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Harry Rogers

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Everything posted by Harry Rogers

  1. Setting a form's AutoScroll property to true for a form that is larger than the browser screen size produces scroll bars when the form is maximised but when the form is displayed as a window there are none.
  2. Just upgraded to build 1481 and vertical scroll bars are now not shown for forms that had them on build 1424. Didn't notice until I was running an app on a clients (1024x768) screen - only option I could find was to zoom browser view, which got me out of a hole but need a solution to this pretty quickly. Thanks FMSoft_uniGUI_Complete_Professional_1.50.0.1481 XE8 Enterprise
  3. Ok thanks - I'll carry on the way I was then. All the best
  4. Thanks for the rapid response Farshad The attached illustrates the issue. The uniimage gets its picture form a google api that draws a QR code. the savetofile method results in a zero length file. Many thanks TestImg.zip
  5. Hi Whats the way to save a png image file to disc from a Tuniimage that gets its image from a url? Dragging the image to the desktop from the browser creates a png file in the desktop directory yet the standard programmatic file and stream based methods just result in a zero length file. e.g. uniimage1.picture.savetofile('afile.png') uniimage1.picture.graphic.savetofile('afile.png') uniimage1.picture.bitmap.savetofile('afile.png') So far I've used an additional TidHttp to Get the data from the same url as the Tuniimage and write it to a filestream which works fine but it would be nice to just use the one resource if possible. Thanks
  6. I have recently had this for the first time. Don't ever remember seeing it previously in 20 plus years of Delphi use. Does appear to be related to adding a reference to a datasource on a different form.
  7. Thanks for the quick response - that's what I would have used with VCL but it did not appear to have any effect
  8. Hi In a Unidbgrid Is there a means to turn the cell highlight on and off at run time. I have a child grid that populates with the change of its parent. It should not have any cells shaded when first drawn but allow subsequent selections with the usual visual feedback of cell highlighting. Thanks
  9. Many thanks, that works. Thought it had been mentioned before but couldn't find it. All the best
  10. Hi I would like to show a calendar to allow a user to select a date that will always be in the past - it would be nice to not display the 'Today' button of a Unicalendar. Is there some js that can do this magic? Thanks
  11. Hi Is it possible to hide the vertical grid lines for the titles of a UniDbGrid?. They look a bit incongruous when RowSelect is enabled and Vertical column lines are disabled for the grid body. Thanks
  12. That's great Thanks for the rapid reply. All the best
  13. Hi I'm using the OnCloseUp event of a UniCombobox that has an enabled clear button. Howto capture the clear event ? thanks
  14. I guess it means we wont be seeing any TMS components for uniGUI
  15. Looks good from the demos, may well become a strong contender in this space?
  16. That's great - thanks n.b. Already had this (to get ideal column widths) columns.forEach(function(el){el.flex=1}) in the reconfigure function. need to ensure this is now called after the sender.headerCt.getMenu...... to avoid an ajax undefined error
  17. How to provide the list of columns to show but hide the greyed-out sort options in the Column header menu of a Unibdgrid? Thanks
  18. Can I have a new password for the Customer Portal please? Thanks registered email harry@aspxx.co.uk
  19. Hi When a user access a url that is protected with this mechanism they are presented with a username & password dialog - by the browser. A client can included the credentials in the request header. The simplest implementation (basic access authentication) uses the authorization header field of the http request e.g. the request header contains Authorization: Basic QWxhZGRpbjpPcGVuU2VzYW1l where QW.... is the username and password string, base64 encoded. Subsequent versions have been defined e.g. Digest access authentication in which the username and password are hashed. I wanted to prevent the 'browser', a TUniURLFrame in my case, from popping up the dialog to request credentials, and have them silently presented via the request header. Thanks
  20. Hi Is there a means to set the authorization header when using a TUniURLFrame? I need to access some resources in a unigui app that are 'protected' by http authentication and I don't want the user to have ready access to the credentials / or require them to type anything in. - it used to be possible to enter these in the url (//username:password@theurl) but that's been long deprecated. Thank you
  21. There are a number of Geolocation APIs - Some free e.g. a 'Get' to http://freegeoip.net/json/ipAddressHere returns this json [N.B. It's not that geographically accurate but for me it's the correct country and within 10-15 miles!] { "ip": "xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx", "country_code": "GB", "country_name": "United Kingdom", "region_code": "ENG", "region_name": "England", "city": "Bromley", "zip_code": "BR1", "time_zone": "Europe/London", "latitude": 51.4, "longitude": 0.05, "metro_code": 0 }
  22. I think a customer may have had a similar thing last week, started after various server updates had been performed - including an update to the server's Kaspersky based protection. The Unigui system was relocated to another server - without Kaspersky and it's all good again. So I never got a chance to investigate any further.
  23. Sorry my mistake! '/files/' is an alias to to the actual path (c:\test\ in this example) - it's working fine - I had another typo that sent me down the wrong track. Thanks as always
  24. Hi In the OnCreate of ServerModule FilesFolder := paramstr(1) In a session you can then refer to UniServerModule.FilesfolderPath which correctly reflects the path as the 1st parameter supplied to the exe when it starts. if I start a standalone exe server with a parameter of 'c:\test\' FilesFolderPath is indeed c:\test\ However UniServerModule.FIlesFolderURL does not reflect this it still shows the default '/files/' How to get the URL of the FilesFolder in this case? Thanks
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