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Everything posted by eelias

  1. Thank you! You helped me a lot with you code, It was exactly what I needed.
  2. Hi there! I want to know if the vertical scroll bar is showing, and if is possible to know its width. I am auto calculating the width of the columns and when there is many rows and the grid shows up the veritical scroll bar my calculations goes wrong. Thank you
  3. Hi there! I am trying to make a TUniPanel Fadein and then Fadeout. On this panel I have only a TUniLabel. I am trying to make something like the ToastMessages we find on Android Phones, those little messages that shows up for few seconds. I have added a TUniTimer on the form, and I set it to fire an event on 5 seconds; When showing the message i use: UniSession.AddJS(UnPanelMessage.JSName + '.animate({ duration: 1000, to: { opacity: 1 });'); Then, when the Timer event is fired, I use UniSession.AddJS(UnPanelMessage.JSName + '.animate({ duration: 1000, to: { opacity: 0 });'); However the panel just do not show up. If I remeve this line, and change my code for something like UnPanelMessage.Visible := true and then UnPanelMessage.Visible := false It works fine, so my code is working fine, the panel is visible, the color is correct, timer is working, etc. But when I add the JS code it simply does not show. I have changed the opacity from 1 to 0 on start etc I wonder if someone could give a hand on that. Eduardo
  4. Thank you, I have understood the overall idea. I would like to know how can I add this function to the client side. Is it due UniSession.AddJS? like I am doing right now for the animation? This should be a function that sits there for session time. I have many panels that will need to be tracked down, so my class will add a such function for each panel. What should be done to persist on the client side and do not have conflicts? Regards, Eduardo
  5. Thank you, I took a look, however I could not get the Idea. I could see how to write ext pascal code to handle the EXTJS components. I could not see how to get the information on delphi from the current status of a EXTJS component. Using the animate works fine, however the delphi side of the component do not get updated with the new Top and Left value, it keeps the original when I created the component. On my case, I need to be aware when an animate event is finished and get the new Top and Left of the component. I see on ExtJS 4.1 documentation there is the afteranimate( this, startTime, eOpts ) http://docs-devel.sencha.com/extjs/4.1.1/#!/api/Ext.fx.Anim-event-afteranimate How can I catch this on delphi code? Is it related to TUniPanel.ExtControl class where there is many events? (I am trying to make the UniPanel animate). There is this function: function TExtUtilObservable.On(EventName : String; Handler : TExtFunction; Scope : TExtObject = nil; Options : TExtObject = nil) : TExtFunction; begin Can I register any ExtJS event with this? Could you give me a little direction? Eduardo
  6. Fantastic! That worked very well! I have a question regarded to it. I am now using this to move panels, It works, however it does not update the component values, like .Top .Left for example. Is there a was to: 1) get an event when the animation finished? (when finished I could update the delphi side properties) 2) how can I get the values from the extjs side? like the .Top or .Left properties? Thank you
  7. Hi there! I have a master detail form with a dbgrid connected to a DBISAM TTable. The master grid has a column TOTAL, that is linked to the same column on the TTable. It is a calculated field On the OnCalcFields i have a loop on the detail table (another DBISAM TTable) that calculates the total and stores the value on the master: procedure TDMMainG.TablePedidoCalcFields(DataSet: TDataSet); var total : Currency; begin total := 0; TablePedidoItPesq.First; while not TablePedidoItPesq.Eof do begin total := total + (TablePedidoItPesq.FieldByName('valor').AsCurrency * TablePedidoItPesq.FieldByName('qtd').AsFloat); TablePedidoItPesq.Next; end; DataSet.FieldByName('total').Value := total; end; With a breakpoint on this code I can see that the TOTAL is getting calculated right. However on the DBGrid is shows only one value as the same for all rows. Sometimes the first, sometimes the last. I have not found why. I have tried fetchall, recno, etc and in any situation is the same. What can I do to fix this situation? Thanks Eduardo
  8. Erich, Did you have any success on that? I want to have a panel and make it slide to the right, until it disappear. It is like the same effect of that folding/unfolding that we have on the unipanel, it needs to be smooth. I have tried many methods, but I suppose it needs to be JS on the browser side and I dont have the knowledge for that yet. Eduardo
  9. I see that is hard to get an answer even for simple questions on this forum, however I will try this one.... I want to create a UniGUI app that will have Frames, like the MegaDemo with all those frames. However I dont want to have those frames as a direct unit to the app. I want to be like "installable". I was thinking on using an Interface way, then creating the TUniFrame as a COM object. However I dont know what are the dependencies for that work correctly, and I dont want to be just trying. I could create a wrap with an interface, then I install this component and calling this interface I can ask for the TUniFrame that it contains inside. Than it creates it and pass back, however there is a context for that. Any clue? Eduardo Elias
  10. Hi there, I am trying to use TUniImage with a PNG image because it support transparency. But when I try to use it, I see that the picture property permit that I load the PNG image, however it is shown as TdxPGNIMage. That is part of DevExpress, so I believe Delphi is selecting the available class for PNG Image. However running the application I get a "cannot assign TdxPNGImage to a TJPEGImage" PNG is pretty standard and the prefered image format for web these days. Specially when transparency is needed. What should I do?
  11. I am getting the following error when I try to download the ZIP file from the #1 post of this thread: Oops! Something went wrong! [#10173]We could not find the attachment you were attempting to view. I wonder if someone could fix it. Thanks !
  12. Hi there, I am trying to use TuniScrollBox in a UniForm as the background (align=client) On this uniScrollAbox I have changed the autoscroll to false, I dont want the use to control the scroll. My need is to scroll horizontally only. Where I can have the effect of changing one page to another. I will only will have 2 pages at the component. Left and Right Page. The user only will be able one of the pages. According to the selected options on the page the OTHER page get refreshed and then the pages are changed with the scroll. I am not sue that is possible with uniScrolBox, the efect of sliding of this component is very interesting, and is what I need. However I need to controle the position of the scroll, to change it to left or right according the direction. I need also to know the overall current attributes of the uniScrollBox, because I need to make sure only one page can be seen. Anyone have idea on how to reach that? Thanks in advance.
  13. Hi there, I am new around here and still learning. But need some ideas on how to deal with the following: I see that the standalone server of uniGUI is based on indy. That is fine, since I know it. I have already a Webservice that I made using indy 10 with delphi xe2. It is working fine. In fact, this server has already a lot of things already done. Specially business classes and access to tables etc. Everything just ready. I was wondering if there is a way to wrap the uniGUI standalone server and put together on THE SAME PROGRAM. There is no need to be the same indy components for sure, it will be using different ports. I am using idHTTPs, but it will be a different one. That will make my life much simplier, since the forms will be supplied by uniGUI, but the rest of the functionality will be provided by the classes of my server. If that is possible, what is needed to achieve that? I need that to be created dynamically. I have a configuration file that tell me what is needed to be running on the server, then it creates each object needed and sets configurarion. I was hoping to have a class to wrap up the uniGUI standalone server and setup what is needed. This class will be a singleton on this server. Thank you in any help! Eduardo Elias
  14. HI there, Well, I have decided to start a new project using uniGUI and give a try with it! Lets see how it will respond to the task, I am with a great hope it will work very well. I am right now having the same trouble related before on this thread: MainForm.MonitoredKeys.Keys: Property MonitoredKeys.Keys does not exist When opening the loginform demo. I have openede the uniGUI2012Group on Delphi XE2 update 4 and build it. Also I have installed the 4 packages on the order mentioned on the tutorial. Seems that all of them got installed according to the dialogs (same as the tutorial) I have removed and installed all over again and I could not solve the problem. I see on installed design packages 3 packaged named FMSoft and the SynEdit package as well. I have no idea what else is needed. I used to have synedit package installed before, I removed it from the package list before installing uniGUI since it was conflicting. After removing it I could install the uniGUI package. Installed under Windows XP SP3 with fmsoft_unigui_beta_0.93.1.1000_setup.exe Thanks for any help.
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