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Everything posted by JamesP

  1. Hello, It doesn't work at the latest complete Professional edition Could you please suggest any solutions to Merge Cells in column for the same value? Kind Regards, J
  2. Hi Sherzod, I haven't got one as it will be difficult to extract that peace of code from my application, but I have create topic with details. Could you please help me out this that? Kind Regards, J
  3. Hello, Assigning OnGetText event of TField doesn't make any difference if field is in TreeKeyFields for TUniDBTreeGrid . In TuniDBGrid it shows correct, but in TUniDBTreeGrid it shows original value. Issue: TDataSet/Query has fields: SEQ_1, SEQ_2, SEQ_3, PRODLEV1, PRODLEV2, PRODLEV3, Field_Name Field_Value When I assigned TreeKeyFields := 'PRODLEV1; PRODLEV2;PRODLEV3'; The first node come ARC and not EME, so it alphabetical order and not as order in TDataSet. I found your comment that it could be used OnGetText to change text for nodes in TUniDBTreeGrid, I have changed TreeKeyFields from 'PRODLEV1; PRODLEV2;PRODLEV3' to TreeKeyFields := 'SEQ_1;SEQ_2;SEQ_3'; And plus to that I have created OnGetText for SEQ_1,SEQ_2,SEQ_3 fields to show Text and not Sequence number, but it shows sequences: 1, 2, ... and not EME, ARC, ..... for nodes in the DBTreeGrid. You can see in attached image TUniDBGrid shows values based on OnGetText correctly, but TUniDBTreeGrid does not. I have attached two images: one is screen from app and other some data example, so you can have some idea about data. What I try to achieve is make DBTreeGrid to show data in order based on SEQ_1, SEQ_2, SEQ_3 and not in Alphabetical order. I am working on the latest full license, WebApp is desktop. Could you please suggest any solutions? Thank you in advance. Kind Regards.
  4. Hello, Assigning OnGetText event of TField doesn't make any difference. In TuniDBGrid it shows correct, but in TUniDBTreeGrid it shows original value. Could you please suggest any solutions? Thank you in advance. Kind Regards
  5. Hello, I have found couple issue with Header grouping. Please see attached screen. First: You can see there is no vertical border on the last column if there is a group header and Theme is uni_emerald. Second: if you have three first columns with property Locked = True and also you assigned GroupHeder for them. These columns are loosing locked, like they are not locked anymore. You can easily replicate the issue on demo "Grid Column Locking - Header Grouping". (Desktop. the latest version Please see attached screens. Could you please suggest any way to work around this issue? I really need to use "uni_emerald" theme. Thank you in advance. Kind Regards
  6. It works, Great. Thank you very much for your help.
  7. Hi Sherzod, When I tried the solution, you provided, on the test project, firstly I put the follow code on OnCreate (form): with UniDBGrid1 do if DragDrop.Enabled then JSInterface.JSCall('getView().findPlugin("gridviewdragdrop").disable', []) //enable That did not work. Then I put the same code on onActivate and it started working. The thing is TUniFrame doesn't have OnActivate, so I do not know what correct place is to put this code for the TUniFrame. The test case would be difficult to create as it dynamically created Frame with data from SQL server. Maybe there is some trick/ jscode that I can use straight after: with UniDBGrid1 do if DragDrop.Enabled then JSInterface.JSCall('getView().findPlugin("gridviewdragdrop").disable', []); Thank you in advance and kind regards.
  8. Hi Sherzod, Thank you very much for your help. The solution works fine if you put it on button click event. I am wondering if you can advise me further as there is an issue with initial disabling Drag Drop. I have got an Structure Frame (TUniFrame) that is created at the runtime. It has toolbutton on top, and pageControl with up to 4 TabSheet, that each has a TUniDBGrid. Top Panel has a toolbuttons that switch Edit mode from False to True and from True to False. Initially, Drag&Drop should be disabled as it's readonly mode, but Drag&Drop is allowed, despite I put the code: procedure TStructureLevelFrame.InitDisableDragDropForDBGrid( ADGGrid: TUniDBGrid); begin if ADGGrid.DragDrop.EnableDrag then begin with ADGGrid do JSInterface.JSCall('getView().findPlugin("gridviewdragdrop").disable', []); end; end; I tried put this procedure in many place in my code: OnFrameCreate OnReady Some other procedures that run on load data But it refuses to work, I mean it allows draging rows. Then when I click on button that enable edit mode it switches runs: if DGGrid1.DragDrop.EnableDrag then begin with DGGrid1 do JSInterface.JSCall('getView().findPlugin("gridviewdragdrop").enable', []); end; and then when I end edit mode it runs: if DGGrid1.DragDrop.EnableDrag then begin with DGGrid1 do JSInterface.JSCall('getView().findPlugin("gridviewdragdrop").disable', []); end; After that the drag&drop works as designed. When Read only mode it does not allow drag&Drop and when edit mode it does. Could you please advise where to put procedure InitDisableDragDropForDBGrid for initial disabling when frame is loading on screen? Thank you in advance. Kind Regards
  9. Hello, I am using OnDropRowsEvent for moving rows inside the same Grid. It works nice and smooth. What issue I have got is if you assigned true to DragDrop.Enabled at design time it will always allow you to drag drop, despite I created a button with OnClick where there is a code: uniDBGrid1.DragDrop.Enabled := not uniDBGrid1.DragDrop.Enabled; Changing uniDBGrid1.DragDrop.Enabled at runtime doesn't make any difference. If it was False at design time or OnCreateForm it will always disallow to drag&drop and if True - always allows. Could you please advise how to work it around? Is there some trick to work around? Thank you in advance
  10. Hello, Here it is the test case for ItemSeparator = "," (comma) and Items with space between words/symbols. uniDBGrid1 has 5 columns: ID, Name, Description, DataValue1 (Option with spaces), DataValue2 (Option no spaces). There is no issue with DataValue2 (Option no spaces) at all, it works nice and smooth. The issue is with DataValue1 (Option with spaces): When you edit it first time and select several option it works. Then if you click again for editing it blanks value out and shows the option list without previous selections. Kind Regards TestCaseItemSeparator.zip
  11. Hello, Thank you for your respond. I have tried this, but it hasn't made any difference. I found why it did not work for me. The issue was in my Items, there are spaces in the options: Apple 1 Cherry 2 ..... When I deleted the spaces and made them: Apple1 Cherry2 ....... It started working properly. It would be great if there is any way to work with Items where there are some spaces, for exapmle: Option 1 Option 2 ...... Choice 23 And have ItemSeparator = "," Thank you in advance. Kind Regards.
  12. Hi, I have tried to implement something similar what exists in demo (checkcmbo or FormControlsCheckComboBox): "Grid with CheckComboBox editor". Even in the demo it works a lit of bit strange (ItemSeparator = ";" for UniCheckComboBox3 (UniHiddenPanel2)) the value is shown like "E; A; C", but when you start to edit the column "Data" of UniDBGrid2 it shows value like "E, A, C" (comma separated and not semi-column). When you finish edit, let say we added "F", firstly it shows "E, A, C, F", but when you move to another row it becomes "E; A; C; F". If you replace from ";" to "," or any other character for property ItemSeparator in UniCheckComboBox3 (UniHiddenPanel2) it won't work at all. What I mean is: Try to edit Data column in UniDBGrid2, it will appear CheckComboBox then select several options and after clicking on other row the value disappear. Could you please suggest any way to work around as I need to use comma for separator and not default semi-column? Could you please provide the solution to this issue? I use Complete_Professional_1.90.0.1551. Desktop mode. Kind Regards
  13. Hi, Could you please advise which uniGui component to use to show list images (maybe thumbnails) as Delphi TListView component has with ViewStyle = vsIcon? Or maybe card list in table layout with Image, Description/ Details? I use the latest version, desktop application Thank you in advance
  14. Hi Sherzod, Previously, I had just state short: Any progress on it. As it was inside the topic where ales2018 (Posted June 26, 2018) stated next: ------------------- Hi, thank you very much for your reply. Well, I think that as an example you can directly use the demo called "Clientside Alignment - Layout Accordion", just put a "showmessage" in the "onexpand" and "oncollapse" events of the "unipanel1, 2 and 3" panels and you will see that the "showmessage" does not run. Why? it would be nice if it worked. ------------------------ I encountered the same issue and I would like some advice to resolve it. Kind Regards
  15. Hi, Any progress on it. Kind Regards
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