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Harry Rogers

uniGUI Subscriber
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Everything posted by Harry Rogers

  1. Many thanks Farshad. - Still blown away by how good UniGui is !
  2. Can't seem to locate the source for the Curve demo on the Website. Thanks
  3. Thanks for the reply but I can't get it to work. function OnClick(sender, e) { var SomeText = MainForm.UniLabel2.getText() ; MainForm.UniLabel1.setText( SomeText ); } Nothing appears to happen. Thanks
  4. This works for me ! (chrome 17 & 18 & IE8 & FF6.0.2 & FF11.0) function OnClick(sender, e) { var audio1 = document.createElement('audio'); audio1.setAttribute('src', 'files/NewMsg.wav'); audio1.play(); } (You don't need to enter '<script>' '</script>' in the event editor)
  5. I get how to set a text property of a UniGui form element in a JS event e.g. SimpleEvents from Demos ClientEvents-1 function OnClick(sender, e) { MainForm.UniLabel1.setText('Click!'); } But how to read them ? function OnClick(sender, e) { alert(MainForm.UniLabel1.getText); } Produces an alert box ok but the text is 'undefined' Same result for alert(MainForm.UniLabel1.Value); alert(MainForm.UniLabel1.Text); alert(MainForm.UniLabel1.Text.Value); Many thanks
  6. Hi "So it is not necesary to know the IP address, or whatever, just Print to LPT Port (or it simulation for USB Printer)," That's the point you can't do that from a browser without user intervention (or the use of an activeX/addon ) - it is seen as a security violation The EscP control set (e.g http://www.uktsupport.co.uk/epson/impact/esccode.htm) is used on these type of printers. We compose a 'file' with the required characters in it and send it to the required port - we know the destination we want to send it to before - that is printing is not part of the web (or any other visual) interface at all. Best regards
  7. It sounds like you want to print to predefined locations? not to the printers of 'anyold ad hoc' connection ? If that is the case then each session can have its printers accessible from the server. When a session logs in either its ip address or user entered credentials will allow you to know which printers that session should access. The server can then control all the printing directly - either through windows shares (if you must!) or use LPR to printservers - that's how we do it, you get pretty much instant output to any of 200 or so printers (Dot matrix / Laser / POS thermal) anywhere around the country ( or maybe the world !) If you are looking to directly access printers from unknown client connections though I would say that is not possible without Active X/AddOn type technology.....
  8. Hi Farshad For us the most important feature is SSL in standalone server mode. Otherwise we are happy with the feature set at present. All the best
  9. I was thinking of a stylus compatible with capacitive screens e.g. http://www.mobilefun.co.uk/search/?searchterm=capacitive+stylus there seem to be quite a few available now - some get very poor reviews though
  10. Uninstalled / reinstalled Now working fine. Thank you
  11. I'm clearly doing something wrong here... I added some more controls to the panel and the demo has now reverted back to 'loading' the Ext Path parameter is still set correctly.
  12. >>Check ExtRoot path on ServerModule !<< Fixes loading issue The splitter function works fine but the tree view /tabs and buttons are not drawn correctly Cheers
  13. Delphi 2010 Change the dcp references from 15 to 14 (uIndy15.dcp -> uIndy14.dcp etc) Compiles and install without issue. Demo sticks on 'Loading' in the browser though.
  14. On the Dell streak Miren Browser - does not work - behaves same as default browser Opera Mobile - Works Both display the app with the top and left hand side off the screen though. Cheers
  15. Using the TUniCanvas it is easy to capture a signature on a desktop browser or tablet pc with a stylus using a canvas compatible browser - Does anyone know how to do the same on a mobile device ? e.g. on an Android you tend to end up moving the form around the screen and / or resizing it rather than actually getting to the canvas object. Is there a way to disable the standard user screen interaction for a form / region on a form ?
  16. Sorry but I have not had a look at anything more advanced than this so far.
  17. I use the 'Static Map' API to display a map whilst browsing through a table/query containing postcode data. A TuniUrlFrame (urlMap below) takes care of the drawing. 2 checkboxes (chkRoad, chkSat) allow the user to select the type of view procedure TfrmCustBrow.drawmap(centre,zoom : string); var imgW,imgH, MapType : string; begin imgW := inttostr(urlMap.width); imgH := inttostr(urlMap.height); if (chkRoad.Checked) and (chkSat.Checked) then MapType := 'hybrid' else if chkRoad.Checked then MapType := 'roadmap' else if chkSat.Checked then Maptype := 'satellite' else Maptype := 'terrain'; urlMap.URL := 'http://maps.google.co.uk/maps/api/staticmap?center=' + Custpcode + '&zoom=' + zoom + '&size=' + imgW +'x'+ imgH +'&maptype=' + MapType + '&sensor=false&markers=color:Red|' + Custpcode; end; Zoom is controlled by a TUniTrackBar procedure TfrmCustBrow.trckZoomChange(Sender: TObject); begin drawmap(custPcode,inttostr(trckZoom.position)); end; For more functionality - like routeing I use a full URLwindow (frmMap1 in the example) display with a start address (sStartAdd) and destination address (custPcode) defined Procedure TfrmCustBrow.btnMapClick(Sender: TObject); begin with frmMap1 do begin urlframe.URL := 'http://maps.google.com/maps?saddr=' + sStartAdd + '&daddr=' + custPcode; show; end; end; I expect lots of clever stuff is possible using the full mapping API but these 2 methods provide some useful stuff and are very easy to implement. - Google do impose a 'fair usage' limit on the Static API calls. If you have 10000 postcodes and browse up and down the list plotting each in turn you will find they stop providing data for a bit. Hope this helps
  18. Apologies - didn't read previous thread...
  19. Hi All You may know that the backspace key acts as a browser back button when no field has focus. The result of user trying to backspace over a readonly field is to end up on the previous page from the browser history. Obviously this is bad news in an app! Had a bit of a hunt around Google and there are a number of discussions on the subject. I tried this script (http://mspeight.blogspot.com/2007/05/how-to-disable-backspace-in-ie-and.html) in the Script property of a UniForm but get an Ajax error ( 'unexpected identifier / unexpected token ' - depending on how it is laid out in the Tstrings editor) when the form loads. Anyone any ideas or other solutions. Many Thanks
  20. "It can be related to below issue reported by ldb68 a while ago. 0000954: UniForm X=0 Y=0 is always centered As workaround try setting Form Top=1, Left=1 in designer. " That solves it. Streak now happily playing UniGui ! Many thanks
  21. Harry Rogers


    Hi Farshad Is there a rough timescale for the availability of SSL ? Thank you.
  22. Thanks Farshad I'll try that For anyone in a similar position the browser crash seems to be a known issue with the Streak. (simple test : try http://en.wiktionary.org if page loads and browser then instantly closes this procedure may help) A factory reset, reload new OS from scratch, Flash Player update, rooted and replaced two files in system\lib ( libskia.so and libskiagl.so from here >> http://android.modaco.com/content/dell-streak-5-streak-modaco-com/328601/browser-issues/ - you need to rename libskiaGL.so to all lower case) I went round this loop twice and after second go browser now does not crash. So making some progress. The nice man at O2 suggested that doing this would invalidate the warranty - well his 'fix' didn't work. Hope this may be of help to others
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