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Everything posted by lema

  1. lema

    Deploying on IIS

    Hi. I followed the wizard on: http://www.unigui.com/doc/online_help/index.html?iis_7_0.htm When I tried to change the 'Regular Time Interval' to 0 (Application Pool's Advanced settings dialog), I got the following message: The 'Idle Time-out (minutes)' property of the application pool's process model must be less than the 'Regular Time Interval (minutes)' property of the application pool's period restart. By default the property values are: 'Idle Time-out (minutes)' = 5 'Regular Time Interval (minutes)' = 1740 I am deploying an Isapi dll on IIS 7.5 / Windows Server 2008 R2. My application is working , but I wonder what is the best way to create the Application Pool.. TIA, Lefteris. ----EDIT---- This is bug in the IIS configuration utility. I changed the value with the following: c:\Windows\SysWOW64\inetsrv\appcmd.exe set config -section:system.applicationHost/applicationPools /[name=myPool].recycling.periodicRestart.time:"00:00:00" /commit:apphost
  2. Wishing you a year of health, happiness and peace. May the new year bring the best to you and all your dear ones. Happy $7DC !
  3. Hi to all. How can I get into a Delphi variable the result of a JavaScript function like getTimezoneOffset() ? I can successfully execute the following and get the result on caption of UniLabel1 UniSession.AddJS( 'var d = new Date(); ' + 'var _offset = (d.getTimezoneOffset() / 60 ) * -1; ' + 'TestForm.UniLabel1.setText(_offset); ' ); Regards.
  4. lema

    Alert Box

    No problem here. Tested with: Firefox 7.0.1 Chrome 15.0.874.102 IE 9.0.8112.16421
  5. lema

    Alert Box

    Yes , it has a bug. If you click repeatedly , the message will be shown forever. That happens on the owner's site also.
  6. lema


    The chart has limited functionality. I hope very soon we will have a more powerful one than that.
  7. lema

    Alert Box

    Alert Box An easy and fast way to show messages. AlertBox.zip
  8. As title says, which is proper way to execute a Javascript command from Delphi? UniSession.SendResponse() or UniSession.AddJS()
  9. lema

    SetFocus Not work?

    None of the Delphi ways to focus a component works. I also tried without any success the following javascript snippets. MainForm.UniDBGrid1.focus(); document.getElementById("some_id").focus();
  10. lema

    Form z-order

    Hi, I face a strange behavior when a modal form (form1) shows a non-modal form (form2). The form2 is in front of form1 as should be , but if user clicks on form1 , the form2 goes behind form1 and nothing can get it back. Actually , I don't know if it is a bug or its the nature of web programming, but with that situation we cant show non-modal forms from modal ones. I attached a test project to demonstrate the "problem". temp.ZIP
  11. lema


    Hi , is there any way to set visible := False to Bottom Axis of an UniChart? Also , what are the implemented - available properties of the specific component? TIA, Lema.
  12. lema

    SQL Injection

    Thank you all!
  13. lema

    SQL Injection

    Really , what is the appropriate way to avoid SQL Injection attacks? Can you please show a fast guide of things we should and should not do during web programming?
  14. lema

    Various Topics

    Hi, I have the same exception here. Delphi 2010 with "Error reading UniTreeView1.Items.FontData: List index out of bounds (0)." The problem occurs when close and re-open Delphi IDE . Please note that when Delphi IDE re-opens and shows by default the form with treeview, everything works OK! test.zip
  15. Hi patmap, I have problem in using the function RemoveMarkers. It doesn't seem to work for me. I am using and testing on your demo "OneMap". Also , is there any way to clear Lines and polygons? Regards, Lefteris.
  16. lema

    Glyph align

    Hi Farshad, thanks for the reply. Actually , I am trying to put the glyphs and captions of these buttons , aligned in vertical. The task is to make something that looks like a VCL TToolBar when TToolBar.List:=True; Is it possible by any way? TIA, Lefteris.
  17. lema

    Glyph align

    Hi , I am trying to set the alignment of glyphs to left, without any success. I cant find any property and the following code doesnt seem to work. caption:= '<img src="files/edit.bmp" style="float:left"/> Edit' caption:= '<img src="files/edit.bmp" align="left"/> Edit' TIA, Lefteris.
  18. Hi, See the MainModule.Theme property.
  19. Great ! It is working fine now. Thank you again.
  20. Hi, The problem is in the conversion from Float to String. You must take aware that in some countries (including mine) the DecimalSeparator is ',' so every FloatToStr results something like '35,737177' which is a wrong coordinate format. I can solve it , writing something like that: procedure TUniGoogleMap.PanTo(Lat, Lng: Double); var ASaveSeparator: Char; begin ASaveSeparator := DecimalSeparator; DecimalSeparator := '.'; try if not (csDesigning in ComponentState) then UniSession.AddJS(MapName + '.panTo(' + FloatToStr(Lat) + ', ' + FloatToStr(Lng) + ');'); finally DecimalSeparator := ASaveSeparator; end; end; Regards, Lema.
  21. Hi patmap. Thank you for the UniGoogleMap component. I succefully installed into D2010 and run the 3 demos. No problem at all , except the functions DrawLine and DrawPolygon at DrawLine demo. The DrawLine demo runs , I can see the map and I can add a marker. However , when try to execute the DrawLine or DrawPolygon function , I only get a blank map. TIA, Lema.
  22. lema


    Yes , you're right. I should have checked it before posting.
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