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Everything posted by ZhangLazarus

  1. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Content_delivery_network The Extjs, UNIGui Js, touch Js other JS files, image files, video files and other static resource files saved on the CDN server 1) WEB improve service response, because CDN optimization based ISP 2) while reducing bandwidth web services, because CDN assign data streams to a different CDN service node 将Extjs、UNIGui Js、touch Js 等其他JS文件、图片文件、视频文件等静态资源文件保存在CDN服务器上 1)提高WEB服务响应,因为CDN会根据ISP优化 2)同时降低web服务的带宽,因为CDN将数据流分配到不同CDN服务节点 例如: For example: 在现有 In the existing UniServerModule.ExtRoot = D: \ ext- \ UniServerModule.UniRoot = D: \ uni-, UniServerModule.TouchRoot = D: \ touch-2.4.1 \ UniServerModule.UniMobileRoot = D: \ unim- \ 基础上增加Based on the increase UniServerModule.ExtRootUrl = http: //*.yourdomain.com/ext- UniServerModule.UniRootUrl = http: //*.yourdomain.com/uni- UniServerModule.TouchRootUrl = http: //*.yourdomain.com/touch-2.4.1/ UniServerModule.UniMobileRootUrl = http: //*.yourdomain.com/unim- 打开网页生成如下代码:Open the Web page to generate the following code: <Link rel = stylesheet href = "/ uni- / css / uni-ext.css" /> <Link rel = stylesheet href = "/ ext- / resources / css / ext-all.css" /> <Script src = "/ ext- / ext-all.js"> </ script> <Script src = "/ uni- / ext-unicommon-min.js"> </ script> <Script src = "/ uni- / ext-sync-min.js"> </ script> <Script src = "/ ext- / locale / ext-lang-zh.js"> </ script> <Script type = "text / javascript"> /{这里指向CDN服务URL 也就是UniServerModule.ExtRootUrl// URL CDN service point here is UniServerModule.ExtRootUrl Ext.Loader.setConfig ({enabled: true, paths: {"Ext.uni": "/ uni- /"}}); </ Script> <Script src = "/ uni- / AlwaysOnTop.js"> </ script> <Script src = "/ uni- / ClearButton / ClearButton.js"> </ script> <Link rel = stylesheet href = "/ uni- / ClearButton / ClearButton.css" /> <Link rel = stylesheet href = "/ uni- / css / uni-xtheme-common.css" /> <Link rel = stylesheet href = "/ uni- / css / uni-xtheme.css" /> <Script src = "/ uni- / ext-unigui-min.js"> </ script> not cache & first load unigui CDN VS no cdn cdn not cache first load unigui no cdn no cache first load unigu
  2. Indy + GZIP OR Http 2.0 Let UNIGUI faster http://www.indyproject.org/sockets/blogs/jpetermugaas/2005_08_30_A.en.aspx
  3. RealThinClient support Lazarus http://www.realthinclient.com/ I think he may be better suited http / https service than indy, because of the greater amount of concurrency
  4. Cross-compile multiple operating systems, comes with a lot of controls, and automatic installation
  5. fastreport, Ehilb, Indy == support Lazarus Lazarus and more powerful
  6. http://www.pilotlogic.com/sitejoom/index.php/wiki/86-wiki/codetyphon-studio/installation/167-installation-general CodeTyphon installation use only one zip file for all host OSes, with "Build from the source" philosophy. NOTE: You can write all files and folders of "CodeTyphonIns.zip" to a DVD, in this case for windows OS installation start automatic. For detail installation: Windows XP-Vista-7 Windows 8.x-10.x Linux FreeBSD Solaris OpenIndiana MacOS X
  7. Multi OS-CPU Cross-Build Programming Architecture for: Compiler. Compiler Packages. Visual RAD IDE. Visual RAD IDE Components Packages. Debugger. Multi Platform (widget) Native Architecture for: Visual RAD IDE. Visual RAD IDE Components Packages. Tools Dual Personality Architecture (MultiArch) for: Compiler. Compiler Packages. Visual RAD IDE. Visual RAD IDE Components Packages. Debugger. On Windows64, Solaris64, OpenIdiana64 and some Linux64 Distributuions, has for FreePascal and Typhon IDE Dual Personality. Multi OS-CPU Cross-Build Toolchains Build Engine. Multi OS-CPU FreePascal Cross-Build Elements Build Engine. Cross-Build Toolchains Web Library. Cross-Build OS system files Web Library. Typhon Big-IDE , more packages and more functionality. CodeOcean Sub-Project with about 900 samples for all CodeTyphon packages. Full Source Code for Typhon IDE, FreePascal Compiler, Components Packages, sample projects and tools.
  8. Multi OS-CPU-Platform Installation and Setup Systems With single zip file for all host OSes All In One Directory structure "Build ALL from the source", philosophy Multi OS-CPU-Platform Web Update System With "One Time Rolling Installation", philosophy You can update to "CT Current stable" version or "CT Developent Lab" version Multi OS-CPU-Platform Programming Architecture for: Compiler. Compiler Packages Visual RAD IDE. Visual RAD IDE Components Packages. Debugger. Help System. Code Samples and Projects. Tools Multi OS-CPU-Platform Control Center with: Installation Status Session. IDE and Compiler Building and Maintenance Session. Compiler Packagers Control Session. IDE Components Packagers Control Session. GNU Cross-Build Toolchains Builder FreePascal Cross-Build Element Engine front-end. Host OS Script Engine Host OS User Script Session Tools Session. Web Update Manager Web Toolchains Download Manager Web Libraries Download Manager
  9. http://www.pilotlogic.com/sitejoom/index.php/wiki/84-wiki/codetyphon-studio/223-codetyphon-status CodeTyphon current version 5.20 6 Native OS Host Layers. Windows Linux FreeBSD Solaris OpenIndiana MacOS X 11 Native OS-CPU Host Layers. Windows 32-bits (WinXP, Vista32, Win7-32, Win8-32) Windows 64-bits (Vista64, Win7-64, Win8-64) Linux 32-bits Linux 64-bits FreeBSD 32-bits FreeBSD 64-bits Solaris 32-bits Solaris 64-bits OpenIndiana 32-bits OpenIndiana 64-bits MacOS X 75 (plus) OS-CPU-Platform Target Layers.with native Cross-Build techonogy
  10. http://www.pilotlogic.com/sitejoom/index.php/wiki/84-wiki/codetyphon-studio/72-codetyphon-about CodeTyphon is the Free "Pascal Visual Programming Studio", for Cross-Platform Native Development, with Multi-OS, Multi-CPU, Multi-Platform and Cross-Build abilities. Yes, it's a Free and Open-Source, "Tera" Programming Studio, to build any kind of application, Commercial or Non Commercial. CodeTyphon has Typhon V-IDE (Visual Integrated Development Environment)+ FreePascal compiler+Tools+Free Components packages+Free Libraries+ tons of samples and all these are Free and Open-Source. CodeTyphon Programming Studio is completely free of cost for you to develop, enjoy and share. We believe we should use and distribute the software and it's content, we promote to accomplish our mission of advancing free software. We provide free alternatives to proprietary code and content to make CodeTyphon completely free and redistributable for everyone. This way, anyone can use our work for their own purposes, without legal hassles, to further spread free software. CodeTyphon has been designed to be simple to operate yet powerful enough to fulfill all your professional and industrial programming needs. We've added many new features to CodeTyphon over the course of its development. Our focus is on delivering power and usability at the same time and making your software development enjoyable without overloading your senses. We intend to continue improving and stabilizing CodeTyphon to give you the best programming experience possible. We hope you will have a good time using CodeTyphon. If not, please help us make it better by reporting bugs and suggestions to our Forums. CodeTyphon is licensed as: Freeware.
  11. 完全可以通过URLFrame或者HTMLFrame来实现
  12. CodeTyphon http://www.pilotlogic.com/sitejoom/index.php/downloads/viewcategory/30-codetyphon
  13. 3, rich controls (recommended to install the Lazarus integrated environment http://www.pilotlogi....php/codetyphon) 4, practice has proved a lot of VLC controls after appropriate modifications can support Lazaurs (installed CodeTyphon can see a lot of transplantation of Vcl controls)
  14. 1)fieldLabel 2)allowBlank 3)hideLabel 4)labelAlign 5)labelWidth, 6)maxLength 7)maxLengthText 8)minLength 9)minLengthText, 10)minWidth 11)regex 12)regexText.
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