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Everything posted by stas

  1. Hi Thanks Other method with pdf.js DisplayPdf:=UniServerInstance.NewLocalCacheFile('pdf'); CopyFile(MyPdf,DisplayPdf,False); S:=UniServerInstance.LocalCacheURL; S:=S+ExtractFileName(DisplayPdf); if copy(S,1,1)<>'/' then S:='/'+S; S:=UniServerInstance.FilesFolderURL+'pdf.js/web/viewer.html?file='+S; UniUrlFrame1.url:=S;
  2. Hello try this UniSession.AddJs(MyMemo.jsname+'.iframeEl.dom.contentWindow.print();'); works on http://prime.fmsoft.net/demo/htmled.dll Regards;
  3. It`s problem Unigui installation packages After Install reinstall package restart delphi
  4. Edit UniVersion.inc Replace {.$DEFINE UNI095} For {$DEFINE UNI095}
  5. You can adapt packages for XE3 yourself, Replace in *.dpk uniGUI16 on uniGUI17
  6. Teechart Javascript html5 library http://teechart.com/teechart/html5 adapted for UniGui for 0.93 and 0.95 version (see UniVersion.inc) with standard Delphi TeeChart design-time editor component and code sample live demo on http://db.kontora.ua/chartDemo.dll ChartDemo.zip
  7. Standard Windows game Delphi port by Xue Huai Qing xhq@writeme.com http://db.kontora.ua/mines.dll UniGui 0.93 or 0.95 P.S. for uniGui 0.95 change ExtVersion MineSweeper.zip
  8. Hello, You can use TWebBrowser component or Delphi chromium (https://code.google.com/p/delphichromiumembedded) Or call external browser by if ExtractFileExt(GetModuleName(HInstance))='.exe' then ShellExecute(Application.Handle, PChar('open'), PChar(''+IntToStr(port)), Nil, Nil, SW_SHOW); Regards. Успехов.
  9. Hello mr.Farshad Please add Hint property to TUniColumnTitle Thanks
  10. Simple ext.form.triggerfield unigui wrapper UniButtonEdit.rar
  11. First post has been modified Успехов Regards
  12. Combobox with icon in list iconcombo.rar IconComboSample.rar
  13. You can download source in this topic http://forums.unigui.com/index.php?/topic/2457-qrcode-decode-encode/
  14. Can I add Column with xtype=actioncolumn in TUniDBGrid ?
  15. not necessarily, also works sender.plugins=Ext.create('Ext.ux.form.field.MyPlugin'); alert(sender.plugins[0]);
  16. function OnBeforeInit(sender) { sender.plugins=Ext.create('Ext.ux.form.field.MyPlugin'); }
  17. Thanks. I`m hope too. because the use of "Hacked" controls is not "comme il faut" Regards
  18. Hello patmap This example to adapt TUniXPopupmenu to standard unigui component (TUniButton,TUniMemo,TUniEdit etc) Tested with extjs3(UniGui 089) and extjs4 (UniGui 090). Thanks for this component. Regards. XPopupMenu.rar
  19. Do you try build and run stand-alone Application ?
  20. Why? This is 32 && 64 version
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