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Farshad Mohajeri

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Everything posted by Farshad Mohajeri

  1. Thanks Issue logged as #986
  2. Well, there are not much new stuff in 0.85.0 except the new core itself which may remain unnoticed it you don't look deeply at it. Here is the latest change log: +---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - 0000981: TUniTreeView.Selected:=Node doesn't select Node - 0000713: Merge new framework Core - 0000952: UniListBox: ItemIndex set bug - 0000958: TUniForm.BringToFront - 0000963: IE8 Compatibility mode for IE9 - 0000960: Component reference late binding problem - 0000978: UniBitBtn: Change Glyph at runtime - 0000871: UnixxxComboBox: OnCloseUp event - 0000975: TUniForm: Delete unimplemented props from TUniForm DFM - 0000977: DBLookUp Controls KeyValue bug - 0000551: HTTP Compression - 0000959: Bug when TUniFrame is set as Parent - 0000957: Dynamically created UniTabSheet doesn't render contents properly - 0000961: UniGroupBox: Alignment issue when inside another UniGroupBox: - 0000964: TUniDBGrid: Loading dataset triggers multiple AfterScroll events - 0000967: UniDBMemo: Can't display TWideMemoField data - 0000935: ClientInfo is not set when mode is mfPage - 0000936: UniDBGrid: resetting dgTitles has no effect - 0000938: TUniGUISession.Terminated property added - 0000939: TUniPageControl: Scroll when Tabs overflow
  3. Well, it is almost done. There are some small tweaks that I'm still working on. My plan is to release it no later than 15th May.
  4. There is another workaround. The trick is to force IE9 to work in IE8 compatibility mode using Meta tags. I'll implement it in 0.85.0 .
  5. To be realistic switching from Ext JS to anything else is something that we may consider only in a far future. In foreseeable future Ext JS is our friend.
  6. I think I could identify your problem. It is related to ShowModal and not DBX itself. In attached test case: UniFormLogin().ShowModal(); if (UniFormLogin().ModalResult = mrOK) then begin UserLogin := UniFormLogin().edtLogin.Text; UserPassword := UniFormLogin().edtPassword.Text; SQLConnection.Params.Values['User_Name'] := UserLogin; SQLConnection.Params.Values['Password'] := UserPassword; SQLConnection.Open(); //if (SQLConnection.Connected) then //begin UniStatusBar.Panels[0].Text := 'Connected!'; UniDBGrid.Visible := True; UniToolButton1.Enabled := False; UniToolButton2.Enabled := True; SQLDataset.Active := True; ClientDataSet.Active := True; //end; end; In WebMode ShowModal is not "blocking" and code block after is immediately executed. The code block inside IF..THEN is not executed because ModalResult never returns mrOK. Instead you must execute the above code inside LoginForm's OnClose event. procedure TUniFormLogin.UniFormClose(Sender: TObject; var Action: TCloseAction); begin if ModalResult=mrOK then MainForm.ProcessOK; end;
  7. Looks good. 70% compression and two times faster load time.
  8. I'd call it Intranet not Internet.
  9. Somewhere in this week. Good question. The answer seems to be version 0.86.0. 1.0 or 1.1. Again, it can be sooner as I haven't explored yet the difficulties of Ext JS 4 integration. Another good question. We must wait for 0.90.0 for purchase pricing details. I can't say much for bundling as it depends on Sencha and their attitude towards this. You can buy Ext JS 4.0 now and buy uniGUI without Ext JS bundled later. That's quite possible.
  10. I think you refer to the problem where you try to update chart data before the Chart itself is completely loaded. This is Issue #620. The problem here is the Flash Chart doesn't load as soon as the page is rendered. If you try to modify its data before it is loaded a JS error occur. I will try to find a workaround.
  11. It depends on the specific browser . Chrome has an Application Mode which can be activated from command line. I'm not familiar with JS code which can do this automatically. Personally I would hate if a program change my browser look without asking me first.
  12. For DBCombo we already have the OnSelect event. We will implmement the OnCloseUp event for DBLookUpCombo. I think it will resolve this issue.
  13. It's a known issue. ie9 compatibility issues are pending. You receive these errors when and where? Can you paste the error text?
  14. All distributed JS files are already minified. 0.85.0 will implement HTTP compression which will improve page load time.
  15. Thanks. Feedback on speed differences, especially for mobile devices and slow connections, is appreciated.
  16. Here is our official demo compiled with 0.85.0 and HTTP compression enabled: http://prime.fmsoft....demo/ucdemo.dll Here is same demo without compression (Compiled with 0.84) http://prime.fmsoft.net/demo/udemo.dll My test results on a 1 mbit connection: A full reload without compression : 15-20 secs A full reload with compression : 5-7 secs (On most desktop browsers you can make a full reload by pressing Ctrl+F5)
  17. Update: I'm trying to include Compression in version 0.85.0, that's why it is being delayed.
  18. Farshad Mohajeri

    Play Mp3

  19. I prefer ISAPI module over standalone. If your software is not fully debugged and your server crash ISAPI module can be re-loaded into memory. Standalone server must be restarted manually. If you want to run in standalone mode then deploy it as a Windows service. Among ISAPI servers IIS has better security and recovery options.
  20. If you don't want to dedicate a port or run several uniGUI apps on same port you need to deploy your app as ISAPI module. In this case IIS or Apache will be your server. In other cases when you want to dedicate a port to an app you can use internal server. (Standalone server)
  21. That's all the info Ext JS returns.
  22. In ServerModule: Enabled->False
  23. Do you want to check the value inside an event? Does TUniDBLookupComboBox have a Value property?
  24. Not in 0.85.0 We may have Ext JS 4 in a post 0.90 or even post 1.0 release. It depends on amount of changes that are required to integrate the Ext JS 4.
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