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  1. It would be great to move all static file (especially ExtJS) to a different domain and use CDN (Content Delivery Network) on this domain.
  2. I would move all static files (including and especially ExtJs) to CDN (Content Delivery Network). Is it possible? If yes, the how?
  3. Thank you very much for updates! Wishes: add support for run time changes of Enabled and Visible properies for Popup menu items.
  4. I'll answer myself. 1. Search a child window of the Frame.VCLContainer.Handle with the 'Internet Explorer_Server' class. 2. Get IHTMLDocument2 and IWebbrowser2 interfaces using the following code: function GetIEFromHWND(WHandle: HWND; var pDoc: IHTMLDocument2; var IE: IWebbrowser2): HRESULT; var hInst: HWND; lRes: DWORD; Msg: Integer; ObjectFromLresult: TObjectFromLresult; begin hInst := LoadLibrary('Oleacc.dll'); if hInst=0 then begin Result := GetLastError; exit; end; @ObjectFromLresult := GetProcAddress(hInst, 'ObjectFromLresult'); if @ObjectFromLresult <> nil then begin try lRes := 0; Msg := RegisterWindowMessage('WM_HTML_GETOBJECT'); if SendMessageTimeOut(WHandle, Msg, 0, 0, SMTO_ABORTIFHUNG, 1000, @lRes)<>0 then begin Result := ObjectFromLresult(lRes, IHTMLDocument2, 0, pDoc); if Result = S_OK then (pDoc.parentWindow as IServiceprovider).QueryService(IWebbrowserApp, IWebbrowser2, IE); end else Result := GetLastError; finally FreeLibrary(hInst); end; end else Result := GetLastError; end; It allows you fully control the web frame from the VCL mode. Note: The 'Internet Explorer_Server' child window will be available only after you'll load something to the frame.
  5. But may be, is it possible in the current version in any kind?
  6. I load a HTML page to the TUniURLFrame component in VCL mode. I would catch "onclick" events on some objects of the loaded HTML page in my program. Is it possible?
  7. Кто-нибудь оценивал производительность приложений через веб с использованием unigui. Планирую развернуть на публичном сервере. Сколько одновременных клиентов выдержит? Какая система нужна для этого? Датасеты используются, но очень мало. Буду признателем, если кто поделится опытом.
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