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Roberto Nicchi

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Everything posted by Roberto Nicchi

  1. And for who want to change the text at runtime: with thegrid.JSInterface do JSCall('setEmptyText', ['The text'])
  2. I have seen it and would be perfect but text is displayed only when the dataset has been opened.
  3. I would like to display a message inside the Tunidbgrid component. The situation is: the user open a form and see the grid. The grid is empty. The user should see a message in the middle of the grid that tell what to do: click some button o press a key to find the data. Any idea ? thanks
  4. I see that now is possible to drag a window (free form created at runtime) out of the work space of the browser. If this happens i see no way to drag it again inside the work space because the form caption is not visible anymore. Is it possible to avoid windows are moved out of the work space ? thanks
  5. The Triton theme (for example) add some horizontal space between buttons in the toolbar. Could someone please tell me the css to use in order to remove the space ? I guess it's possible. thanks
  6. The topic title explains everything. I have attached a self explained example take a look thanks UniGUI Delphi XE10.2.3 Project1.zip
  7. Don't know. I always copy the dll in the application directory.
  8. If a grid has a readonly column is possible to change its value if first another column that is not readonly is clicked to activate the row edititor. Do you want i open a bug report or this is a known problem ? thanks
  9. I have used Indy compnents in unigui app with no problems. Maybe you miss some dll ? In indy i have to include the openssl dll if ssl is used.
  10. Ok ok. I see that for a grid column is possible to use a unicombobox as editor. In the TuniExtComboBox is possible to insert a list of values that are associated to the list of items. The value property returns from values list the the text value that mathes the selected item. If used as editor for a dbgrid, the combobox should save in the dataset field the value property and should display in the cell the item text that matches the value. The value is never visible, it rappresents the ID that is saved in the dataset.
  11. You don't understand what the TuniExtCombobx does or you don't understand what i mean with "make it compatible with the Tunidbgrid" ? Or you don't understand both things ?
  12. Hello, i have created a simple combobox component that has value and values property and is inherited by the standard Tunicombobox I would like to make it compatible with the Tunidbgrid but i have no idea if 1) is possible 2) how to do it thanks uniguiextcombobox.zip
  13. Thanks. This seems to be a global function. I'm wondering if there's a way to create a function that is specific for a frame where it will be used. In the function there will be code that affects specific objects that are in the frame... This is not essential. it's only for avoid to duplicate code in multiple click js events.
  14. Hello, in a frame i have three buttons. Each button has a click js event defined as follow. function click(sender, e, eOpts) { var grid = pagamenti_frm.rate_gd; if (grid.editingPlugin.editing) { grid.editingPlugin.completeEdit(); } do something else ... } The code in bold is common to the three buttons and i don't want to repeat it three times. I guess i have to use a custom js function that i can call inside the click event of the buttons. function click(sender, e, eOpts) { execute the common code do something else ... } The custom function must be specific to the frame where the button are placed and will do some work in others components that are in the frame. How to do it ? thanks
  15. Ok, i have found a workaround. I have created another button not visible. Simple and works.
  16. In the mainform.onkeydown event var shf:boolean; begin if key=VK_F6 then begin if ssShift in shift then shf:=true else shf:=false; Tstandard_frame(pc.activepage.Controls[0]).F6_but.JSInterface.JSCall('click',[]); // i want to pass the shf variable to the click event. end The frame.F6_but.click js event: function click(sender, e, eOpts) { if shift_has_been_pressed then // i miss this part now ajaxRequest(this, '_executeF6shift', []); else ajaxRequest(this, '_executeF6', []); }
  17. In the main form (onkeydown event) when the user press F6, is exeuted the click js event of a button that is inside a frame (see the last post of the thread Grid is in dirty state - General - uniGUI Discussion Forums). In the click js event i would like to know if the function key (F6) has been pressed alone or together with SHIFT key. The idea was to execute JsCall passing a parameter.
  18. Thanks. I have tryed with thebutton.JSInterface.JSCall('click',[1]) but the result in an exception: a.preventDefault is not a function
  19. possible ? if not, is it possible to create a JS function inside a frame ? Now i'm executing in the main form the click event of a button that is inside a frame. But i need to pass a parameter. If it's not possible the idea is to execute a js function inside the frame. Thanks
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