everyone is okay. I am creating runtime uniDbGrid for Export data and I receive this: Thanks any help !!! procedure tdm_rc.rc_GridExport(pGrid: TUniDBGRID; pType: TRCExportType); var pGridTemp : TUniDBGrid; begin try //pGrid.ShowMask( '' ); pGridTemp := TUniDBGrid.Create( TComponent( pGrid.Owner ) ); pGridTemp.Parent := TUniControl( pGrid.GetParentComponent ) ; pGridTemp.Exporter.Enabled := True; pGridTemp.DataSource := pGrid.DataSource; pGridTemp.WebOptions.Paged := false; pGridTemp.DataSource.DataSet.close; pGridTemp.DataSource.DataSet.Open; pGridTemp.Exporter.Title := APP_NAME + ' Dataexport'; pGridTemp.Exporter.FileName := 'DataExport-' + FormatDateTime('yyyymmdd_hhmmss', Now() ); case pType of etExcel : pGridTemp.Exporter.Exporter := dm_rc.UniGridExcelExporter1; etHTML : pGridTemp.Exporter.Exporter := dm_rc.UniGridHTMLExporter1; etXML : pGridTemp.Exporter.Exporter := dm_rc.UniGridXMLExporter1; etCSV : pGridTemp.Exporter.Exporter := dm_rc.UniGridCSVExporter1; end; pGridTemp.Exporter.IncludeGroups := true; pGridTemp.Exporter.IncludeSummary := true; pGridTemp.Exporter.ExportGrid; finally pGridTemp.DataSource.DataSet.close; pGridTemp.Free; //pGrid.HideMask; end; end;
  14. @jaromir Do not worry. I appreciate all kinds of interaction the important thing is that more is more people are interested in the unigui through Radcore. But see, a lot of people always repeat the same thing, that Radcore does not have a help in English and every post I do I repeat again that there is a manual in English. I recently created rc_translate to help everyone who needs translation in the application. Every month Radcore receives new features and the manual is always updated, but as I offer a source, the manual contains snippets of code and only users have access to it. Thanks again for your words and remember: when spreading Radcore I am spreading our dear unigui.
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