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  2. do you know this component? https://github.com/justvamp/extjs-image-viewer-component?tab=readme-ov-file do you have any other third-party image component for the UNIGUI framework?
  3. please try this with PC and with mobile and see the different
  4. yes, i'm playing with uniimage and uniUrlFrame. see what better
  5. Попробуйте проанализировать: https://sheetjs.com/ https://medium.com/@me.mohamed.elnagar/working-with-xlsx-files-in-javascript-a-beginners-guide-b649a06de8fc
  6. You can use this: strVal := UniSession.ARequest.Params.Values['YourParameter'];
  7. and how do i remove the : clip property from the image - if I put UniImage instead
  8. i also want to control the image CSS property
  9. I already replaced the & with %26 and called my app in a browser with: http://myuniguiapp.com/?request_uri=http://domain2.com/?param1=1%26param2=2&myuniguiappparam1=1 UniApplication.parameters will not recognize it. As result, two parameters are created in uniApplication.parameters. uniApplication.Parameters.Values['redirect_uri'] = "http://domain2.com/?param1=1" // here, the second param is not present uniApplication.parameters.Values['param2'] = 2 // here we find the second parameter as a own parameter. Even if i use a & or %26 uniApplication.parameters.Values['myuniguiappparam1'] = 1 //Correct
  10. ok. i'm trying to write Document Sign Routine. a document is enter to the DMS (Document Managment System) app. the user adds the Invoice no, sum, and the group of signers. the members of the groups get Mail or SMS or both scheduler until thay sign or unsign. the member get message like this if you open in chrome (PC) all ok. but in Mobile, the picture get all the screen, I can not open or size with the finger, I dont see the lower panels... i want to see - by the plain end the screen first I work with frame. and when I show the frame and want to change the text of the TitleButtonfrom "Close" to "Back" on after show or ready it did not work in self.TitleButton.items[0].caption = 'Back". only if I use AddJs + finction+ AddJs (run the function). i can not use the global My_Js_Func.js. i am trying to display the 3 containers as vbox automatically by they dont work as "align=alTop". so I set the layout as flot and set the top-left-height programmatically (width=100%) and the container_1 . height := 800; (after I prepare the screen - and load the image) this don't work so - set it with UniSession.AddJS(PdfContainer.JSName + '.setHeight(''' + IntToStr(NewHeight) + ''');'); NewTop := 3; UniSession.AddJS(PdfContainer.JSName + '.setTop(''' + IntToStr(NewTop) + ''');'); but - as I say - in the develop PC it's work fine. in the external server it dont.... i also want to set the size of the ScrollRange to be total of all containers and margin. and I dont no how to set it. the : self.ScrollRange := TotalHighet; is not working. its look like the render has done and it not repaint itself.
  11. I'm manually paginating the dbgrid, I need to know how many records fit on the screen to adjust the number of records to search in the database.
  12. Hi Folks, How can i get the whole URL with protocoll, Host, path and params of the current session? Something like "window.location.href" in UniGui...
  13. Hello, You need to encode the string, or just try replacing & with %26
  14. Hello, 1. try solution from here: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/16622504/escaping-ampersand-in-url or 2. try to send URI as Base64 or 3. when you get params on server side, try to replace %26 with & and load URI in TStrings (List)
  15. Hi, My unigui app gets called by following URL: http://myuniguiapp.com/?request_uri=http://domain2.com/?param1=1&param2=2&myuniguiappparam1=1 As you can see, the param "request_uri" represents a URL wtih two params. var test := UniApplication.Parameters.Values['redirect_uri'] The variable test contains "http://domain2.com/?param1=1". But i need the whole text of the param "request_uri", includes all params in the url: http://domain2.com/?param1=1&param2=2 ChatGPT says, i have to replace the & char in the param value with %26, somethinl like this: http://myuniguiapp.com/?request_uri=http://domain2.com/?param1=1%26param2=2&myuniguiappparam1=1 But i get the same result in my test variable, param2 is detected as own parameter in UniApplication.Parameters. Does anybody have a hack for that?
  16. Добрый день! Может быть есть какое-то решение? Пользователи жалуются, что при перемещении окна в браузере выше адресной строки, это окно становится невозможно закрыть или переместить, только обновлять страницу в браузере (F5). Понятно, что можно внизу каждой формы делать кнопку "Закрыть", но вдруг можно как-то ограничить перемещение формы вверх, например? Или вдруг есть альтернативное изящное решение?)
  17. Please describe in more detail what you would like, using a constant in an external file is not a good practice, as this may change as you further add elements.
  18. Тут, конечно, немного сложнее проанализировать Вам шаблон файла...
  19. Мне кажется, тут проблем не должно быть, как я понимаю эта разовая операция, после считывания файла и получения/передачи данных, можно будет удалять файлы...
  20. Hello, I didn't quite understand your question. Can you elaborate?
  21. Yesterday
  22. How can I get the height of the grid area and the height of each line? The objective is to calculate how many records can be presented per screen.
  23. Потому, что пользователей много, очень сложно будет определять когда какой файл нужно удалять, а с каким еще работают. А так загрузили в форму, пользователь или сохранит их в базу или просто закроет форму без сохранения. Если при загрузке произойдет ошибка, пользователь будет заливать еще и еще файлы и накопится мусор, и лишний трафик.
  24. i want to make changes using external JS file
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