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ActiveX Control


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Hi, Farshad. Magnific work.

I was testing: Intraweb, Morfik, Raudus and Unigui.


Intraweb: Very poor interface, it works only in Internet Explorer (visual interface), any other browser will not render correctly;

Morfik: Most controls only works in Internet Explorer;

Raudus: Poor components, D7 and D2007 IDE crash constantly (I need restart for each new project), horrible rendering of controls at runtime;

Unigui: The best component suite that I have seen. Works in all browsers (including Android browser)...


I have a problem, I need to insert an OCX control (VLC media player) on my project and this code:


<OBJECT id=vlc4



VIEWASTEXT events="True"><PARAM NAME="MRL" VALUE=""><PARAM NAME="ShowDisplay" VALUE="True">

<PARAM NAME="AutoLoop" VALUE="False"><PARAM NAME="AutoPlay" VALUE="True">

<PARAM NAME="Volume" VALUE="50"><PARAM NAME="StartTime" VALUE="0">

<param name="autoStart" value="true" />



does not works inside TUniHTMLFrame (passed as property HTML).


I was able to view OCX in IE 9 saving the above code in an html file called "Object.html", and I open it with TUniURLFrame in runtime with no problems! OCX control has been shown correctly. Why?


Raudus have a similiar component to TUniHTMLFrame (TRaEstTextPanel), that have a property called "Lines". I Was pass the code above and to TRaEstTextPanel.Lines in runtime and OCX control was displayed correctly.


Can you help me?


Thanks a lot for your excellent work!!!

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Hi, Farshad.


Excellent work. I was test this code with new version and it works! I set the property StaticHTML to true in TUniHTMLFrame.


But only works when TUniServerModule property "MainPageDisplayMode" is mfWindow. Does not works when MainPageDisplayMode = mfPage.


Can you help me again?


Thanks a lot, my company will certainly buy UniGui when you make a commercial version.

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But only works when TUniServerModule property "MainPageDisplayMode" is mfWindow. Does not works when MainPageDisplayMode = mfPage.


It is related to the way Ext JS embeds HTML. Also IE has a non-standard way of handling Active-X objects. I'm not sure if it can be resolved.


Why don't you use embedded objects instead of OCX? ActiveX only works on Windows and IE and is not a cross browser solution.

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I'll try the one suggested by you.


Another problem, WebForm property "JSCode" was moved? If yes, can you give me a sample how I can use it?




<div id="example"></div>


<script type="text/javascript">




I want to get innerHTML from "example" div and this code does not work with new version:




(TUniClientInfos does not work with Opera), "ciOpera" is not in TUniClientInfos when I run the sample "ClientInfo".


How can I proceed?


Thanks in advance

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I'll try the one suggested by you.


Another problem, WebForm property "JSCode" was moved? If yes, can you give me a sample how I can use it?




JSCode is a protected method. You need to use a hack to access it:


 TUniControlHack = class(TUniControl);

procedure TMainForm.UniFormCreate(Sender: TObject);
 if WebMode then

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