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Found 16 results

  1. ShowCheckBoxes:= True; for j:= 0 to 100 do begin i:= lbOutlineSpeakers.Items.Add(UniMainModule.MyQuery1.FieldByName('FullName').AsString+' - '+ UniMainModule.MyQuery1.FieldByName('City').AsString); lbOutlineSpeakers.Selected[i]:= True; end; This only sets once on the first Item, all other lbOutlineSpeakers.Selected[i]:= True; FAILS TO SET ???
  2. I have a need to use the colour of the CheckBox tick to indicate a particular status where one can change its colour at runtime (not CSS) - please advise - thanks.
  3. Olá pessoal! Estamos criando no Mobile uma lista de lojas para que possamos selecionar a loja ou as lojas que desejamos. Nessa lista foi usado um scroll + checkbox criados dinamicamente, só que o checkbox ficou do lado esquerdo do texto e queríamos do lado direito. Ficaremos gratos. Obrigado.
  4. Please can checkbox support be added to Mobile/Touch components - TUnimDBGrid / TunimDBList etc, similar to TUniDBGrid. This feature is a "must have", to allow users to multi-select records in a dataset, on mobile apps. Thanks Rafick
  5. Здравствуйте. Существует две реализации одного проекта "Desktop" версия и "Web" версия. Для реализации функционала работы с вводом параметров запроса в базу данных в Web версии проекта необходимо отобразить CheckBox в заголовке поля (TUniDBGridColumn). Например вот так это реализовано в "Desktop" версии проекта (используется TcxDBVerticalGrid - DevExpress VCL): ВОПРОСЫ: 1. Есть ли возможность реализовать такое в UniDBVerticalGrid? Обходные пути через ClientEvents -> ExtEvents? 2. Как обработать изменение состояния CheckBox (OnChange)? Заранее спасибо.
  6. Hi , I have simple form with checkbox and edit. While I moving on form by mouse clicking it works correctly , but with tab key unicheckbox doesn't blur after losing focus and looks like it has focus I can do this by add listener to that checkbox with unievent like that function afterCreate(sender) { sender.addListener('blur', function(){ this.displayEl.removeCls('x-form-checkbox-focus') }); } My question is if it can be done once by some Ext.form.field.Checkbox.prototype for whole application or it is a bug ? I don't want to add this for each checkbox that i have in application. Thanks
  7. I have a Mobile DBListGrid custom template that uses checkboxes and I need to increase the checkbox size - please advise how - thanks. CustomCSS.Add('.gridCustom '); CustomCSS.Add('{ '); CustomCSS.Add(' min-height: 22px !important; '); CustomCSS.Add(' height: 26px !important; '); CustomCSS.Add(' line-height: 1.1 !important; '); // I would assume here instead of there (makes no difference) CustomCSS.Add('} '); config.itemTpl = new Ext.XTemplate ( '<table class="gridCustom">'+ '<tr>'+ '<td width="269px" style="text-align:left; height:80%">{[this.getStreet(values)]}</td>'+ '<td width="60px" style="text-align:left; height:80%">{[this.getNAH(values)]}</td>'+ '</tr>'+ '</table>', ... getNAH: function(values) { if(values[2] == true) return '<input type="checkbox" checked id="myCheck" onclick="javascript:NotHomemForm.ListGrid.showNahCheck(\''+values[2]+'\')" align="middle" style="margin:auto; width=24px height=24px"/>'; else return '<input type="checkbox" id="myCheck" onclick="javascript:NotHomemForm.ListGrid.showNahCheck(\''+values[2]+'\')" align="middle" style="margin:auto; width=24px height=24px"/>'; } ...
  8. Hi! How to can i select manually a row in a dbgrid? I'm using dgCheckSelect and dbcheckSelectCheckOnly in options property. I'm using trial edition, version
  9. Hi, I am trying to add a CheckBox to a Grid PagingBar (all good so far) and now need an Ajax Notification Change Listener - please advise - Thanks in advance. function pagingBar.afterCreate(sender) { sender.add([ { xtype: 'tbseparator' }, { xtype: "checkboxfield", fieldLabel: '', labelWidth: "0px", inputValue: '0', id: "checkboxID", width: 20, listeners: { change: function(el, v) { ajaxRequest(sender, "_checkboxChange", ["val=]) } } } ]); } ... procedure TMainForm.UniFormAjaxEvent(Sender: TComponent; EventName: string; Params: TUniStrings); begin if SameText(EventName, '_checkboxChange') = True then begin ShowMessage('Hi'); //SHOW CHECKBOX STATE (Checked/UnChecked) HERE end; end;
  10. Hello, Is TUniTreewView support checkbox? and can change font and/or color etc. of node(s) in delphi if Node.Checked then ?????.color:= clred; and where ????? which event(s)???? Is it possible share code how to do? really so hard learn unigui without any document. Thank you.
  11. The checkbox<boolean> field in a DBGrid doesn't not work as expected. There are TWO problems. PROBLEM #1: I would expect that when I click right inside the checkbox, that it will change it's status<from checked to unchecked>. But sadly, this is NOT the case. Example: 1. Load up the sample demo app that has the Grids, 2. Then CLICK INSIDE the checkbox of the "Boolean Field", it's like the 4th or 5th column. Keep clicking it until you see the checkmark CHANGE it's status. 3. NOW move the mouse one row down and click INSIDE the checkbox. You will notice that the checkbox does NOT change status. click it again and it WILL change the status 4. NOT, let's do something a little different. Let's move the mouse down one row and click on the word "true" or "false" that is NEXT to the checkbox. In fact you can click on ANY field in that row. 5. NOW, click inside the checkbox AND IT WILL change it's status. So, what does this mean? It means that until the row has been clicked<selected>, you are NOT able to change the status of the checkbox. That is not intuitive. I would think that if I positioned my mouse inside a checkbox and then clicked it, that the checkbox should CHANGE. I don't know if the problem is with extJS or in the uniGUI code, but I think you will agree that this is not the way that a user would expect it to work. PROBLEM #2: I want to calculate the number of checkboxes that the user checked and then display the total in some label. This ALMOST works. I have trapped several events. OnCellClick, OnCellContextClick, OnMouseUp, OnSetCellValue to no avail. It seems that when the checkmark changes<after I click in in>, my totaling logic is NOT called. BUT, the moment I click on some other field that is NOT a checkbox, then POOF, my totaling logic is called and it displays the correct number of checkmarks. It's as though the clicking of the checkbox does NOT trigger any of these events Am I missing a propery or something? Davie
  12. I had a topic on TListView and no replies I am in dire need to have a list shown to the user and to let the user "checkmark" the items they want. THEN I have a button that processes all the items that are checkmarked. How to do this? I know that in the stringgrid, I can click on several items to select "multiple" items, BUT, if the user then accidentally clicks on another item, then it messes up the selections. They are too fragile and the user can mess up the selections without realizing it. So, a checkbox is more intuitive and you can easily see what's checked and what's not checked. I've looked long and hard and I don't see anything for this. Did I miss something cool? Seems to me that a checkbox feature in some sort of list would be a key feature. Since the items are manually generated, I can't use any of the DB controls. Thanks Davie
  13. Checkbox triggering and change value on focus (when navigation with enter), like that he just received the focus without changing the value. Does anyone have any suggestions? attached example Test Focus Checkbox.rar
  14. Checkbox triggering and change value on focus (when navigation with enter), like that he just received the focus without changing the value. Does anyone have any suggestions? attached example
  15. UniDbbgrid with Checkbox + manages the selected rows (Mr. Bresler). I will start by saying that it is not the result of my work, in fact I have only assembled a few ideas. I have only made minor changes(any lines of code) to TuniZdbgrid.pas (Mr. Farshad Mohajeri), TMyUniXdbgrid.pas (Mr. Bresler). Thanks to all !! thanks also to PatMap for UniXDbgrid. I hope that Mr. Farshad Mohajeri may have the time to provide as soon as possible a Unigui UniDBGRID component more efficient. Tested only with Delphi XE3 and Unigui However, I think it is pretty easy to customize for other Delphi version (replace only MyUniXdbgrid.pas,UniZdbgrid.pas) Installation : uninstall UniZComponents17.dproj (Delphi XE3) (TuniZdbgrid,TuniZpopupMenu,Tunizgridview) if installed. uninstall MyXUniDBGrid.dpk (Delphi XE3) (TMyunixdbgrid) if installed. install new UniZComponents17.dproj (Only for Delphi XE3) Add new Path in Delphi>Tools>Delphi Options>Library install new MyXUniDBGrid.dpk (Only for Delphi XE3) Add new Path in Delphi>Tools>Delphi Options>Library Run demo newgridx.dpr CheckboxGrid.zip Good fun !!! Best regards.
  16. create an html checkbox with a label as I can get the value if true or false in run mode with unigui? I did this because I am working with firebird and this does not support boolean fields. this is in the event of the DataSource onGetText Text: = '<input type="checkbox" name="option1" value="1"> <br>';
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