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39 minutes ago, Naina DDK said:

Please check UniGUI Demo (Dynamic Form)  it has sample code to create dynamic objects.

You need make Parent and object Name are proper.




Thank you for your explanation
I have created dynamics, but I don't know why the flash hides in the corner to move in the sheets

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1 minute ago, Sherzod said:

Hello @MVakili

Can you make a simple testcase to check?

Hi @Sherzod

It's really hard to make a simple testcase
Because this is part of a big project
But this is how it works
1- I have a static one that looks like this

 object CFPageControl: TUniPageControl
        AlignWithMargins = True
        Left = 3
        Top = 3
        Width = 840
        Height = 383
        Hint = ''
        Align = alClient
        TabOrder = 0
        OnChange = FileView
        ExplicitLeft = 0
        ExplicitTop = 0
        ExplicitWidth = 846
        ExplicitHeight = 389

2- I create a tab for each sub-page, and its order is as follows

        With DM.VTsqlCommands Do
              while Not Eof do
                     EngTName := Dmt.Reg_TableName(FieldByName('CSqlCmd').AsString);
                     With CFPageControl Do
                     for I := 0 to PageCount-1 do
                         if Pages[I].Name=EngTName then

                     if Not F then

                                       TabSheet := TUniTabSheet.Create(CFPageControl);
                                       TabSheet.PageControl := CFPageControl;
                                       TabSheet.Name :=  Trim(EngTName);
                                       TabSheet.Caption :=  FieldByName('Titr').AsString;;
                                       TabSheet.Hint := FieldByName('CSeq').AsString;

Things I checked:
1- set pagecontrol Margins, which finally got better but was not resolved
2- I deleted the CSS, but it didn't change
3- I set RTL to false , but it didn't make a difference

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Thank you for your follow up
Yes, it may be because of CSS
It is possible to write a simple CSS for me
It is possible that I have used the wrong item in my instructions due to unfamiliarity with internal names
In the submitted example, I tried to include the related CSS but the problem does not occur

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