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Found 3 results

  1. uniGUi DOES a PIN Input mobile and desktop (native and "the proper way") -- Eng-Int The PIN (Personal Identification Number or sometimes Private Identification Number) is very useful for authenticating micro transactions in addition to a password. The PIN (Personal Identification Number or Sometimes Private Identification Number) is very useful for micro transactions to authenticate in addition to a password. This example uses native components of uniGUI and a lot of research to mask and fire only the numeric keypad on Mobile. It is not as simple as it sounds, some devices and browser did not work at all ... but it took me time to find the right solution and here it is. For Desktop and Mobile. And just remembering that a PIN is made up of numeric data (4-6) and aims at the practicality of the operation. It is not an additional password but for allowing microtransactions within an APP or service. More up-to-date examples at https://www.uniguiexpress.com/Promopack04.htm -- PT-BT uniGUi DOES a PIN Input mobile and desktop (native and "the proper way") O PIN (Número de Identificação Pessoal ou algumas vezes Número de Identificação Privado) é muito útil para autenticar micro transações além de uma senha. Este exemplo usa componentes nativos do uniGUI e um bocado de pesquisa para fazer a máscara e disparar apenas o teclado numérico no Mobile. Não é tão simples como parece pois em algumas situações e dispositivos não funcionava... e levei tempo para achar a solução correta. Para Desktop e Mobile. E somente lembrando que um PIN é composto de dados numéricos (4-6) e visa a praticidade da operação. Não é uma senha adicional mas para autorização de microtransações dentro de um APP ou serviço. Desktop and Mobile versions. Project source code below... PS: If you can't download, maybe your´re not tagged as an uniGUI Subscriber at this forum. Get in touch with Moderator or Support Staff. I'm not working with uniGUI Developer's Team or a Moderator. Please ! Don't send pvt messages about it. Project available only in the pack Silver at https://www.uniguiexpress.com
  2. Using a PIN -Personal / (or sometimes, Private) Identification Number- is an additional security factor for transactions and serves as a simple way to add an extra layer of authentication or access management. A PIN is usually made up of a few (4-6) numeric digits that are easy to remember. And generally a PASSWORD and a PIN are used together: the password being to initiate an operation (access an application) and the PIN to authorize various operations within the application. This example shows how to use a PIN without using your device's numeric virtual keypad. That is, the example provided here is in its nature indicated for use on mobile. However, it can be used in the same way for Desktop, but I don't think it would make much sense. Download more examples from https://t.me/uniguiexpress See this and many other projects on our website https://www.unigui.com.br/democetera/pack4.html for sale. More content Packs of Projects, Books and Services at http://www.unigui.com.br/
  3. Hi, I wonder if it's possible to put a pin when showing google maps. I'm reading coordinates from mysql and displaying the map that correspond to the coordinates but i want to put a pin to show exactly where on the map the location is? I looked at the google maps demo but there was no pin in the example. Best Regards /Christian
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