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Everything posted by donlego

  1. it's work perfectly , thanks you very much @Sherzod
  2. the same as usual, only the first time it appears, in the center right, and then as usual, it doesn't cover the previous message
  3. ok, i was try with css .x-toast{ top:160px !important; } but if there is >= 2 toast message , it's cover previous toast message
  4. yes , i try with align:r but the toast is not show nothing error in console tab i use unigui ver 1541 , extjs 7.0.0,
  5. the align:br = bottom right i want the toast message position / align is right center like this
  6. it's work thanks very much , how with the align position , is there any solution for align:r right center position
  7. one more think try to set toast align to right center align:r try set the align with r , the toast is not show, no error on console can the toast align set to center right ?
  8. from the that link , i just find to restart app no code for close the toast message
  9. sorry , form the link you post , i dont find how to close the toast message with the button on toast message, i want when click the close button , the toast message is close/hide/disapear here is my procedure
  10. i use this function the toast messgae is show , but when i click the hide/close button the toast message is still show , how to close/hide the toast message ? unigui version 1541
  11. have you solved this problem? how to solve it, I have the same case as you, get errors when session expires or closed manually from application Exception raised while destroying session: Access violation at address unigui hyperserver ver 1541, on xampp apache, and window server , when the exception raised the node become suspend for long time
  12. browser console show error try https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/troubleshoot/developer/webapps/iis/health-diagnostic-performance/error-503-event-5189-web-application the cmd mirosoft run the comand invaid service
  13. hello @Abaksoft i was try all, write/read all folder, turn off uac,turn off firewall, put the app not in C drive except the manifest , but nothing succes,
  14. hello any body has experince deploy on win 11 as server ? i try deploy on win 11 it's always getting error i deploy the exe / stand alone , isapi same error unigui ver 1541 error.txt
  15. procedure TFrmPostBayar.UniURLFrame1FrameLoaded(Sender: TObject); begin inherited; if UniURLFrame1.URL<>'' then begin FrmPostBayar.ShowMask(''); try // long proses to preview UniURLFrame1.JSInterface.JSCode ('Ext.defer(function(){'#1'.iframe.contentWindow.print()}, 10);'); finally FrmPostBayar.HideMask; end; end; end;
  16. Sory uniurlframe onframeloaded, i mean, the hidemask imediate run before the procedure do_print_frame()
  17. Onloadedform imediately hide the mask , Form1.showmask; Try Do_print_frame(); Finally Form1.hidemask(); End;
  18. sory can you tell me, which demo thanks
  19. hello i have uniurlframe load pdf file about +- 10 page how to know if uniurlframe load the full page /finish load i want to show unimask on the form before load and hide the mask after the file finish until all page
  20. o, i dont know if the qz tray is paid , do you have example for the git link connected with unigui thank's
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